I'm so fucking tired of religon

Bicyclejohn@lemmy.ml to LGBTQ+@beehaw.org – 88 points –

So, my parents are pretty religious so I have to to fucking Bible study or some shit. Apparently homosexuality is immoral. Immoral my ass. With no authority whatsoever I can say FUCK RELIGON. Catholicism is bullshit.

Basically they were talking about "sexual immorality" started pressing them to provide detail. They rambled about how gay sex is immoral. And topped it off with "we should accept them still" yes Simon you daft bastard, you totally meant that last bullshit. I'm so tired of us being seen as abominations


I hear you!

There's a good exception to that rule though, the satanic temple (https://thesatanictemple.com/)! They're doing wonders using religion to push actual good values, they're mission is rather nice:

"The Mission Of The Satanic Temple Is To Encourage Benevolence And Empathy, Reject Tyrannical Authority, Advocate Practical Common Sense, Oppose Injustice, And Undertake Noble Pursuits."

Homosexuality isn't immoral there.. just conisder the huge banner right in the middle of their site. :)

They're a nice counter weight to the "regular" religions really.

I would advise against TST, their leadership is problematic. There are other orgs which are similar but without the problematic leader(s).

For example, their owner and leader recently invited a friend of his, a known transphobe, on a tour of TST HQ then, when some members complained refused to apologise. TST members are generally good people but the leadership has a disturbing amount of alt-right links.

shit, really? they're doing such good work tbat genuinely aligns with my religious views. do you have links to any of this controversy?

iiluminaghtii did a video on it, although im aware that she has also been the subject of controversy herself.

so it seems... that's most of what comes up on youtube. I'll do a deeper dive, thank you

I say this out of love and a shared experience so 🐻 with me:

  1. Start taking school immensely seriously. Literally live to get all your homework and assignments done on time and done well.

  2. Start really focusing on future goals and plans. Short mindedness will turn into long term depression and stagnation.

  3. Start going to your college counselor at school and trying to figure out what you’re good at plus what makes money.

  4. Stop worrying about dating. The idea of finding a highschool sweetheart is basically almost fantasy. Statistically speaking, you will not talk to, remember the names of, or miss the majority of people you spent time with in high school.

  5. College is a great place to make connections and start over. Look to college as something to strive towards. I cannot stress this enough: pick a major that makes money or has a very flexible way to fit into different jobs.

About me: I got my bachelors in veterinary science and worked with animals in research, and once I had experience, I could start applying to jobs that made more money using the skills I gained from research. I am bisexual and grew up in a baptist church and am gay married for 4 years. No one in my family knows. They think I live with a roommate who works with me. It’s not worth diving into a depressive attitude over things you can’t control; your goal should be to make your life better in spite of those things you can’t control.

I'm doing most of this. The option subjests I chose are to maximise money. My majors are biology and chemistry. Just been having some relationship problems which have been killing my mental health

Christian Logic:

  1. All-knowing, all-powerful God, all-good God creates humans.
  2. Since he knows everything, he'll know if someone turns out to be gay
  3. He creates them anyway
  4. He sends them to hell for it
  5. But they could totally get redemption if they become something other than how they were made, and only commit the Christian-allowable sins (like divorce and greed), but not the icky homosexual one

God created a pool, then created you not knowing how to swim, then pushed you into the pool. Now you need to beg him to tell you how to swim out, but you still need to do that part yourself.

I'm pretty sure in the same section of the bible where it says the man shall not lay with another man thing (Leviticus), it also says you shouldn't wear mixed fabrics or eat shellfish...so if your parents shop at Walmart or enjoy Red Lobster, they are just as immoral as you are

And to say that the bible banned gay sex is already a stretch iirc. Let alone gay marriage.

100% - I didn't realise I was bi for the longest time because of Catholicism. It gets better once you're away from it all

Just tired of this goddam faith. Know its all basically bs but the propaganda runs so deep in me

With time and distance it will fade. I'm not at all like I was when younger, young me would be shocked and appalled at the worldviews I hold now.

I hear that loud and clear. I was so amazed when a gay friend of mine became catholic because his boyfriend was. I was like "WTF, this should totally be the other way around. What do Catholics have to offer homosexuals??"

If I had to go to bible study, I would probably ask everybody to cite every reference. I'd probably buy a hard copy of the skeptics annotated bible.

My friend works with a gay Mormon. I just don't understand.

Stay strong, I'm a queer former-catholic, and it gets better as you get older.

