Major natural gas deposit discovered in western Ukraine to World – 132 points –
Major natural gas deposit discovered in western Ukraine

Natural gas, well-known for being a clean source of energy:

Leaks Can Make Natural Gas as Bad for the Climate as Coal, a Study Says

Study: Methane leaks from U.S. oil-and-gas region worse than estimates

I'm sure someone will try to tell me why increasing natural gas production is a good thing or that this is tankie propaganda in support of coal.

Production from here will likely further displace Russian production, making their economy even worse.

Still not great for the environment either way though.

Isn't Russia just shipping everything to China and India, instead? And India is just playing the arbitrage game and reselling to Europe?

Probably, but more supply pushes down the value of all gas, especially when you can just pipe it around Europe, rather than getting it from India.

Wait I forgot about this. Ngl I'm in favor of pumping this shit out of the ground to provide for Europe starting next year or the year after, it would be a better project than most in planning and way better than the huge boats of LNG.

I mean, natural gas is less carcinogenic and less polluting of the environment than coal overall, even if the methane production is terrible for the climate. Clearly solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear energy are much better options in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and overall pollution though.

Sure, absolutely, natural gas burns cleaner than coal and doesn't need as much infrastructure to avoid dumping particulates into the air, but governments and O&G companies want you to believe that it's reducing GHG emissions and that's just not really true.

So will the US now invade as well?

No, Ukrainians score well on the color chart:

/s for the blindingly stupid

No, but we're going to want something for all of our aid. We've never given anything for free. Probably some strong arm package where we get great rates on the LNG and also get to install key parts of their new economy. And we'll stick around to rebuild infrastructure as long as our corporations can get some perks, too.

1 more...

More fuel for the fire. Which fire? The Russian invasion? Climate change? Yes!

this site is all the way almost at polish/slovak border

That's not the point. The point is: We (all responsible humans) wan't to use less of that ... and now they find more of it and are a bit under preassure to sell it too, because they are under attack 🙁 (which is understandable, but bad timing.)

Bald Eagles start screaming

America, fuck yeah!

Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah

America, fuck Yeah!

Freedom is the only way, yeah