Russian Navy mine hunter reportedly explodes in bay at Russian-occupied Sevastopol to World – 133 points –
Russian Navy mine hunter reportedly explodes in bay at Russian-occupied Sevastopol

Sounds like it's doing a good job at finding mines.

It's a great trick, but I can only do it once.

  • Daffy Duck Russian Mine Hunter

I'm not a military mastermind. More of an armchair 5 star general. But I feel like there are probably more effective ways to mine hunt than this. I get it was a mine hunter, but perhaps if they found them without blowing up in the process it would be a more sound strategy. But this does seem to be their consistent philosophy. It seems to be how they find anti tank mines as well. Unarmed soldiers to get rid of bullets. I wonder if they will start using jets to run into drones next. It's almost like a reverse war of attrition.

Personally, if I were in charge of the military, I'd probably at the very least compare costs of the average mine to the average Russian navy ship.

But I suppose it does offer a good morale boost when they show their mine hunter successfully finding mines. For Ukraine.

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Sometimes, you just get stuck with a 50/50 chance of each square being a mine. And sometimes, you pick the wrong square.

"The Dumbest Russian Voyage Nobody Talks About" @BlueJayYT

"The Russian Navy Sucks - Part 1" @HistoryofEverythingChannel

I’d be happier if this ship was on the bottom of the sea, but I’ll take this, too!