Food Connoisseur

Communist Capi ☭ 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 to – 473 points –

There's no way cans of cat food are cheaper then buying rice and dry beans in 50 lb bags

rice and beans are vegetarian, which is exactly what the socialsits want!!1

Yeah but that requires you to have a functioning brain in order to prepare them. Andrew here seems like the type who needs his food to come ready to eat.

If it ain't an MRE and you are busy cooking you aren't gonna be ready when the commies kick down your bomb shelter door and take your guns! And also cooking is for women.

What makes you think they will still produce that cat food once the socialists take over?

Presumably Andrew intends to stockpile the cans of cat food he deems acceptable.

Then he should also taste test cans that are 4-5 years old.

And avoid the bulging ones, if he is smart enough..., or else it's dying from botulism to own the libs.

Owning the libs has become the greatest cause of Conservative deaths since the start of covid

Yeah. Would't the rich be enough food for cats for a while?

(in Homer Simpson voice ) Oh Honytawk, don't be silly. Socialistes still love their pets, duh !

As a cat owner, wet food by the ounce is hella expensive. Even if you got processed minute rice and wet beans in envelopes its cheaper.

For those actually curious how community run agriculture works in a socialist system, look up the Organopónicos of Cuba which was organized during the special time after the collapse of the Soviet Union. tldr: At the time the USSR collapsed, Cubas farms focused on supplying sugar for the whole Soviet Union and was unprepared when supplies ceased coming in. Cubans averaged a lost of about 10-15 pounds per citizen during the intermediary time while they reorganized into the community garden system Cuba has today.

Apparently, capitalists, as They Might Be Giants once said, wake up and smell the cat food in their bank accounts.