Surely there is no way that this could... backfire

MacN' to Lemmy – 297 points –

Told a couple once "Just so you know, in an accident the clipboard you've got glued to your dashboard will hit you right in the face as the airbag explodes madam, so it might be a good idea to remove it."

She looked at me with huge eyes then turned to her husband who was looking straight ahead with an annoyed look on his face, they took off and the clipboard was still there on their next visit...

Do you know what the hell it was used for?? Did they like…pin old school Map Quest instructions to it?

This is purely a guess but I feel like the people who do this are probably also more likely to get into an accident where the airbag would deploy.

I'm one of those people that has never learned to drive and i know nothing about cars... I'm guessing from the comments that the joke here is that the stuff attached to the steering wheel will explode in the driver's face if the airbag is activated, is this right?

Basically, they're converting an airbag into a shrapnel grenade.

Rhinestones aren't really that sharp though (unless they're the really nice glass ones which I'm assuming these are not). It's also likely that at least the first two are plastic backed sheets. I can't imagine they'd be worse than the sharp metal logo usually on there.

Disclaimer: I know more about rhinestones than cars, which isn't a lot

Rhinestone sheet

The airbag deploys at 200 mph. At that speed the sharpness isn't really the issue.

Really all it's going to do is slap your hand with the bedazzled parts, I doubt there is enough energy to make them all fly unless they are pretty loose. But it would still hurt like hell cause I had a Toyota logo on the back of my hand after getting hit by the airbag in my car.

Bedazzled steering wheels are like hunting with Dick Cheney, there's always a chance you are going to get a face full of bird shot.

Surely airbags are constructed in a way that doesn’t include slamming the hard plastic into your face?

I’ll retract that question mark. Designing it that way would just be too dumb.

Most are designed for the cover to move to the side when deployed but some are designed to split in some way that could cause the rhinestones to come free.

An airbag is just a carefuly sized explosion instead of a kevlar pillow case, in a crash the airbag is deployed in a fraction of a second, lots of engineering goes into making them safe. However, the rind sones aren't an intended part of the system and can be separated from the wheel and "knocked" out of the way at high speeds, much like ball barberings in a claymore.