Canadian Air Force Investigating After Fighter Jet Uses Call Sign ‘DICK69' to Not The – 183 points –
Canadian Air Force Investigating After Fighter Jet Uses Call Sign ‘DICK69'

They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes because it is obscene.

You always gotta maintain civility when murdering people, y'know? Because killing others is one thing, but being uncivil? We're a civilized people, for God's sake!

I chuckled and continued scrolling, then had to scroll back up to verify if this was The Onion or not.

Investigating in order to give the pilot a high five for being awesome I assume.

AirForceProud95 requesting a high speed low pass in a hot air balloon 😁

I’m proud to be a Canadian today. This guy is a legend. Too bad he’s about to go through a bureaucratic nightmare.

Dick is a real and valid Anglo name derived from Richard. 69 might be referring to his father's age etc.

Yep. And there were already 419 other pilots named Mary Jane.

Can somebody explain to me how this is misogynistic? It just seems like a distasteful joke...