Chainsaw in hand, ‘anarcho-capitalist’ Javier Milei upends Argentina’s politics to World – 86 points –
Chainsaw in hand, ‘anarcho-capitalist’ Javier Milei upends Argentina’s politics

He'll gut the country, sell everything off to the highest bidder and him and his friends will make bank. Regular folks will be left worse off.

He's another trump / bolsonaro strong man.

Lo siento mucho por la gente ✊

WHY are people embracing these kind of people and these kind of solutions?

Calling them "stupid" makes you feel smart until the world collapses in front of you. Something is happening to make a LOT of people choose wacko dictators to lead their countries and overthrow their constitutions.

I believe speed of change in society has increased to the point where people are afraid, like literally scared, and technology has moved ahead so quickly that again they don't understand it and they're afraid. They don't trust the people who are titularly in charge of the transition and they feel powerless to enact change.

And somebody comes along and says I'm going to tear the whole damn thing down and they get excited and jump behind them.

All of those things you just wrote are symptomatic of lower intelligence. It's not judgmental to say that most people are pretty stupid. We all have our moments of course, but most people are stupid when it comes to political ideology. Most people don't know what the words populism, socialism, capitalism, fascism, communism, or democracy actually mean. You can see this anytime someone unironically calls something "literally 1984".

Poor education and ultimately lack of trust. Distrust in our institutions, our fellow citizens, fellow humans, has been sewn for decades. The undercurrent of fear that propels these figures into power can't be overstated. People need to stop being so fucking afraid of each other... easier said than done.

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Also, what nerd, after being stuffed in a locker by the middle school football captain, hasn't wondered why he's the one with the entourage.

People are shallow and act like idiots. It's a sad reality. Sometimes there's enough of those people to act as a successful voting bloc.

Combo of several things.

Lead poisoning making people stupider and angrier.

Progressive politics meaning straight white men lose there power so they have negative reactions to anything progressive/woke.

The internet has allowed people that would otherwise be ostracised from their communities for being stupid and or arseholes, can now just form their own communities, which makes them feel justified in their stupidity.

The media being owned a handful of super rich arseholes that have had decades to perfect turning it into a vehicle for propaganda.

Social media making people feel like because they have a soapbox that their opinion is just as valid or even more as anyone else's, even if those people are experts. And clout culture making people do or say whatever they think will get them the most internet attention/money even if they don't believe it.

And probably a whole host of other elements as well.

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190 countries, maybe it would be surprising if there wasn't one of those types showing up a year?

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I believe he said it's going to take him 2 years to fix inflation.

Anyone want to place their bets about the future? Their current inflation rate is at 143%. I am going to say at least triple in two years... Let's just cap that at a nice even 500% for the hell of it, shall we?

When a country gets that desperate, a bad situation usually gets much worse.

In contrast to this (only 2 years to fix the inflation issues. The inflation that has been around since 2002~). He also mentioned in his first speech that the country would take 35 years to go back as a world power if everything goes well. (Source 13:25/15:31)

I do not think this will happen (hope I'm wrong), knowing the country's recent history, but I don't disagree with the time. This stuff is very long term and needs many years of success to happen.

Many people in Argentina think that all the stuff can be fixed in just 2 or 3 years. But truth is, it can improve, but will need lot more than that to reach a "world power" / "first world country" level.

On the other hand, the level of corruption is so high, that by just reducing it, it would make wonders.

Things can improve over time, if everyone in Argentina is willing to take a massive L to their lifestyle/QOL.

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Only way they could fix that type of inflation is with a currency surrender program so that it can be destroyed. Which won't fare well for Argentinians.

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There's a picture of a man holding a chainsaw that's never used a chainsaw.

Sad, Argentina is going to be destroyed because of this idiot. He is already declaring war against the United Kingdom.

To be fair, it's going to be destroyed because of the idiots who put him in power.

He's a symptom, not the cause.