New iOS Lemmy app: Memmy Updated UI and Dark Theme - Apollo Inspired to – 196 points –
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Feel free to download and test yourself by joining the TestFlight group.

Please leave feedback either here or on GitHub.

Note this is very much a work in progress still and this is very barebones. I plan to continue work and submit nightly builds on TestFlight, so be on the lookout for the new releases.

Happy scrolling!


This looks amazing!!

Are you able to convert into Android too??

nvm ignore my comment, i saw the option to compile for Android!

I’m not the dev but I think that’s the intention based on the readme on GitHub.

It’s written in Expo/React Native which means it’ll be easier to support both iOS and Android.

Yup. I took it for a spin on a simulator and things are about 90% functional out of the box. There's some weird scaling issues with the text, but I believe that to be the patchwork way I'm rendering the markdown right now. Once I finish the markdown parser it should be the same across both platforms.

@gkd Hi it crashes for me upon logging in (kbin user)

@z2k_ @Lloir

As far as I know kbin doesn’t have API access enabled at the moment. They’re still trying to finalise how they do it. This means that apps can’t communicate with it just yet.

Always great to have more options! But this seems very similar to Mlem in terms of goals (Apollo like). Why not combine efforts?

Underlying technology is completely different. One is Swift, one is React. It talks about this on the GitHub.

This is one of those cases where two is better than one, because not everyone can contribute to a Swift app, and multiple projects isn’t splitting effort, it’s bringing on people who wouldn’t otherwise be involved at all.

Plus, probably worth having a few going just because there is so much activity now. Mlem is moving a little slower than I had hoped so while I’d prefer a native Swift iOS app, this one is already a little more functional and it’s the first release.

Those are some of the main reasons. Also, the fact that it can be easily released as an Android build as well is nice, especially for users who would want a more Apollo-like feel on android devices. I have not personally tested Jeroba, but from screenshots I have seen (while it does look great!) it doesn't have the same look as some of the old Reddit apps.

Bottom line is this is a huge preference thing. I don't want to take anything at all away from Mlem. If you know Swift and think you can contribute to that project then by all means you should! Looks like a great project. Glad that there's so many people working on things for Lemmy already!

All great reasons! Thanks for doing this.

Great! Thanks for clarifying. Definitely; more is better. Just based on the limited information available it wasn't clear to me how this one was different.

Because some of us saps don't have a phone capable of iOS 16+ which is what Mlem is targeting. Memmy runs great.

Thanks for the cross post! Please feel free to let me know if you guys run into any issues!

I was having such a good experience with Memmy I thought others should know about it too. The daily improvements have been amazing, keep up the great work!

I love it so far, better than mlem for me

Any particular reasons you like it better then Mlem?

Faster, smoother, clearly caches more aggressively so much less halting when scrolling, smaller fonts so more compact interface.

Both are so early in development though it’s basically irrelevant. Tomorrow Mlem could push a new build that includes their new interface that I’ve seen in the GitHub PRs and I’ll be back to that one. For now it’s just like Mastodon was, using all of the apps and seeing which one ends up fleshing out into a fully functional experience.

Not him, but I like how stable it is compared to Mlem. But UX wise I still like Mlem better for now. But good to see two apps already like this, both really good so far.

What others have said plus gestures. One thing for now. Currently writing from the app and for a second i thought it bugged out when I pressed to reply. Turns out the keyboard doesn't pop up automatically and there is no placeholder.

For me it's the iOS 15 support, Mlem has targeted iOS 16 which doesn't work on my 6s.

This looks great! Does it work with accounts as well?

Edit: never mind, I should have read all the comments first. Looking forward to seeing how this app progresses!

Love it so far! Like some others here, I’d also love to see kbin integration if that’s possible. Thanks for putting this together!

@z2k_ Holy crap that's amazing. I might need to pull my iPhone out of the drawer

I'm not the dev. deserves all the credit. He's amazing.

@z2k_ @gkd Thanks will send him a message

I plan to support Android too, by the way. It is already about 90% functional, mainly just some styling issues due to a few quirks between iOS and Android rendering. I'll keep you guys all posted!

bro your app is super stable as well! I was having a lot of crashes with Mlem, not to discredit their work they've got a cool multi profile feature that's really nice. Appreciate your work!

Using it now to post this comment. I'm really liking it, it's very smooth. Wish there was compact view but I'm sure its coming soon. I might switch over from mlem

This is what I’m waiting for. I began to leave Reddit the day they blocked .compact.

