Marjorie Taylor Greene leads MAGA fury as GOP leadership back crucial spending bill to – 161 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene leads Maga fury over crucial spending bill

Right-wing Georgia Republican insists she opposes continuing resolution because she does not want to fund the defence of Ukraine

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was furious on Thursday after Congress passed a bill that will prevent a partial government shutdown.

Ms Greene told The Independent that she opposed enacting a continuing resolution — necessary to avoid this weekend's deadline to have budgets in place — based on her opposition to US funding for Ukraine in its defence against Russia.

The Democratic-led Senate voted 77-18, and the Republican-led House followed suit, voting 314-108, in favour of the bill.

"I'm voting no to this funding bill, absolutely. I'm not going to vote for the CR," she said.

She then claimed the war in Ukraine was "pretty much over."


Anything that makes her mad is probably a good thing.

Ah, Republicans. Well known to be super concerned about spending too much on the military.

My hope is that the funding goes through, and then the Republicans immediately vote Johnson out of his leadership role so we can have another wonderful round of Republican autophagy as they fight over who next to put on the throne.


I learned a new word today!

Autophagy (or autophagocytosis; from the Ancient Greek αὐτόφαγος, autóphagos, meaning "self-devouring"[1] and κύτος, kýtos, meaning "hollow")[2] is the natural, conserved degradation of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components through a lysosome-dependent regulated mechanism.

Ah yes, a word I’m sure to get frequent use out of.

Since she thinks the war in Ukraine is "pretty much over", I vote we send her to the front lines to verify that personally.

Again, since the war is "pretty much over" she won't be needing a flak jacket or any kind of protection whatsoever. She can just waltz on over to Crimea in her crossfit gear. I'm sure she won't die via landmine, artillery fire, or after being violently raped by the Russian military.

after being violently raped by the Russian military.

That's Ok. I heard if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down.

Tell me you're getting dark money by Putin, without telling me you're getting dark money from Putin.

Are they ever happy about anything unless it involves somebody somewhere suffering as a result of their actions?

It is a zero sum game for most of them. If someone is benefiting then someone else must be suffering. Therefore, if they don't get an immediate benefit from it, they must be the ones who are suffering so it must be bad.

Zero sum is too high concept for the maga contingent in congress. The only goal for the likes of mtg, boobert, pedo gaetz, etc is to be loud and stupid so they can post clips on social media and continue to get engagement with their base.

Wise elder: A rising tide raises all ships.

MAGA: Not if I punch some holes in the bottom of 'em!

I yearn for the day that these neanderthals are no longer newsworthy, but I suspect it will never come in my lifetime.

I feel like I'd get exhausted with being angry all the time. Surely, it can't be good for you.

I’m in complete agreement. I read this headline over breakfast (my time zone) and I was mindful of how outraged I felt. I had to consciously pull back on my breathing and regulate my heart rate.

I don’t think this is a healthy state of affairs.

I was recently watching a video of a console release in the year 2000. Nobody had a phone back then, everyone was just calmly waiting for the midnight release of the PS2 or something. I want to be more like them. I'm trying to get less annoyed about small stuff.

The Howler Monkey is playing with its own shit again.

she leads a pack of idiots who would take a dump right in the House of Representatives

Fuck this dumb bitch. I don’t give a shit about what she thinks.

I get the shivers everytime I see her face.
