Israeli defence minister outlines new phase in Gaza war to World – 77 points –
Israeli defence minister outlines new phase in Gaza war

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has outlined Israel’s plans for the next phase of its assault on the besieged Gaza Strip and future scenarios for the day after the war ends.

“In the northern region of the Gaza strip, we will transition to a new combat approach in accordance with military achievements on the ground,” Gallant’s office said in a statement it said outlined the guiding principles reflecting Gallant’s vision for the next phases of the war on Thursday.

He said operations would include raids, demolishing tunnels, air and ground strikes, and special forces operations.

In the south of the besieged enclave – where most of Gaza’s 2.3 million population is now living, many in tents and other temporary shelters – the operation would continue to try to eliminate Hamas leaders and rescue Israeli hostages.

"It will continue for as long as is deemed necessary,” the statement said.


“As long as is deemed necessary,” roughly translates to, “As long as Palestinians exist as an ethnic group,”

Ah, so that's why they do not actually try to kill them...?

Why are they not just bombing those 2 millions is that is the case? Why use roof knocking and then precision bombs when they actually want to kill them all?

Dropping 2000lb bombs in refugee camps is not "precision bombs"

"precise enough."

For context, the largest bomb dropped by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan in a populated area was 500 pounds.

Then why does it fit so well with Israel's history of violently conquering their neighbors?

Refuge camp by name only or actual refuge camp?

You mean like Israel bombing the designated safe area multiple times, or bombing civilian caravans, or bombing ambulances, or bombing hospitals, or killing hospital patients, or

Man, upwards of 90% of ALL munitions expended in Afghanistan by Coalition forces were guided 'smart' munitions. Afghanistan, as you may note, is not incredibly densely populated.

Israel has been using about 50% 'dumb' unguided munitions in Gaza, one of the most densely populated regions in the world.

Tales of exceptional precision in this campaign are propaganda bullshit.

Even if all the males 14+ are automatically considered combatants, the civilian death ratio would be 70% minimum (being women and children). That's on top of Israel creating a famine, extreme water crisis, destroying the majority of medical infrastructure, and extremely limiting foreign aid (to a fraction of what was needed prior to Oct 7).

The population density of Gaza as a whole is roughly one-tenth of Mosul and yet the civilian deaths accounted for the same effort are significantly less in Gaza as compared with the 2017 capture of the Mosul. I am not sure why anyone on earth is expecting the IDF to magically do better than the world's largest coalition in history in OIR. Urban combat sucks for everyone involved.

You made a whataboutism argument that flagrantly flies in the face of the core point, which is that Israel's government & military are currently controlled by a radical right wing, crypto-fascist, ethno-supremacist, and hyper-religious political party that has members who have OPENLY AND PUBLICLY SUPPORTED ETHNIC CLEANSING. Why you feel the need to counter that point with, but, but, but, IT'S NOT AS BAD AS MOSUL is truly just frustratingly stupid. I don't support the mass killing of civilians in their own homeland anywhere in the world. Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

the sentiments on this site are no longer representative of truth

You are not the arbiter of truth.

or popular opinion as dissent is being filtered out.

The popularity of an idea has absolutely no bearing on its merits or validity.

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Sure, Isreal does technically have the capability to completely destroy Palestine in one quick operation, for instance, it could just use some of its almost certain to exist nuclear weapons on the relatively small area of Gaza. However, consider for a moment what the actual consequences of that or a similarly destructive action would be: Isreal may be powerful in its region, but it is not a global superpower after all. It receives considerable support from other countries, particularly the US and much of the EU, and losing that support, or even worse, managing to actually draw their anger, would put them in a dangerously vulnerable position with a fairly small population and land area and enemies on all sides. As it stands, their current actions have made supporting them somewhat divisive and politically charged in the west, but havent broadly lost them support, but doing something that blatantly indefensible might just be enough to do that. Further, the current Isreali government from my understanding doesnt have a perfect grip on popular support and power, and doing something that heinous might risk losing them domestic support as well.

Because they would be instantly villified and the world would need to react swiftly with shock and awe to overwhelm the military and remove the country's leadership.

This way, the Zionists get to relish in hearing of daily murders, slowly and torturously eliminating a race of people they deem to be subhuman, for months and years to come with the implicit support of an uncaring world.

They don't have the ordinance to do that, nor the means to fight a war on more than one front when the Arab world justifiably retaliates.

Are you trying to say the close to 30,000 people they have killed were intentional then? If they try not to kill anyone they didn’t mean to kill? Or am I misunderstanding you?

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Gallant also outlined Israel’s plans for Gaza after the war. He said Hamas would no longer control Gaza and Israel would reserve its operational freedom of action. But he said there would be no Israeli civilian presence and Palestinian bodies would be in charge of the enclave.

“Gaza residents are Palestinian, therefore Palestinian bodies will be in charge, with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against the State of Israel,” Gallant’s office said in a statement on Thursday.

Al Jazeera’s Sara Khairat, reporting from Tel Aviv, said Gallant made it clear that Israeli officials want a “Palestinian entity” to be in charge of running civilian affairs in the Gaza Strip, but with “very specific conditions”.

Notable that it's another public - this time on the record - contradiction of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir.

It's a bit weird because they switch from quoting Gallant to quoting Kairait, but I wonder if there's anything to his adoption of Gantz's "entity" language here. If so, it could be a sign of a bigger split between Gallant and Netanyahu. Might be nothing, but it would be consistent with their recent anger with him about his public statements about post-war Gaza.

Note that even if we take his statements at face value and not rightly assume he's lying, this at best means Gaza will become like the West Bank. That's the inevitable result of Palestinians not being able to shoot settlers.