Trump targets ‘young people’ in dark op-ed: Live

Lee to – 73 points –
Trump targets ‘young people’ in dark op-ed: Live

Christ I hate clicking onto the Independent. Bloody ad-fest chaos.

Ad blocker, my dude. They’re wonderful.

The fact that it's nearly 2024 and people still don't use ad-blockers is beyond me.

I prefer it that way, honestly. If everyone used ad blockers, we'd see significantly more pushback against ad blockers than we have right now.

So I had no idea what people kept referring to with the Folger's ad thing, so I had to look up the story which happened in 2009. Apparently I haven't seen ads for fourteen years. Which is awesome.

Everyone! Join me in the Eden that is a World Without Ads

TIL about the Folgers' ad cause it's been over 20 years since I watched ads anywhere.

I see the Orange Man-Baby and his fervent Orange Man-Baby-Fans can't keep their cool.

Genuinely I hope his fans realize they're making things worse for him; and that he doesn't need help with making things worse for himself anyways.

I also know that the 14th Amendment requires that he be disqualified from office and that he is in fact under Congressional investigation for treasonous acts. That he is not yet charged does not mean he is acquitted. Everyone knows how rabid his fanbase is. They're going to take their sweet time investigating him and holding him accountable.

Isn't that his job. Should he not speak to younger people. Do Democrats ignore the young?

he shouldn't be speaking at all.. at least not the usual total bullshit and lies, and this opinion piece is overflowing in shit, just like his diaper.

Let him speak!
Every time he opens his mouth his legal team has to run damage control and try to spin it in court.

I mean.... When you're as old as he is, most everyone you talk to are younger people.

Democrats just don't get the intense news coverage of everything they do. Yes this is just a typical politician thing.

Biden has several op eds published this year, you just don't hear about it.

It's not that he wrote an op ed, is the shit Trump says. The constant lies. The evil rhetoric. He's a shit human and was a shit president.

E: and it's the outlet, for giving Trump a platform to spew outright lies and FUD.