Thoughts on BattleBit Remastered? to – 156 points –
BattleBit Remastered on Steam

Looking to get my Battlefield fix in and I've heard good things. Anyone playing and can give their thoughts?


It gets a super heavy recommendation from me. The game is absolutely excellent. It's everything the Battlefield community has wanted from Battlefield for what feels like a decade now.

Do not let the graphics fool you. The game has solid performance, great gunplay, great progression akin to BF4, the class system feels excellent, they can do very large scale due to not having excessive graphics performance will be fully and solid, destruction is also fantastic its just got it all.

As someone who's felt let down by Battlefield for a while now and put thousands of hours into it back in the day, this scratches that itch like you wouldn't believe.

You've convinced me.

I'm going to give this game a try tonight.

It's for sure worth it, I'd recommend you start on 32 v 32 or 64v64 just to not get overwhelmed by the chaos of 124v124 out the gate lol

I’d say to jump right into the 124v124. At that level, one player is not going to change the tide too much. (Its more akin to the battles in Planetside 2 than your standard Battlefield due to the sheer scope.)

I'll echo everyone else and 100% recommend it.

One thing no one mentioned though is the community. Admins have a zero tolerance policy for racism, homophobia, etc, which leads to voice comms being fun again. So many people roleplaying and just being silly. It's one of the few games that's greatly enhanced by proximity chat

Highly recommended! It's so much fun and definitely scratches that BF3 itch. I've heard it described as BF3 and Squad have a baby and it plays Roblox.

I really enjoy it for what it is, but I feel like they need to refine the overall experience.

People can jump through windows and spray you, yet the ttk is super low, slow reloads and gunplay is a mixed bag when it comes to mechanics (single fire over auto, bipods don’t help at al).

I’ll give it a massive benefit of the doubt due to pricing and oh, yeah…it’s made with love by three people.

The party system is amazing and allows my friends and I to be dragged into a game in mere seconds. Worth it alone for that tbh.

Best $15 I've spent in awhile. It's like Battlefield and Squad mixed together, but a lot more fun and a lot less serious.

Couldn't recommend enough

The game is pretty great. I've been having so much fun just being a medic in it. Dodging all enemy fire to go heal people is insane when there are so many people.

One game I kept hearing a guy play Free Bird and loudly sing it. Whenever I got close enough for proximity chat I would start hearing him again. Weaving through fire and the gunshots while hearing that every now and then was amazing.

Here is 40 seconds I recorded showing what it is like to be inside a firefight.

Something specific I want to touch on - unlike many other games, the voicechat culture in this one is top notch. People getting really into it calling for medics and giving orders, trashtalking the enemy team when you get downed and they're trying to drag you away, fun (imo) musical micspam that reminds me of the old days of TF2 - and, perhaps most importantly, minimal bigotry and genuine nastiness. There's a little, yes, but not nearly as much as I would expect from a game like this, and the public ban log that gets pushed in the top right of the screen indicates the devs actually do care about removing bigotry, which is nice.

I'm loving it. Like a nice middle point between Insurgency and Battlefield. Chaotic nonsense with a side of tactical mashed potatoes.

When the servers are behaving even on my 1080ti I get 70+fps at 4k.

The devs leaning to a less toxic community is a nice change of pace as well. Even when frustrated you can "act crazy" instead of losing it.

My main critique is that we need a metro style infantry map. Don't groan you know you love the meat grinder. Grind that meat with us, GRIND!

It's pretty fun but also very hard, maybe too hard for me. De gameplay is battlefield like with call of duty pacing to me. Theres quite a lot of maps with good variety. Some maps are more sandboxy and open. Others more urban like or with more choke points. At the end of the game you can vote for the next map, but usually the same ones get voted over and over. The gunplay is good and has depth.

