Peg rule to – 576 points –

Is this a compliment??? Thanks??? I suppose??

Lol idk if you're just rolling with the meme but yeah it would be used as a compliment, but it's unfortunately a very unintended double entendre here. I think the other meaning came from a peg board, and it's like a "I would have placed you..." thought. "I would have pegged you as burger kind of guy" for example, if someone orders a salad at a restaurant and you were surprised by that choice.

Yeah I kinda forgot "peg" had any other meaning than the sexual activity

It definitely took me a minute in this context, I was very "what the actual fuck" at first.

She's saying "I would assume that he's in his 70's". A better way to phrase it would've been "I would've pegged him to be in his 70's" but even that sounds dirty because we're all degenerates

No, she clearly said she would’ve penetrated his anus with a strap on dildo when he was about 70 years old.

Don’t try to twist this very clear sentence because it makes you uncomfortable. Its a sex thing for her and you are kink shaming.

/s of course

Hey now, I'm all for pounding some geriatric bussy but it's important to communicate in an unambiguous way. If you want to give a centenarian an express ticket to pound town via the prostate pagani then just say it.

Do it now if dude is down!

Might kill him

i think it might be time for me to go to sleep. this image is incomprehensible to me

just in case anyone is confused

"I would have pegged him at 70" means "I would have identified him to be 70 years old," however due to modern slang it appears to be saying "I would have used a strap-on in a sexual act with him 30 years ago."

Allegedly, the older use of "peg" comes from using a wooden peg to make a door not close properly, so you can come back later and gain entry illicitly.

The modern version is conceptually similar but a very different experience.