You really think so? My country is so small you run into people purely by chance

Studying the Bible is always a hilarious way to spend time, especially when you take a REALLLY good look at [the part about man laying with another man].(https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/21/opinion/sunday/bible-prohibit-gay-sex.html) It seems it may have been edited well after the fact. I had recently heard something similar about the original hebrew word being that a man shall not lay with a boy, which if true would be more about outlawing pedophilia, but I haven't looked it up myself so I cannot verify the validity.

not a subscriber so cant read the article linked, but its not exactly "man shall not lay with boy", but "man shall not lay with male", which some posit (if i remember right) refers to a practice in ancient greece of "man" (a class, allowed to own property, etc) taking a male lover, often fairly young/underage. This is supported by it matching the language used in ancient greece, and all other shalls and shall-nots in the torah referring only to man and/or woman, not male/female.


Found the passage, leviticus 20:13, forbids יש (man) from laying with זכר (male).

Edit 2:

Found the opinion piece

I was mentioning two separate things. The article linked did indeed day man with male, but then proceeds to point out how it doesn't really fit with the rest of them, and yes it is very much opinion.

The other bit I had heard from a random podcast that was not at all about religion, and so while I find it interesting that they had heard it a different way, it's very much unverified as it's just word of mouth from random people and not language experts.

Random side note: I'm also not a subscriber and managed to get into the whole article.. I guess my pop up blocker isn't playing around these days.

One thing you learn when actually reading the bible is just how punishment heavy it is

Riding your horse to church? Fucking degenerate scum

Working on the Sunday? That's the death penalty

yeah I even remember some school board banning the bible because it is not appropriate to children

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. It's not easy living in an environment when you don't feel like you're accepted unconditionally.

Just remember that there is nothing wrong with you whatsoever.

The funny thing is, if you study the history of various religions throughout history, is that when religions have these dogmas they have them to their own detriment. People often have a place or even need for metaphysics and spirituality but reject religions because they have an "all or nothing" approach to them, at least officially.

That said, many people accept their religious texts to be metaphorical and not literal, so even though there's homophobia in Abraham's texts for example, they go "yeah, but that's the characters of the story expressing their homophobia, not the book telling me to be homophobic".

Sorry this was a bit rambling but I genuinely find it sad that religious institutions of the modern era are so thoroughly out of touch yet also seemingly impossible to dismantle, even though at one point many of these religions were subversive, persecuted, and radical and they dismantled previous religions.

And yet the Catholic Church only saw a serious decline in numbers after she became less dogmatic, after Vatican II Council.

Too little too late? Plus it's since reneged on that right with Pope Benedict at least? Pope Francis seems alright within reason?

I am not a Christian nor do I have a Catholic background, but I just want to push back against the idea that Churches shouldn't reform or try to be progressive, which I'm not even entirely sure you're trying to do by criticizing the Vatican II council.

The denominations that are most progressive are shrinking the fastest. It won't be long until there are essentially zero Anglicans or Episcopalians.

Shouldn't the ancient European pagan religions still have held on in that case? The Romans were willing to bend their religion in whatever direction to fit the cults of their neighbours and conquered people into their pantheon. They even tried to refit Jupiter into Abraham's God. I think it died out because it was too lax.

Same thing happened with Buddhism in India imo. Hinduism and Islam are significantly more "all or nothing", but that also made these religions more dominant than Buddhism and made the religion pretty disappear in India at least.

Maybe you need a new god. Have you considered Apollo? Eros? I can highly recommend Hermes myself.

Here's some... shit, we don't make literature. But you can find some stories in the library.

All joking aside, you shouldn't have to put up with that bullshit.

Glad to see times change. About the religion thing how about I found A new religion.

We worship guns with pride colors on them and our values are destroying bigots with superior firepower. Ahem, I meant love and acceptance I totally don't want lgbt world domination

Just tell them that God made gay people so they could marry and adopt orphans and babies who otherwise would have been aborted. See how that flies.

If you want someone to rant to I'm 100% down, plenty of people have done so in the past.

Well. I guess I have you good advice a few days ago. Hope you're safe.

I'd suggest laying low until you graduate. Only date same sex in private.

Once you move out for college, your parents can't control you.

I'm safe physically but mentally it gets worse every day. I'm just praying to a false god and hoping something happens. I'm only dating same sex in private. Hell only person that knows my bf exists is my therapist. And that's getting worse. Can I open up? Don't want to burden you