Rule to – 680 points –

I mean, you can go straight from "boss yelled at me" to "fuck his wife." Screw the rationalization, efficiency is key, as any boss would demand.

He can still divorce his wife though. You gotta unionize so you keep fucking him forever.

Think bigger. Why stop at his wife? Fuck his wife's husband too.

What if you don't find his wife attractive?

Someone will have to take the fall - for the glory of Arstotzka

Put a flag on her face and fuck her for Glory.

Since when is rape about love?

Brother, no one said shit about love, and certainly not about rape, WTF?

what's the original picture

Since it's about cognitive restructuring, I assume it went straight from the changed middle box "My boss was having a bad day" to "No depression". Which is pretty ridiculous, not the core concept of cognitive restructuring but the idea that restructuring one automatic thought could negate your depression lol