Israeli airstrike levels an entire high-rise building called "Palestinian Tower", alleged to be the HQ of Hamas. to Crazy Fucking – 101 points –
Israeli airstrike levels an entire high-rise building

You know guys? I think that simply drawing some lines on a map and calling it a new country might not have been the wisest move.

But what about context? Hamas infiltrated to Israel killing hundreds of people and taking hundreds more hostages including little kids, elderly people and young ones who's been in a party in the desert. All this while lunching thousands of missiles

They kidnapped a mom with her 3 and 5 years old and filming themselves with them laughing. Young kids seeing thier dads in Gaza.

They captured Israeli settlers who stole their land, I'd love to see how you would react to a brutal invasion of your homeland, fuck the Israeli apartheid state, as far as I'm concerned any Israeli is an illegal settler and is a legitimate military target

It is tragic that 70 Israeli people died on a Jewish holiday, and also tragic that the Israeli government response has 482 dead and 1600 wounded.

As with most things, there are probably multiple layers of context. But it is just sad that people have to die in the middle of things.

Are all the people in that building combatants? Seems an awful lot like a war crime..

The use of human shields to deter attack of a military target is indeed a war crime.

A bit difficult to be made about since both sides are actively commiting war crimes.

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Looks like a controlled demolition. I'll bet the jews did it.

Judging by the replies, unmarked sarcasm is well and truly dead on the internet

I got it too, just downvoted because it sucks.

It's a rocket strike, and yes it was launched by Israel. You can see the direction the rockets came from, and how they very much intentionally aimed at the critical corners, at the base of the building.

Are you trying to make an antisemitic comparison to 9/11 conspiracy theories, though?

This is more about a war between a larger and smaller nation with largely different beliefs. I definitely support the Palestinians, but people like you make us look bad.

The Palestinians are facing genocide and being called terrorists for fighting back and following Islam. I personally don't agree with a lot of traditional Islamic beliefs, but I definitely DO NOT want to see that used as a tool to commit genocide against a small country. It's so complex when you get into, though.

It sounds like someone parodying antisemitism, not supporting it. Like the lazy dog whistle assertions that destructive events are "Jewish Plots", ie Jewish Space Lasers or something like that.

Yeah, I agree. I wonder why the sudden down votes.

Your comment reads as if you were accusing the poster of antisemitism and missing the joke. Probably why you got a bunch of downvotes.

Get a sense of humor you brick.

I don't think making fun of the situation hours after it happened is appropriate. People are dying, it's a war. No sense of humor would make me make jokes about it.

We aren't making fun of the situation, we are making fun of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

People died then. It was a war then. When can we start making jokes about the world we live in? My sense of humor would horrify you.

I get where you're coming from, but you're on the internet. Everything is open season, and if there's events that affect you personally, maybe take a break from the constant news bombardment and mixed commentary.

No shame in that, I've done it in the past.

In difference to the animals inside this thing the Israeli military doesn't target civilians...