White House says ‘it’s the right time’ for Israel to scale back Gaza war as fighting hits 100 days

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 93 points –
White House says 'it's the right time' for Israel to scale back Gaza war as fighting hits 100 days

The White House said Sunday that “it’s the right time” for Israel to scale back its military offensive in the Gaza Strip, as Israeli leaders again vowed to press ahead with their operation against the territory’s ruling Hamas militant group.

The comments exposed the growing differences between the close allies on the 100th day of the war.


Are they going to stop supplying Israel with weapons for this slaughter, or continue sending weapons while publicly asking Netanyahu if he wouldn't mind stopping please?

This is where we say "patriot missiles don't kill people, people kill people" and keep profiteering.

The narrative that only military force would bring the hostages back to Israel started to crack big time. I see Israel is responsible for the death of a lot of hostages and they managed to save 1 of them only?

And unfortunately even if they manage to oust Netanyahu I am afraid they will elect a government which is even further right and they will more or less screw up any potential for peace in the region.

Said Genocide Joe once again. Last time was right before he bypassed Congress to send israel more weapons.

Guess he's preparing to bypass Congress once again but first the crocodile tears must flow.

Of course they say that - the hostages trapped in Gaza are Israelis and not Americans. Were they Americans then Gaza would have ceased to exist last year.

I’m no defender of the US or anything but I doubt they’d be bombing refugee camps and hospitals.

They'll get to those once they are done bombing all the weddings.

was there more than one wedding bombed?

Sounds like there’s still a bunch of weddings left to hit if your framing is taken seriously. Seems like they aren’t as comparable to Israel in bloodlust as you imply. Israel got more civilian kills in 3 months than the US got in 20 years in Afghanistan after all.

Bad people and organizations are still bad even if others do worse, you don’t need to falsely equivocate the two.

I get the feeling, given that Israel has killed more civilians in 3 months than the US did in Afghanistan in 20 years, that the US doesn't go out of its way to deliberately target civilians.

"Refugee camps" is something of a misleading term when it comes to Gaza. While there are several settlements that did begin decades ago as camps of tents, which is the image the term conjures, at this point they are essentially cities like any other. Due to some unique legal circumstances, a huge chunk of the population of Gaza are legally considered refugees by the UN, but this is a unique status that's even inheritable by the descendents of the people who originally fled during the establishment of Israel.

This isn't to defend bombing civilians, to be clear. It's just that, frankly, it's difficult to throw a dart at Gaza without hitting what is legally considered a refugee camp.

The valid response to that is not "Oh well, guess lots of civilians are gonna die", it's "Shit, guess we can't bomb the place then."

My point is that, in this context, "bombing a refugee camp" is not meaningfully different than bombing any other urban environment.

Which is to say, very deadly and terrible and generally a bad idea unless there are literally no other options, which I would say isn't really the case here.

FWIW several of the hostages taken by Hamas were Americans.

True, Gaza randomly captured a colorful selection of people they could get their hands on without any care of where they are actually from. Anyone from the other side of the border is a valid slave to them.

No it just so happens that a lot of the settlers over there have dual citizenship because they're not actually from there, or their parents weren't.

Hmm... This reminds me of a country that kept a strip of people under a blockade, while calculating the calories they need to stay just above starvation level, and then gave permits to the people of the stripe to work like slaves for them.

Anyways the hostages aren't slaves there. They're bargaining chips, and it seems like one side of this conflict doesn't value them.

Well, that strip of of land is not occupied since 2005, which hasn't prevented Hamas and the "innocent people of Gaza" from throwing more than 8,000 rockets into civilian towns, while also trying to build tunnels under the border. What would you expect Israel to do? Open the border and just let them in? You're delusional, ill-informed or you just want Israel gone, in which case you call for a actual genocide.

Oh, btw, did you know Gaza also borders with Egypt? Ever asked yourself why the Egyptians never opened their borders to their fellow Muslim brothers even though a large percentage of the Gaza population descended from Egyption migrants to the region?

Also, why wasn't there any calls for a Palestinian state between 1948-1967?

Well, that strip of of land is not occupied since 2005

The UN and EU considered it to still be occupied for a reason: "it [Israel] controls Gaza's air and maritime space, as well as six of Gaza's seven land crossings. It reserves the right to enter Gaza at will with its military and maintains a no-go buffer zone within the Gaza territory. Gaza is dependent on Israel for water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities. The extensive Israeli buffer zone within the Strip renders much land off-limits to Gaza's inhabitants. The system of control imposed by Israel was described in the fall 2012 edition of International Security as an "indirect occupation". The European Union (EU) considers Gaza to be occupied."

which hasn’t prevented Hamas and the “innocent people of Gaza” from throwing more than 8,000 rockets into civilian towns

Hamas shouldn't have governed Gaza, but the other option had to be Fatah and "Israel" had to be a blood thirsty nation for all of it's existence. Hamas was acting as a charity; making the situation better for Gazans by building hospitals, schools, and mosques. While Fatah was showing off its corruption, and Hamas didn't even win by that much: Hamas: 44.45% | Fatah: 41.43 %

You’re delusional, ill-informed or you just want Israel gone, in which case you call for a actual genocide.

First of all: 'Hamas and the “innocent people of Gaza”' -you. Second: "Israel" shouldn't have existed, and should cease to exist.

Oh, btw, did you know Gaza also borders with Egypt? Ever asked yourself why the Egyptians never opened their borders to their fellow Muslim brothers even though a large percentage of the Gaza population descended from Egyption migrants to the region?

"Estimates of the size of the Palestinian population in Egypt range from 50,245 to 110,000", but Egypt would not want an influx of migrants into it's land, of course. They also would rather Palestine not vanish, and Egypt had it's problems with the Muslim brotherhood, so they're a bit cynical.

Also, why wasn’t there any calls for a Palestinian state between 1948-1967?

All-Palestine. Looks like a call to me.

Hamas shouldn't have governed Gaza, but the other option had to be Fatah and "Israel" had to be a blood thirsty nation for all of it's existence. Hamas was acting as a charity; making the situation better for Gazans by building hospitals, schools, and mosques. While Fatah was showing off its corruption, and Hamas didn't even win by that much: Hamas: 44.45% | Fatah: 41.43 %

Israel left Gaza in 2005, one year later Hamas took over and killed its political opponents, this was followed by an unprovoked daily barrages of missiles towards civilian towns. I don't know where your claim of Hamas was acting out of charity comes from, and obviously the schools mosques and other charitable activity was all a front for their terrorist activities.

What do you think should have been the answer to that problem? I think cutting off weapons supply routes is a reasonable course of action. Regarding water, communication and electricity independence - those problems could have been at least partially solved with the billions in aid money that were instead used for terror infrastructure under civilian homes.

Gaza was supposed to be an example of how a Palestinian state could eventually look like, but they f***ed up, badly.

"Israel" shouldn't have existed, and should cease to exist

"From the river to the sea" style? Your true colors are showing

All-Palestine. Looks like a call to me

You didn't actually read the link you sent, did you? this initiative was a failure, with no real takers from the Arab states. Jordan basically ignored it by annexing the West bank immediately, and Egypt would rather use Gaza to generate more problems for the new Israeli state than confront it directly after the defeat of 1948 (it annexed it later stating its incompetence).

All of you assholes down voting my comment, tell me how stating facts deserves your down votes.

Stating facts deserve downvotes when they’re stated in a way that intentionally misrepresents them, especially when that purpose is justifying genocide.

That's a gross misrepresentation of what I wrote, also, there's no genocide being done today. On October 7th however...