US neo-Nazi says He Fought in Ukraine, Records Place Him in Florida - bellingcat to World – 405 points –
US neo-Nazi says He Fought in Ukraine, Records Place Him in Florida - bellingcat

Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. So there was never a reason to believe anything he had to say.

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Typical Florida man- strung out meth head nazi living at home, making shit up.

More recently, McLellan’s claims have been exploited by US far-right media personalities, including former Donald Trump advisor Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer, who have used them to attack the Biden Administration and its policies supporting Ukraine. Stone exclaimed of the “Biggest Nazi Scandal in US History” in the leadup to Loomer appearing on his online show, where she claimed he was part of a secret US government conspiracy.

I guess when the pot is so black you just can't see it they can't help but call out the kettle.

That's just it. Nazis don't like black pots and kettles...

"Defuniak Springs was my personal Ukraine" he said on Fox tomorrow.

Funny thing is that neo Nazi's are their base to begin with and they use "Nazi's" as an excuse to stop funding for Ukraine so that they can shove their noses up Putin's ass, who pretty much is a neo Nazi at this point .

Sounds like stolen valor to me

It would be if nazis were capable of valor. This is just a lying Florida man who switched from bath salts to meth a few years back and tried to take it to the bank.

There seems to be a lot of Nazie's in Florida these days

Imagine this guy watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, sees all the Taserface jokes and he goes: "I don't get it, Taserface is a cool name."

Typical Nazi coward. Big mouth, no brain, no substance.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

More recently, McLellan’s claims have been exploited by US far-right media personalities, including former Donald Trump advisor Roger Stone and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer, who have used them to attack the Biden Administration and its policies supporting Ukraine.

McLellan said he fought alongside the Azov Regiment during the siege of Mariupol, where tens of thousands of people were killed as Russian forces besieged and occupied the Ukrainian port city.

In a follow-up stream on 11 September, Pohlhaus said Blood Tribe, the neo-Nazi group he leads, no longer considers McLellan in “good standing.” Several far-right Ukrainian accounts on Telegram have also dismissed his claims.

The Florida Department of Corrections public offender network database states that McLellan was incarcerated from 25 March to 7 July 2010 and again from 18 April 2018 to 1 October 2020—in the former case for a property damage charge and in the latter for dealing methamphetamine.

Additionally, in messages to other Iron March users—including to Brandon Russell, the founder of notorious American neo-Nazi terrorist organisation Atomwaffen Division—McLellan shared his phone number which had a central Florida area code, 407.

In an August 2022 video from Russian media outlet Izvestia, McLellan speaks to a reporter about his apparent exploits in Ukraine, and flashes what he claims is his Azov identification card in a close-up to the camera.

The original article contains 2,340 words, the summary contains 219 words. Saved 91%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

man somebody did a bunch of work to determine whether this guy was full of shit or not.. i'm wondering what the fuck difference it makes one way or the other, whether this chowder head has been anywhere.. why the fuck does anyone give a shit about any of his fucking claims to anything.. what does it matter to anyone.. fucking "far right circles" full of meth addled chowderheads, living in fantasy land all day.. understand fuck all about nothing but their own asses..

Roger Stone and Laura Loomer used this chucklefuck's testimony as "proof" that Ukrainians are all Nazis.

I do agree that not a single mind will be changed

One nazi claims to go to Ukraine: "see, it's full of Nazis!"

Tens of thousands of Nazis go to trump rallies: "it's just a few bad apples."

Funny thing is that neo Nazi's are their base to begin with and they use "Nazi's" as an excuse to stop funding for Ukraine so that they can shove their noses up Putin's ass, who pretty much is a neo Nazi at this point .

i don't give one shit about what's in their addled brains, or what Roger Stone had to say about one of their dumb asses

Roger Stone has his own Netlix doc where he openly admits to be a shit eating troll. No one should give him a fraction of their brain time.