Ukraine says it killed top Russian admiral in Crimea missile attack to World – 308 points –
Ukraine says it killed top Russian admiral in Crimea missile attack

The commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Viktor Sokolov, died in Ukraine’s barrage on occupied Crimea last week, Kyiv said Monday.

“After the defeat of the headquarters of the Russian armed forces, 34 officers died, including the commander of the Russian armed forces. Another 105 occupiers were wounded. The headquarters building cannot be restored,” Ukraine’s special operations forces said Monday.

In an initial statement after the attack, the Russian defense ministry said it had shot down five incoming missiles and only one serviceman was killed, though the fleet’s headquarters were damaged.

But rumors about Sokolov’s death circulated online and Ukraine jumped Monday at the chance to confirm the speculation. POLITICO has not independently verified the claims.

The attack was the latest in Ukraine’s quest to liberate occupied Crimea, which Russian President Vladimir Putin seized in 2014. Two weeks ago, Ukraine wrecked a Russian submarine in the port of Sevastopol and also regained control of strategically important oil and gas drilling platforms located in the Black Sea.


The headline should read “Ukraine ordered a top Russian admiral to fuck himself”

And the war rages on in Sokolov's Wikipedia entry.

wahoo. let's celebrate death and destruction.

Motherfucker is on top of the soldiers who mercilessly bombed and terrorized ukranian civilians

Yes. We shall celebrate his death.

It reminds me of when Obama came on to say that bin Laden was killed. Everyone cheered.

Bin Laden killed lots of people, sure. Celebrating the killing of people just isn't something i can get behind. it's actually savage.

keep downvoting...

I guess it's sorta like the drawing of a train, full of passengers, driving towards a pit. You can change the track, but on the other one lies a man strapped down.

Do you kill 1 person, to help save 10 others?

It's a barbaric thought experiment, sure. I'm a pacifist as well, but I can see how a murder would be for the greater good.

the trajectory of time is much more complex than a train on rails. when it comes to killing people this oversimplification is not sound.

often killing people emboldens more killing, not the opposite.

I think you need to look at the russian army as a unit in this, instead of the individuals like the general.

The leaders, commanders, and soldiers would be the "guy strapped on rails" in my example.

Again, I do not condone killing of anyone either. Could this be solved diplomatically it would obviously be best. But at the same time, history has shown what happens if we do not take a stance, and end the problem at the root. Last time it was just a crazy guy from the other side of the fence.


  • Killing is bad
  • Some people still kill despite of this

What would be your solution to stopping these people?

Remember that we're not just talking some schizophrenic with a kitchen knife, but rather a select few with the combined powers of peak human accomplishments.

it's not the idea that this person was killed, it's the idea that it should be celebrated.

The celebration of killing is savage.

I understand you. Also, I left you no downvotes in our entire discussion. Thanks for doing the same to me.

People are very trigger-happy when it comes to comments on here. You basically lose the second you post something controversial.

It's not clear when the footage, where Viktor Sokolov appears on a video link with the defence minister, was filmed

Read your own article.

Not the first time theyve lied to continue gaslighting

"Russian video 'shows Black Sea fleet commander alive'"

Ah yes, case closed! Russian's would never lie and always announce their losses.

Not to say Ukraine isn't exaggerating but one propaganda doesn't cancels out another propaganda.

Exactly like the US and Ukriane claiming Ukriane is winning. They are being funded and provided weapons from nearly every western country and can't seem to fight off Russia? They don't want Ukraine to win, they want to prolong it for the benefit of capital

I'm not going to deny NATO has a strong interest in tying up and depleting Russia's fighting power as long as possible but I have strong doubts about Ukraine not making gains.

War sucks and "winning" is a complicated concept. You can lose most battles and still "win", especially during an invasion. If Ukraine can keep up the fight and outlast Russia's will/ability to fight (or outlast Putin), they can "win".

I'm leftist, but Russia today doesn't represent any leftist ideals. It's a country run by ultra-rich thugs stealing their country rich in wealth and now of blood. In the West, we are all sorts of fucked up but it's the lesser evil right now. Please consider not supporting murderous thieves, that doesn't mean supporting the capitalist thieves.

Where in my comment does it indicate I support Russia? Criticizing Ukriane does not equate to support for Russia. I'm pointing out that the same people claiming we were winning in Afghanistan and Iraq are claiming Ukraine is winning now. The same people that's telling us the economy is good, despite our reality that it isn't.

Took you for a Vatnik with the USSR flag. But there's nothing wrong with some healthy skepticism and of course, both sides are cranking out propaganda.

It's not clear when the footage, where Viktor Sokolov appears on a video link with the defence minister, was filmed

Yeah Russia kinda has a habit of showing weeks old videos and claiming "see? Alive!" Magic!

Serious question... if the Ukrainians attack Russian assets on Russian soil, there has got to be some red line that could push Putin to consider nukes in retaliation.

I presume the Ukrainian calculus with this is to remove Russia's will to fight but do not push so far that Russia becomes afraid for it's existence.

"A cornered rat will attack the cat" or something like that.

This was Crimea, which is certainly territory in contention so fair game.

Ukraine seems quick to claim responsibility for attacks on their territory, but tries to leave plausible deniability when against Russian territory - it could be Russians doing it and Ukraine only supported them

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Most nuclear countries have had conventional conflicts since 1945. Many have lost without (publicly) considering nukes. The closest was the UN vs China in the 50's and it got MacArthur removed from command for asking.

During the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the US military started a nuclear contingency plan. LBJ shot it down.

Stop fear mongering. I guess this account is from a Russian troll farm or something. Well, fuck you, Russia.

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