UAW’s Biden Endorsement Sparks Internal Dissent Over Gaza, Biden interrupted again by UAW members calling for a ceasefire to politics – 127 points –
UAW’s Biden Endorsement Sparks Internal Dissent Over Gaza

Shit really sucks in Gaza. Hamas scumbags fucked up and the IDF has over reacted on a big scale.

Biden's hands are tied and he can't unilaterally prevent U.S. policy.

Voting against Biden is far worse for the U.S. than the rotten crap in Gaza.

I don't like Biden aiding Israel one bit, but Trump will be even worse for Palestinians than Biden. He already proved that when he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

Step one of this genocide was moving the Embassy. Step two is allowing the slaughter of the indigenous people

Biden has some emergency parts he used to give Israel aid around Congress. He's also encouraging Congress to pass a huge aid bill for Israel. He hasn't been shy about supporting them at all, it's not like he's being forced to do or say this stuff.

Everyone seems to think Biden alone controls foreign aid. Congress holds the purse strings. Start holding those jerks accountable

Biden has some emergency parts he used to give Israel aid around Congress. He's also encouraging Congress to pass a huge aid bill for Israel. He hasn't been shy about supporting them at all, it's not like he's being forced to do or say this stuff.

This is an extremely complicated situation. Biden is in a tough spot and he has to deal with a strong pro-Israel lobby here. It doesn't help that he has to deal with a rabid Netanyahu either. He definitely has disagreements with Israel's actions and has placed limitations on the use of arms sent there. The arms sent are viewed as essential as Hezbollah is poised to take advantage when it senses an opportunity. In the meantime Hamas seems to be enabling the killing of Palestinians Biden dispatched a special envoy to cool things off but that failed. Talks continue as more people die

Could he just, you know, maybe stop seeing them the weapons?

Not and win the Election, no.

God forbid that someone stand up for what is moral and not power

I'd rather not participate in your Pyrrhic victory as I want a functioning Country with hope for a future and not a smoldering pit of "morally superior" corpses, thanks.

I’m ready to just fight the civil war.

Let’s get it started so we can get it done, right now all my kids are too young to fight in it and I am not too old to.

Then go fight it all by yourself and leave the rest of us to carry on being actually useful while you throw your life away.
Destruction is always easier than construction. That is why so many weak minds always resort to violence. Please do remember that it'll be your kids (along with the kids of everyone else) paying the price for your stupid choice, but it is your choice.

I would rather them have the task of rebuilding the world instead of destroying it.

Clean slate and hopefully they will do better than us, they have way better morals than the older generation.

Equity and equality vs punishment just for loving in a way that people don’t like.

Not how War works, but then you are not interested in what works as you are too busy being another lame edge lord.

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Overreacting by committing genocide..

Genocide is not an over reacting it is a controlled process. The fact thry control how much food goes in for the last couple of years, allow electricity every 6h, and even attempted to ban Pasta, suggest that you are oversimplifing a situation ehere a state that sponsor genocide, hate, and then claim victims...

I didn’t believe you until I googled it.

You’re wrong by the way, they didn’t attempt to they did ban pasta.

They only unbanned it in 2009!

Hands are tied? The fuck did you just say?

He could unilaterally stop Israel by demanding a ceasefire with the threat of ground invasion. It's not like we haven't done that to other countries who were less deserving. Frankly, I think Israel needs regime change far more than Iraq did. Or they can be dissolved as a state (what I'd prefer). No ethno-nationalism should exist; especially when it's actively wiping out a people.

Nothing what you said is true. If Israel wasnt an apartheid terrorist state orgs like Hamas wouldnt need to exist. According to the Foreign Military Financing Program Biden has 100% say in how money and weapons to Israel are administered. Reagan exercised that right in 1982 and got Begin to stop bombing Lebanon.

The 65% living paycheck to paycheck, the record homelessness, record auto repos, and out of control income inequality think it cant get much worse than it is.

And if genocide isnt a persons red line for refusing to support someone they are not a good person and are not an ally to any marginalized communities.

