If you hade a superpower what would it be?

ShySpark@lemmy.fmhy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 16 points –

So if you could choose a superpower what would it be? and what kinds of things would it be also please nothing god-like, like overpowered and such.


Shapeshifting. Lots of applications! Just off the top of my head:

  • Need to get somewhere? Just become something small and stow away on a jumbo jet. (Or become a bird and fly there yourself!)
  • Need some extra strength or flexibility? Just turn up your muscles or stretch out your limbs.
  • Find yourself in a dangerous situation/environment? You can adapt on-the-fly.
  • Disguise yourself as someone with power to fix things (or wreak havoc, depending.)

Obviously there are Questionsโ„ข involving how this would interact with conservation laws, but we can just handwave those.

That's always been one that sounded super cool to me. Honestly I'd turn into weird stuff out of curiosity, like just to see what compound eyes are like, or what it's like to be liquid.

Ability to know every legal system to the most minute detail. I could then challenge unjust laws, particularly those that are a result of corruption, and have them overturned. It would be amazing. I'd probably be assassinated though. That would be a bummer.

I would like to be able to spread basic education and academic literacy by touch. Like boop - and suddenly your "research" into "liberal agendas" is a joke we can both enjoy.

Superspeed. If overpowered can't be used then maybe not to the extent of Flash.

I might choose something like teleportation then. Would no longer need a car!

Would it preserve inertia? Would you accidentally teleport off the Earth? (the earth is always moving on its orbit.) What about air pressure elevation changes?

Ability to make your tech into anything like making your smartwatch upgraded to super max with tech not available today. Imagine hundreds of terabytes of storage, ram, super computing in your fingertips. Ability to have tech which can do anything from anywhere. Ability to travel places faster than conventional methods.

Think super sophisticated tech. My first older of business would be creating Artificial Super Intelligence.

Ability to read minds, would make life a lot easier!

I'd pick being able to time travel, but maybe that's too powerful. So then let's say the ability to time travel but not be able to change anything. I just want to experience other time periods - past and future.

Laser eyes. Iโ€™d trim all my trees, maybe start a service.

I think my superpower would be to be able to communicate to anyone in a way in which they always fully understood my meaning.

2 more...


The ability to make and manipulate portals. You can travel anywhere nearly instantly. My version of this power assumes you can make the exit portal without physically seeing it. So you could make one at home, one at your work and never deal with traffic. Want to go to London for the weekend? Done.

The cool thing is that you could also bring things to you. Craving a soda? Pop one portal under the coke in your fridge and the other just above your hand. Boom! Gravity pulls the coke through the portal and drops it into your hand. So now you can summon items to you as well.

My version also includes manipulation of your portals. You placed them but can move them while they are active. This allows you to effectively "scan" things. Need to dig a trench? Keep one portal stationary and just pull the other through the dirt. Whatever you scan gets immediately teleported elsewhere.

If we are assuming a world in which superheroes are a thing, you become an absolute badass. Not God like. But you can't be arrested because you'll just leave. You can easily make "rods from God" a reality. You could "scan" a spear fast enough that it's like shooting it from a cannon and impale your enemies. You can use your portals as perfect shields. All attacks would just be directed elsewhere.

I think about this power a lot. To be honest, It's based on Gilgamesh's powers from the Fate anime.

I'd like to be able to pinpoint where is the annoying mosquito sound from

The ability to talk to strangers without getting nervous/anxious.

I can only imagine me just being confident enough to talk to someone without my words kinda stumbling out of my mouth in not just normal settings, but also if I was in danger, too.

invisibility. imagine how much youโ€™d save on airfaire and stuff.

I would want the ability to ask any question and I could see/know the answer instantly. I like to imagine using this on the train to work. I can just think to myself "I wonder how many people Brushed their teeth this morning" and the ones who did would light up. Or, I could ask, "I wonder how many sexual partners each person has had" and their number would appear over their head for only me to see. Good times...

Total control over all patter. Then I could fly, teleport, turn into a seagul and crap in convertible cars, ya know, the good stuff.

The hability to see the future of my life if I take any kind of decision.