RNC moves to stop sponsoring primary debates at the national level

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 195 points –
RNC moves to stop sponsoring primary debates at the national level

The Republican National Committee on Friday afternoon said it would pause participation in further Republican presidential primary debates, effectively leaving decisions around future debates up to media organizations and the 2024 Republican presidential candidates themselves.

"We have held four successful debates across the country with the most conservative partners in the history of a Republican primary," the Republican National Committee (RNC)'s Committee on Presidential Debates said in a statement. "We have no RNC debates scheduled in January and any debates currently scheduled are not affiliated with the RNC."

"It is now time for Republican primary voters to decide who will be our next President and candidates are free to use any forum or format to communicate to voters as they see fit," the committee said.


Sounds like they know that they're pointless.

You'd think they would have figured out that primary debates without the frontrunner are pointless four debates ago.

yes, the parties have successfully dissolved any utility or value debates once had many decades ago. it all fell over once they demanded scripted questions and LWV dropped management of the big ones.

congrats both parties. mission accomplished.

Seems more like a Trump phenomenon that an issue with both sides. Republican voters are so loyal to Trump a debate isn't necessary. The forerunner on the Republican side doesn't even need to show up to the debates. When's the last time that happened?

my problem goes back to the 90s when they stopped doing real debates. As if we need to see these guys on stage repeating their weekly talking points. its just free advertising at this point and adds nothing to the political discourse.

to summarize, we are far worse now than we were decades ago, so this decision is immaterial. were already fucked.

If you go back to the 1950s, you'll find some things are worse now and a lot of things are way better

It’s definitely both parties. DNC said months ago that there would be no primary debates.

The sitting presidents party never has a primary debate if re-election is on the table. It would just cost the president votes in the general election.

The dems sure as shit had debates in 2008, 2016, 2020, and will in 2028.

If you want to quibble about the debates being nearly useless, that's currently a guarantee, but thats a process thing, not a "they don't happen" thing.

2/3rds of democrats don’t want Biden to run

Preferring someone else vs a man who stated his intent to be a dictator on day 1?

Yeah, somehow im betting Biden is still carrying those votes.

Only issue with that strategy is that Biden needs like 55% of the vote, and younger voters aren’t willing to keep voting for the lesser of two evils and are turning away from Biden.

Biden needs the younger voters especially in the swing states

Do you have a citation for that, or is that just a feeling?

It’s not worth losing the incumbent advantage, especially when the opponent is an open fascist.

This is not a both sides thread or issue. Bernie Sanders was on the ticket and he was a serious threat to the DNC.

Considering all the noise that was made online versus the reality of his turn out at the polls during early primaries it's plain to see Bernie was hardly ever a contender.

Even here and now we have apologetics and conspiracy in place of reality. Oh how I remember the theories of voter suppression instead of admitting his candidacy only really gained traction on Twitter and the like.

None of this bothers me however, as Trump would have likely handed Bernie his ass without breaking a sweat. I do have to confess that it would be nice if Bernie's sycophants used this energy to actually turn out at the polls before the presidential election. I'm still not convinced a plurality of them understand how primaries work. 🤷‍♂️

Sure champ. The dnc wasn't leaning on the scales hillary was just such a good candidate that she lost to Trump. It's imperative you maintain that ideal otherwise you might come to the realization that you're part of the problem.

Trump would have likely handed Bernie his ass without breaking a sweat

He had a much better chance than "it's her turn" Hillary and her baggage. The problem is he actually has a history of helping people and speaks truth to power, contrary to the interests of the DNC and Corporate democrats like ole Hill. He doesn't bring in that sweet lobbying money from the ultra wealthy, just small donations actually indactive of voter support. It's why Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was giving Bernie debate questions ahead of time, to help him out... oh right that was Hillary that needed the help... because the dnc chose the candidate they wanted and needed to solidify it by any means.

Either way the reality is the DNC has shown it is incapable of being impartial, and that the whole thing is kabuki nonsense to make you think you have a choice in "choosing" the peice of shit they want you to pick. The DNC is controlled opposition for the wealthy to be able to maintain control on both sides. Not like any sane person is going to vote republican... so they limit options to only the shit sandwich while expecting you to thank them for forcing you to eat it then they bitch when nobody is excited about the shit sandwich.

Then here you are "well of course MY shit sandwich was the only choice and if THEY couldn't have won, clearly no other sandwich could have come close so stop asking to try another fucking sandwich." The dishonesty here is just fucking pathetic, but to admit otherwise would be to invite criticism for handing Trump his '16 victory, more so than is already done.

I'd love to live in the country you think we live in. Where there's a majority of progressive, left leaning voters out there, hiding in wait, who would appear and sweep Bernie into office if only that meddlesome DNC hadn't held him back.

The numbers simply aren't there. We're not that country today. We have another decade or more of boomers and Gen X dying off before we're even close.

People cling to these conspiracies about the DNC because it's easier to be mad at them than admitting the depressing truth: we're a centrist country. Bernie spent his life fighting for these causes and only truly managed to get a significant amount of spotlight in the twilight of his career. This shift happens very slowly, and we're moving in the right direction, but we aren't there yet.

Bernie was used (without his knowledge, they were hoping Bernie would run as a 3rd party, but it still worked) to upset progressives and keep them from voting. Low turnout for Clinton was what secured a win for trump.

I think Ron Paul was similarly artificially promoted by Russia (of course that attempt was a failure) I think the main reason was that he was for US withdrawing from UN and NATO (which is also what trump wants).

NATO is a big obstacle for Russia to revive Soviet Union as most of the Eastern European countries are now part of it.

all parties agreed to neuter debates from actual questions. they all signed on to giving less information to the general public by pre-authorizing (or worse, choosing) the content. its the reason the league of women voters gave up on trying to manage the debates.

tell me how we solve that problem.

im with you on bernie, hes one of the few actual democrats that exist. so of course he was a threat to the DNC and Fucking obama/clinton. those fuuuckwads.

The RNC and DNC should both be removed from the debates and it should be turned back over to an independent third party, such as the League of Women Voters, the way it used to be.

stands there with mud and shit on their hands while the stage in the shit streaked venue smolders from a recently put out fire

"We have held four successful debates......"

We keep holding these debates, but it seems all of our uneducated brainwashed constituents keep wanting to vote for some asshole who thinks he's too important to show up to them. So we quit. Thoughts and prayers.

The RNC’s definition of “successful” is adorable. Like a 8 year old kid that did a good job successfully pretending to be Spider Man.

Wow, they really just threw mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and condensed soup at the wall then blocked the fridge while saying "it's time for Republican primary voters to choose what will be our next meal and food is welcome to jump on any wall to communicate to diners as they see fit." We all know what's in the fridge, who stocks it, and that the GOP are going to supplement their constituents'meals from there while trying to starve those who vote blue. And every time the GOP unplugs the fridge, they'll blame the Democrats for not going grocery shopping when they were trying to tell the GOP not to unplug the fridge.

Just protecting political stances that cant stand to any amount of scrutiny. Conservatives become more and more insular, needing thicker earplugs and louder megaphones.

"It is now time for Republican primary voters to decide who will be our next President preferred dictator and candidates are free to use any forum or format to communicate to voters as they see fit," the committee said.