initial rule

bbpolterGAYst (she/her) to – 306 points –

Image Description: Top Text - Don't Fuck With Initial D Fans Bottom Text - Only Like 2 Of Us Actually Finished The Show.

On the Background is Initial D's Titular Protagonist - John "Initial" D. sitting on the hood of his 80s japanese shitbox.


That description killed me.

80s japanese shitbox

ae86 fans in shambles

To be fair, the AE86 is a shitbox lmao

Ha, you should see how much that shitbox sells for

Yeah, all because of Initial D

I would've said mensuration is a light weight rear wheel drive car that used to be cheap so it was great for drifting, I'm sure quite a few people got into them before getting into anime,I know I did

Please ignore the creepy pedo subplot!

why does anime have to be like that

Yeah I am always glad when there is a nice Seinen show with adults doing adults stuff while leaving children alone. Shonen mangaka are so fucking weird most of the time, it's disgusting.

Wait, what am I missing? Only ever seem to make it a little past the duct tape death match

A classmate of Takumi whom he has a crush on, Natsuki, is having sexual relations with a rich 50 year old guy for money, despite her being a teenager.

Friend recommending me an anime show

"Yeah it's a great show, you should totally watch it"

Also friend: Please ignore the creepy pedo subplot!

And he is wondering why I never actually watch the shows he recommends lol

I never even started the show I'm just here for the soundtrack

Hi, I am one of the two people

It honestly gets better after Stage 3, most of the downright awful stuff is confined to Stage 1 (and 2 to a lesser extent).

I was fine with the series until the reason for being better was less psuedo science and more 'racing aura that causes teleportation'.

And now that MF Ghost is a direct time skipped extension to the original anime, it'll be interesting to see how they go (but more importantly the new jams).