Dead longhorn found on Oklahoma State fraternity lawn the day before championship game with Texas to – 168 points –
Dead longhorn found on Oklahoma State fraternity lawn the day before championship game with Texas

Police say a dead longhorn cow was found on the lawn of an Oklahoma State University fraternity on Friday, the day before the school’s football team plays the University of Texas Longhorns in the Big 12 championship game.

Police were notified just after 6:30 a.m. of the dead animal on the lawn of FarmHouse fraternity, according to Stillwater police Officer TJ Low.

The carcass had an expletive carved into its side and the stomach was cut open, according to the campus newspaper, The O’Colly.

“It’s a very cruel crime to be committed, especially right before the Big 12 Championship,” Low told The Oklahoman. “Nothing is worth doing that kind of crap.”


Imagine killing an animal because of a college sports rivalry, and not thinking there was anything wrong with that.

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I don't get this AT ALL.

The Oklahoma State mascot is "Pistol Pete":

The Longhorn is the mascot for University of Texas at Austin:

So why would longhorns fans kill and dump a longhorn at the Oklahoma State campus?

I could see it if the Oklahoma State folks dumped a dead longhorn on the Texas campus, that would make sense from a "imma threaten you" point of view.

I could see the Texas folks taking a bunch of LIVE longhorns and letting them trample and crap all over the Oklahoma State campus, that would send a message.

It sounds like somebody has some bad fans who are just horribly, horribly confused.

This sounds more like an Oklahoma State frat sacrificed a longhorn than all those other ideas you said

I could see that too, but why dump it on their campus? Have a big ol' longhorn cookout, THAT would make sense...

They (sensibly) don't have the balls to try to do it at UT's campus

Maybe they are like Philly fans who riot if they win and riot if they lose?

Fuck me. Last year I was at OSU, we partied in the streets whether the Cowboys won or lost. That year we were singing, "Oh Ten and One! (to the tune of Oh Tenenbaum)" in the Eskimo Joes kitchen.

(The Cowboys were 0-10-1, if that wasn't clear.)

I agree, they should have shot some guy named Pete with a pistol and dumped his body there instead of a longhorn.

They're showing Pistol Pete what happens if he shoots first and asks questions later.

“It’s a very cruel crime to be committed, especially right before the Big 12 Championship,” Low told The Oklahoman.

So it would have been less cruel if it had been a month earlier?

If everything's bigger in Texas then everything's crueler in Oklahoma

Sounds to me like it had nothing to do with Texas or the upcoming game and everyone is jumping to conclusions. It sounds more likely to have been done by another frat at the same university. It was dumped on the lawn of a frat called FarmHouse. I went to a high school that all the other schools referred to as "hick high" because we had an agriculture program (attended by maybe 20 people in a school of 3000). It's something people like to pick on for some reason.

Looking around elsewhere it appears to be a part of an escalating 'prank' war between two frats with terrible timing

It was probably those Asian ticks tbh. They probably coincidentally carved the expletives into it when feeding.

FarmHouse fraternity

I guess that part is appropriate.

Weird that Texas apparently sacrificed one of their own for this.

There are zero (0) Texas fans bothering to locate a frat house in Stillwater, OK and transport a longhorn there, much less even go to Stillwater

I interpreted it more as Okie State fans showing what's going to happen to Texas.

I’m with jordanlund who posted confusion over why put it where it was.

I highly doubt it was someone from Texas. I will be trying to keep an eye on this though. I'm already angry that someone did this, I'm going to be livid if it was someone from Texas. The longhorn is one of Texas' state animals; and even though it's apparently not illegal to butcher one in Texas, if someone from Texas killed a longhorn like this I'm pretty sure they'd have a target on their back for the rest of their life.

I haven't seen anyone mention it in this thread, but speculation is this is a feud between two Oklahoma State fraternities. They have been placing dead animals on each other's property for months and this has nothing to do with the championship game. The longhorn apparently died on one of the students farms and they relocated it.

I can't confirm any of this, just what I read elsewhere.

This explanation makes more sense... got a more up-to-date source?

Still fucked up, even more if there's a history of dead animals.

Here's similar statement from an article I found.

Kennedy Thomason, a reporter for The O'Colly, told _WFAA that she speculates this to be a prank from a rival fraternity. She was first on the scene, and her pictures of the steer before it was hauled off have been widely shared.

"I can't confirm that, but from my own opinion, yeah, that's what I would say."_

The original statement I made originated from a local OSU podcast. I'm not sure where that was from and can't source it. __

Edit: For what it's worth "The O'Colly" looks like Oklahoma State's student newspaper?

The pictures make it so much worse. I pictured a dead cow on some luscious green field in front of a nice old college building.

No, just a dead cow on the sidewalk in the mud, surrounded by muddy tire tracks from whatever absolute loser's pickup truck they used to dump off the dead animal, and it's in the middle of some neighborhood that doesn't have any grass, just mud.

Yea, it doesn't really matter if this was done because of a rivalry between schools or between fraternities. It's pretty fucked up regardless. Hopefully, they find the responsible parties and hold them accountable

Ah yes....Texas, where they care more about the rights of cattle than the rights of human women.

Bruh, A) Texans love longhorns. Again, it's literally one of the state animals. B) you really think someone from UT is going to drive from Austin all the way up to OSU with a longhorn and kill it on the campus? That's slightly over 1,000 miles (or +1700km). C) you can butcher a longhorn and eat it, but last I checked you can't do that with women (and hopefully you never will).

I get it, "lol let's make fun of the Texans for having a backwards government lololol". I hate it too. Fuck though man, our major cities are blue and very much care about stuff like abortion and lgbt rights, but our state is ridiculously gerrymandered. It's gonna be a while before we really have a chance to actually fix anything.

I'm not making fun of anything. I thought it was ironic that you were so incensed about a cow when there seems to be bigger problems to tackle in the lone star state. Since this seems to be an issue of great emotional bearing to you, then so be it. Who am I to judge 🤷‍♂️

It's possible to be angry about more than one thing at a time, you know? There are a lot of Texans who are angry or depressed because of our legislature. This is just another thing to throw on the pile.

Fair enough, that's a valid critique and I know there are plenty of people in Texas who do not support the status quo. I also know the gerrymandering there is just insane as you said.

I had a double take on this when I realized I wasn't sure if they meant a cow or a player

Looks like the work of a bunch of cowards to me.

Pun not intended.

It’s funny that people think this is cruelty to animals, but they don’t think killing tens of millions of cattle a year for food is cruelty to animals.

Then there is the hundred of millions of pigs killed a year for food.

Huge difference between killing for food and killing to show off your failed ethical values.
The cougar is not cruel to the rabbit. It was just hungry.
P.S. you and I are just mammals. so we do it like they used to on the discovery channel.

Not as huge as it seems when we know we don’t have to kill for food.

Also, the west eats a good deal more meat than needed for living.

Nothing, has to kill for food. All predators could be scavengers. But they are not. Well, sadly that isn't up to you.

Score is 49 to 21 atm. Fuck OK. Shit state, shittier school.