Georgia Prosecutors Land a Significant Win in Trump Case to politics – 259 points –
Georgia Prosecutors Land a Significant Win in Trump Case

A judge in Georgia on Wednesday denied motions from two co-defendants to sever their cases from one another in the sprawling racketeering prosecution against Donald Trump.

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee handed down the decision after more than 90 minutes of arguments from prosecutors and defense counsel. The ruling is a win for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, and means Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will be tried together, beginning Oct. 23.

The pair are now “hurtling forward” toward trial, McAfee said as he set new deadlines and scheduling orders.


Who would have thought that a McAfee might one day actually detect malicious agents in a system?

Unfortunately McAfee only works on a trial basis, so get ready to pay up.

That works. If you pay enough money to the right people the crimes go away.

you got a chuckle out of me, a shy, gentle chuckle, one might be forgiven for calling it sensible..

If only John was still around! He'd make sure Trump would get found not guilty through sheer animal magnetism!

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 9/6/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - Fani Willis has now requested a trial date of October 23rd after originally asking for a trial date of 3/4/2024, one day before Super Tuesday..
Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee has ruled that the cases against Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will both begin on October 23, 2023. It will be televised.
Trial dates for the other 17 defendants have not yet been established.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - 3/4/2024, one day before Super Tuesday primaries.

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one. That trial date is currently set for January 15th, the same day as the Iowa caucus. and has now been determined to be for damages only as Trump was already found liable.

You presume there will be convictions in this timeline. I sure hope so, but honestly the only case that seems virtually guaranteed to get a conviction is the election conspiracy trial in DC.

Just laying out the process. If it turns out he's not convicted, that will be marked on the conviction line.

An acquittal seems unlikely in Fulton County, GA in my opinion.

What? The NY one for the obvious payment fraud/misrepresentation is an open shut one, there's no dispute of the facts; The one in Florida might take a while but one co-defendant already struck a cooperation agreement with Jack 'Killer Gaze' Smith; The one in DC with the streamlined indictment and the already established Jan 6 facts Mark Meadows aide testified under oath for the Committee should be pretty straight forward as well; As for this mess down in Georgia I fear that if the case gets severed the orange dirt bag might weasel out of conviction if the prosecutors aren't allowed to present the case as a whole like it was brought by the grand jury. Now the Civil ones are one guilty liability already found at the Jean E Carrol with another recent ruling allowing for damages only for the second go at the Carrol defamation saga and the one about the tax fraud the trumpet crime family had been perpetrating against the state of NY for decades is well known and not a disputed fact as all the crimes this dirt bag commits it's just a matter of keeping his homegrown terrorist wakos away from prosecutors and juries. And lastly the disqualification argument is already being litigated in some states so we might free ourselves from the impending doom of another losing run at the presidency, subsequent fraud whines and maybe some more violence from his unhinged cult followers at the Jan 6 scale or some organized episodes on certain states, this way it would remain lone wolves posting dumb shit on the interwebz instead of a horde of angry racist boomers and white supremacists terrorizing some election workers or some shit like that.

Cheese Bro tried to get away from the crazies and have his own trial and ended up stuck with Powell. That's awesome.

It doesn't help that Cheese Bro's lawyers seem to say that it's not a crime if you're a nobody:

Still, Chesebro’s team tried and tried again to create as much space as possible between their client and Powell, attempting to paint a picture of a man they said “is not a politician,” and that until six or seven months ago, “was probably unknown to 99.9999 percent of the population... And so now to force him to sit here in a trial where there’s evidence of all these other things, it’s just not fair.”

You do criminal gang things, you get criminal gang trials.

I enjoy the defence that it is impossible to commit a crime if you're not famous. Because my car was still in once and it wasn't Nathan Statham who did it, so I guess that it was legal.

The big question that the judge brought up is what is going on with the attempts to move the prosecutions to federal court? The state wants to try all 19 together but the judge pointed out that it might be six months before a decision is made whether to move Meadows and possibly others to federal court. At that point, you might be moving into double jeopardy territory.

Meaning that if Powell and Chesebro are found not guilty in October, then they can't be tried in federal court?

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