Very cool. Posting from it now. Don’t like how the reply form takes up the whole screen. But given it’s v0.01 I’ll take these things in stride

While it does take up the whole view, I intend to have a few other buttons and things on screen. The comment that you're replying to will be visible under the comment section, and there will be some buttons to easily add markdown to the comment.

It looks great! I’m definitely taking it for a spin and will create an issue on GH if I find any.

Showing a lot of potential, already like what I see! Can’t login with kbin currently so just hoping that will change, otherwise I’d be commenting from there now :D

Swipe options nailed the bare-bones already and the right options in the right spots! I’d love to have share as the last option on swipe left. Also needs vibration when ‘unselecting’ (?) a swipe option.

Performance is already great, smooth and no crash yet other than when trying to login with kbin. Looking forward to seeing this grow!

FYI, I don’t think kbin has enabled API access yet which is why apps won’t work with it

Gonna give this app a try! Cannot see a clear search feature. Other than that looks very clean!

I have something in the works and should have it released today or tomorrow.

Wow, terrific! Love the tap to collapse, swipe to upvote, etc. Main thing in terms of common reading interactions that I’m missing from Apollo is a swipe action to collapse a thread back to its root. The app is already quite nice to use, though, thank you for sharing!

Really nice! Super impressive for a 0,1 release. I'll follow the development on this one.

Have been using Mlem for a while now... But I find it worth to try and provide feedback!

Incredible! I would test it out but I dont' have an iPhone. I wish you luck in your app!

according to the github they intend to make an android version as well, so keep your eyes peeled!

I'm using the ios version and it is really good for such an early app

First comment from it, and I’m totally digging it over Mlem. Something about it feels more familiar to me already as a longtime RIF and Narwhal user!

Just tested this. This app is AWESOME! Please keep working on it!! Will keep testing for bugs!

Edit: This is a cross post. I'm stupid lmao the lead dev is browsing this post so I’m sure he’s seeing everyone’s feedback.

Already using it to post this, looks awesome for v0.0.1. Keep it up :)

Commenting through memmy. I love swiping right to upvote comments!

Glad to hear it's working well! Let me know if you run into any issues or have ideas!

Here's an idea: in apollo you swipe left on a comment to collapse the current commet's thread, this would be nice too.

It is awesome. Very stable for such an early release. This looks like a fantastic start! As an Apollo user it's a very familiar experience.

At the very least I'll try to test and submit bug reports. If I can find the time I'll try to do some development too. (I could do with a React side-project...)

Testing it now, seems to work pretty well. Aside from search, which you said you’re working on, links don’t seem to work? It would also be nice to have somewhere to see replies to your comments/post. It would also be nice to see what instance each community comes from. Thanks for your hard work!

I don’t see the update. I’m still on the old version.

Have you checked the TestFlight app for an update?

Wow it‘s incredible how much like home this feels instead of Mlem. I can’t wait for all the updates to come! First up please fix the darkmode keyboard ^^

I just installed and loaded it up. This looks like a fantastic start. I hope I can provide feedback as I use it more!

I created an issue on GitHub but I’ll comment here also - I can enter the server name but when I go to enter my username I can enter one character and then the cursor goes back up to the server box

iPhone 13 Pro iOS 16.5

Is email required? I am having issues logging in with my existing account, that only has username and password. Said could not find username or email.

this is great! I really enjoy the UI and the feel of this app. - any plans to allow for adding multiple accounts?

I like this a lot and can tell there was a lot of work put into it. Only suggestion so far is to make it obvious in the top bar whether you’re looking at a local, subscribed, or federated sort right next to Hot, Top, etc.

I will keep using this, thanks for posting!

It's great to see more clients popping up. While the basic design of the feed and comment section are well thought out, I still prefer a native Swift UI application to a React Native application. I get why it's using React Native, but still.

Great job though!

Loving the app so far! Swiping left from a post to return to the feed is working perfectly.

Beehaw doesn’t use downvotes, but some instances do. Do the downward-facing arrows disappear, or simply not do anything when on an instance that doesn’t use downvotes? …or are those arrows something else entirely?

Ah I didn't know about this. I'll have to see how to get that information and render accordingly. Thanks for letting me know!

Just tried it and it seems pretty good so far! Only thing I don’t really like is how the keyboard and some other UI elements use light mode even though I have dark mode enabled.

Edit: It's getting fixed now :)

Memmy is looking good. Definitely more stable at this point. It’s going to be exciting to see two different apps grow. Options are always better.

Looks great! Bit of a pain during login because it would bring my cursor back to the server line after each letter when I was typing in my username

Other suggestions would be: Search feature (which you mentioned you would be rolling out soon) A way to block communities we don’t want to see (only option now is subscribe)

Fixed that in the latest release. Sorry about that...