The GOP Doesn’t Want to Punish Trans People—It Wants to Eradicate Them to politics – 223 points –
The GOP Doesn’t Want to Punish Trans People—It Wants to Eradicate Them

and yet people will still say both sides are the same

For most things, yes. This is absolutely not one of them.

Yeah the Republicans want to drag me out into the street, murder me, and then drag my corpse through the town behind their Dodge Ram 1500 or Ford F150.

Democrats don't like that and would prefer Republicans not do it, but most of them won't do anything to stop it as long as they're not forced to watch it happen and can pretend it's not happening.

A real, but grotesque, difference.

Democrats don't like that and would prefer Republicans not do it, but most of them won't do anything to stop it as long as they're not forced to watch it happen and can pretend it's not happening.

That doesn't sound like the Democrats I know! They would post a comment on social media about how sad they are about it and then say "vote blue, no matter who!" before defending some softer form of transphobia as a middle ground.

Whoa hell no, I'd stop the fuck outta that, at step 1. Who the fuck are you??

E: downvotes because you're afraid to help? Aight then.

There are a lot of people who like saying pretty things when their name is visible but when it comes to the anonymous vote they will not vote the same way. This goes down both sides of the aisle, but people don't stand back and take an objective view of their parties and what their mouthpieces actually stand for.

There's not much that can really be done about liars hiding behind anonymity. But there are a bunch of us who truly want to help others succeed, more than there are malicious liars.

The dark ages could have continued forever... But they didn't, because humans like building societies, whether simple or complex.

Transfolks: Be sure to get your passport squared away. Just in case we gotta jump ship.

Apply for visas now. Pack your bug out bag and be ready to drive to Mexico on a moments notice. Better 10 years too early than a day too late

I can't believe we're at this point, but yes. I'm close ish to the Canadian border and I'm a homeowner making good money but the minute I can't get hormones I'm gone. Never thought I'd have to live with this kind of anxiety in the US.

Keep in mind Mexico has far laxer border security especially if crossing by land (they didn't even check my passport). So don't get discouraged if Canada turns you away, though there is a slight language barrier with Mexico (nothing translator apps can't handle, and a lot of the words are the same due to the etymology)

Personality I'm already out bc I figure the US is just going to gradually get worse and I'd much rather apply for a visa than asylum

people should look into expats as well as that is a good place to start

Fascism always needs a group to blame. Everything has to be someone else’s fault.

The GOP wants to be the demons of their fanciful hell who administer your "eternal punishment"

“i sTILl not goNna vOtE” average disillusioned leftie

gEnOcIDe JoE

Except Trump will be 1000x worse with respect to Israel. And not voting for Biden might as well be a vote for Trump.

To all the upvoters: Average disillusioned leftie here.

Saying "I won't support Biden in the primary." is not the same as "i sTILl not goNna vOtE”.

I do not want ANY GOP to win any power, ever, anywhere.

We were saved by the young vote in the midterms and Biden has almost entirely lost those voters. Like it or not Biden is deeply unpopular. And I believe Biden would likely lose to Trump.

So how is pleading for a candidate from the DNC who stands a better chance at winning against the GOP an irrational position?

Please reexamine your politics - I am not your enemy.

If there was any realistic option, sure. But no incumbent president has ever been defeated in a primary, and what other candidates are even running? It's absolutely a foregone conclusion that Biden will be the nominee.

most of those people aren't even lefties; they're just bots or cis white men on twitter

Yup. I agreed with the last 20 publications who tried to raise the alarm too.

The Republicans have been playing by the nazi playbook for a long time now.

Nazis didn't start with the Jews. They knew they couldn't get away with rounding up an entire ethnic group. They started with the LGBTQ community. They dehumanized lgbtq people in the eyes of the public and made it seem like they were doing it for the good of a pure and powerful Germany. When that worked they realized how easy it was to dehumanize an entire population in the eyes of the public and used the same tactics against Jews, Roma etc.

When you think about it the lgbtq community is the first line of defence protecting democracy because they are the most vulnerable and easiest to demonize. Once it's ok to eradicate one group of people it becomes so much easier to do the same to larger groups.

It won't stop at lgbtq people, they will keep eradicating every minority until they're actually stopped by force. So far they've gone after trans people, gay marriage, women's reproductive rights and have even talked about overturning Loving vs Virginia. Their goal is a straight, white, "Christian" male utopia.

the poem starts "first they came for the communists"

Do you think Pastor Neimoller would have a problem with them coming for the trans people?

he didn't have a problem with any of it.

The saddest part is this trick has been working on humans for thousands of years. Is the issue the types who spin things this way, or the rest of us who fall for it? Seems like a human tragic flaw.