The 65% living paycheck to paycheck, the record homelessness, record auto repos, and out of control income inequality think it cant get much worse than it is.

Those issues didn't magically appear as biden was elected. They have existed for decades.

And if genocide isnt a persons red line for refusing to support someone they are not a good person and are not an ally to any marginalized communities.

And you think Trump will be an ally to the marginalized communities?

It has existed for decades, but has accelerated rapidly the last few years, all to record highs.

Trump is garbage with anything not white male, but every marginalized knows where they stand with republicans. They dont pretend to embrace the marginalized to use them as tokens to stay in power.

They dont pretend to embrace the marginalized to use them as tokens to stay in power.

You cannot be serious. Hershel Walker? Kanye West? Milo Yiannopolous? Blaire White? Conservatives practically invented, "I have a black/gay/trans friend, so I'm not a bigot."

Also, even if that was true, knowing someone is 100% going to use you and stab you in the back doesn't make them the safer bet.

None of which are marginalized.

They are your aforementioned "tokens." Whether they are themselves marginalized is totally irrelevant to the fact that they're used as token representatives of their respective marginalized groups to keep Conservatives in power.

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Since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, Biden has bypassed Congress twice to send weapons to Israel and has also asked lawmakers to approve a $14 billion supplemental aid package for the country.

It's still not as much damage as trump would likely have caused, but it's fucked up he's our only other choice.

And all this stupid shit is going to depress turnout and that's the only way Republicans can win.

I suppose Biden should have made better choices. He made the bed, now he should sleep in it

The problem is that it is the American people that ultimately have to sleep in it...

well, and palestinians.

and plenty of others. like west yemen civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time the other week.

and the two workers at the damascus airport last month, plus others at the aleppo airport in december, thanks to both exponential aid and the ongoing normalization of this unacceptable response.

and whatever is sure to follow the in the wake of the next escalation.

If enough people stand up and say “Hey that shit ain’t gonna work. Be with us or burn with us.” People will fucking change their minds.

Hell CNN just did a report with a whole bunch of people who died while waving white flags.

One of them was holding her four year old grandson’s hand and just didn’t turn fast enough, she was 58.

She was turning when they shot her.

It’s still unclear why the whole group of them turned so quickly down another street from what I can understand from the article, but they came from the north heading south, and then at the intersection everybody change direction damn near the same time to head east, like a school of fish, and she was just a little too slow turning.

There were Israeli troops and/or tanks to both the west and south.

The video is… disturbing to say the least.

Don't forget the Canadians and Mexicans that have to sleep next to it....

"We don't want you but we want the other one less. You still suck."

That's American politics in a nutshell, right? I don't see why this is surprising at all.

Unions should represent their members, and all of their members want a candidate who will empower unions to help them. I'd be surprised if there was a majority on either side of any foreign entanglement.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The endorsement was delivered by UAW President Shawn Fain at the union’s national community action program conference in Washington, D.C., where Biden spoke on Wednesday afternoon.

At least 527 workers signed a petition — organized by members of UAW Labor for Palestine, a rank-and-file group — pressing union leadership to only endorse political candidates who publicly call for a ceasefire and to vote accordingly.

When and where there’s a war, whether it’s in Vietnam or Gaza, we call for peace.” He told reporters on Wednesday that he thought the protesters were exercising their democratic rights and reaffirmed the union’s pro-ceasefire position.

“Multiple people I spoke with were all of the mind that this was a horrible time for an endorsement, especially in light of the genocide that’s happening in Palestine and the fact that Joe Biden is completely out of line with the call for a ceasefire that our union has made,” said Zachary Valdez, a shop steward at UAW Local 2110, a union for support staff at Columbia University.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., addressed the conference on Wednesday and received a standing ovation as she spoke about a ceasefire and solidarity with Palestine — something the UAW’s own Twitter account hailed.

In September, Biden joined workers on the picket line — becoming the first president to do so — as they conducted stand-up strikes against the Big Three automakers.

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