Top Russian court bans LGBT movement as 'extremist' to World – 248 points –
Top Russian court bans LGBT movement as 'extremist'

MOSCOW, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Russia's Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that LGBT activists should be designated as extremists, in a move that representatives of gay and transgender people fear will lead to arrests and prosecutions.

A Reuters reporter in court heard it announce that it had approved a request from the justice ministry to recognise what it called "the international LGBT social movement" as extremist and to ban its activities.


Russia: where love is “extreme” and war is “love”

That is in fact the cult of death worship that’s one of the signs of fascism.

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This is why I cannot consider the so-called leftists who oppose taking action against a fascist like Putin to be actual leftists. Putin is a hard right dictator who violates every principle of human rights at every turn.

Tankies are authoritarians, the left/right angle doesn’t matter there.

Inb4 "read On Authority, a book I haven't read, and if I read it I'd realize it was not pro-authoritarianism but actually anti-pacifism"

Yeah, no.

As an anarchist, it’s just authoritarianism.

Fuck your hierarchies and top-down systems of oppression. Fuck supporting genocidal dictators.

Go read the conquest of bread and liberate yourself.

If you do not understand that there is a need for some authorities, you are both fucking stupid and a terrible anarchist.

Do better. Anarchy is about identifying what authority must exist and in what form it would best exist. If your answer is, "all authority is bad." Then you have failed. Try again.

“YoUr NoT aN aNaRcHiSt unless you want to be stepped on by a cop.

Haha, very funny now fuck off kid.

You are fundamentally too stupid to be an anarchist. You have to strawman what I said to even respond. You are truly pathetic.

How about you demonstrate some of that anarchist wisdom and tell me how you'd arrest a murderer that doesn't want to be arrested. Someone, including random other citizens at the time of need, needs the authority to forcibly stop them, you fucking idiot. Authority still needs to exist with or without cops.

Again, you fucking idiot. Defending the necessity of authority shouldn't implicitly defend police unless you have a child's understanding of anarchist theory.

Just fuck off kid.

No one cares about your internet temper tantrum.

Your inability to logically engage is pathetic. You cannot even defend yourself. You're a joke. Do better.

'Leftists' like N Korea, China, and Russia supports make me ashamed to be a leftist. This is what happens when all your leaders die 40 years ago, the movement gets silly.

Don't be ashamed to be a lefty. Shame THEM for dare calling themselves leftists while espousing polite words for autocrats and dictators. They are pathetic and a detriment to progress and they need to know it.

And get banned for questioning orthodox bullshit

Idk the leaderless portions can be silly but we feed people to feed people, we fix up bikes to fix up bikes, we send prisoners books and propaganda to help prisoners. We may not be perfect, and our terminally online portions are terminally online, but we’re out there helping the proletariat.

That’s like a republican saying “we donated to a charity” while pushing for a bill that would restrict black peoples right to vote.

You can’t claim to be helping us while in the same breath actively working for our long term oppression.

What kind of action are you referring too? What more can we do?

They went so far authoritarian left, they ended up authoritarian right.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: one can usually tell who the good guys are by how they treat LGBT people.

one can usually tell who the good guys are by how they treat LGBT people others different than them.


LGBT people are a convenient metric because they are a minority that exists everywhere in every society. It's how they treat a subset of their own. There's a lot more factors regarding how societies treat outside groups, if and how they encounter them.

True, but for example im a gay man and according to the original description, I would be a good guy if I treated LGBT members right, but of course I treat them right because im part of them.

I see, I was thinking of nations and groups more than individuals when I made that comment. Not every LGBT person treats LGBT people well, Roy Cohn comes to mind.

Well, you are right that not every lgbt person treats lgbt persons right, which is crazy

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Surely this will lead to the EU and other progressive countries to open up the borders for Russians fleeing the oppression, right? Right?

To any good Russians that are left, it is way past time to start ambush killing FSB enforcers & it is literally self defense at this point.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

MOSCOW, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Russia's Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that LGBT activists should be designated as extremists, in a move that representatives of gay and transgender people fear will lead to arrests and prosecutions.

A Reuters reporter in court heard it announce that it had approved a request from the justice ministry to recognise what it called "the international LGBT social movement" as extremist and to ban its activities.

President Vladimir Putin, expected shortly to announce that he will seek a new six-year term in March, has long sought to promote an image of Russia as a guardian of traditional moral values in contrast with a decadent West.

In a speech last year, he said the West was welcome to adopt "rather strange, in my view, new-fangled trends like dozens of genders, and gay parades" but had no right to impose them on other countries.

"Of course it’s very alarming, and I don’t remember the threat ever being so serious and real," Alexei Sergeyev, an LGBT activist in St Petersburg, told Reuters TV in an interview earlier this month.

Previous listings, for example of the Jehovah's Witnesses religious movement and organisations linked to opposition politician Alexei Navalny, have served as a prelude to arrests.

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