When someone says landlords are asking for tips

no banana @lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 313 points –

There's at least this guy. Check the rest of the videos, this probably wasn't a joke.

Jokes on him. Why the fuck would I tip a server 25 fucking percent. Nor am I tipping someone to pour me a coffee while getting paid a normal fucking wage. And I'm definitely not tipping someone who shows up days later to solve my problems and already robs me of a huge chunk of my salary.

Tipping in this country is fucking out of control.

i never wanted to strangle someone so much in my life

When you finally post something to please the skeptics you get comments on how real it is!

No tips, but our complex likes to offer like $100 off rent if you refer a friend to live there. Its kinda annoying when you get a pretty red and green christmasy flyer with "a gift for you!" On the top, then goes on to explain "we'll give you a pittance if you do our advertising for us"

Maybe just fix our dryer instead you fuckin dumbshits. I'd not recommend this complex to my worst enemy at this point.

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I’d bet there are at least as many landlords that ask for tips as there are people who give out drugs to kids at Halloween or kids doing the Tide Pod challenge.

They don't need to ask for tips when they slide in convenience fees into your billing, like mine does. So not only has my rent jumped $20 up, but it's also an additional $5 BECAUSE of the stupid fucking fees. Fuck landlords.

Many jurisdictions have laws that require a form of payment that doesn't come with fees. I think mine requires the landlord to be able to accept cash or check without fees. If the lease says you can only pay online, and the only way to pay online requires those fees, that would be illegal in my area.

Should be the law everywhere. Of course, I also believe there should be a rent cap in every city, ideally $1-2 per square foot.

This platform just doesn't do satire, does it?

satire becomes reality later with a lot of things.

I mean...Some governments are literally doing some of the shit that fictional dystopias did in stories from 40 years ago.

Always tip 75% of your income to your landlord and edge for 4 hours a day.

Damn rentoids were probably going to spend it on Funko pops anyways /s

You can't prove a negative. If you can't find an example of a l*ndlord (🤮) asking for a tip, you haven't proven that landlords don't ask for tips, only that you suck at finding examples of it.

What you're doing is a reversal of the burden of proof. The claim is "landlords ask for tip", OP says "proof it to me" and you say "no, you proof the opposite! You can't? Bad for you"

To be fair this is the shitposting community and bad takes are encouraged

You made me scroll back up and upvote OP. Good on you for defending them.

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