I will keep playing it, but mix it up with Deep Rock Galactic for some more relaxed sessions

It was fun until I was forced to refund it due to the devs announcing they were going to move from EAC to FACEIT, locking Deck/Linux users like me out. Asshole bait-and-switch move if you ask me - I'm glad I had just under two hours of playtime.

As a Deck owner, I feel this. But at the same time, it's a 3 person dev team, and rampant cheating driving away their audience is the fastest way for their product to get destroyed.

Yeah, but FACEIT doesn't work either. None of these anti-cheat products do - they usually stop casual attempts at cheating, but in the face of any dedicated attacker (including subscription cheats and hardware mods) they're pure security theater.

The only exception I can think of would be Vanguard, which only works because it's an aggressively maintained bespoke solution (and a complete security nightmare) - but even then, it's still defeated by hardware mods.

ui is shit but gunplay is pretty great.

most of the maps are pretty inconsistent with prop placement/congestion level when compared to server player count. some maps feel way too big and some feel way too tight.

it’s $15 USD, worth the buy at that price especially with how often they’ve been updating it. I’ve had fun with it but it’s definitely got a long way to go.

Really good, the servers are amazing, I play on 60 to 80 ping brcause my country doesn't have servers but I don't feel any lag, and I mean it.

It brings interesting mrchanics, like dragging allies and thr respawn points. It is undoubtedly fun and a dunny game by nature, you won't really notice the graphics after a few minutes.

Of course, it's a 15 bucks game AND still in early access, don't expect it to be battlefield or feel like newer battlefield titles. But it has more destruction, way too many weapons (tied to a progression system, no money involved of course)

Definitely give it a chance, it is a lovely work of passion. Especially the maps, they really impressed me on how good they were at making them feel good at every size of match (256, 128 and 64 people)

There are so many mechanics tho!
Destruction, construction, dragging bodies, anyone can revive, proxy VOIP when dead (so the enemy hears you on your squad chat), tanks, choppers, boats.

The game feels great. I can run it at 120fps with vsync off on my 60hz monitor, it feels snappy AF and no tearing.
The guns are fun and varied, there are attachment systems, camo, character customisation.
There are day and night modes, different weather.

Seriously, it's a game that does everything really well. It just looks like Roblox/Minecraft.

Like others have said, it’s influenced heavily by both Battlefield and Squad and I think it’s the best of both worlds.

I love that, in Squad, you need to be so tactical and team oriented and communicative; but it can get overwhelming if you just want to relax and/or have no military experience. Battlefield is fun if you want to shut your brain off; but nobody really works together, sometimes for the worse. I think Battlebit scratches both of those itches really well.

Plus the art style makes it so even with 254 players all in one server it still runs smoothly on my midrange-for-2018 rig lol

Great game. Beats Battlefield 2042 for gameplay by a mile. Brilliant value for money

2042 is a shell of a great game. Done wasting money on tripleA trash that corpo clowns kepe selling. Ahouldnhave been done 5 years ago. Don't feed the trolls

ui is shit but gunplay is pretty great.

modt of the maps are pretty inconsistent with prop placement/congestion level when compared to server player count. some maps feel way too big and some feel way too tight.

it’s $15 USD, worth the buy at that price especially with how often they’ve been updating it. I’ve had fun with it but it’s definitely got a long way to go.

Anyone have experience with the Australian servers? I moved from the UK to Aus a few years ago and honestly playing online games has really been the only downside!

There’s plenty of Australian servers. I’ve been playing most days since release.

Good news, I'll definitely pick it up then, thanks!

I thought the vehicles handled better in BF2 and 2142. Destruction mechanism is fun and engaging. Wish it had the ability to host servers as I do feel queuing can be a pain. Gameplay is extremely smooth and the graphics do not bother me one bit.

Given it is still under development I am super excited to see where it ends up. All my comments are nit picks of an otherwise excellent BF game with developers that are not EA.

Super fun game, definitely worth the £12 or whatever I paid.

If you’re looking for the type of thing that made your favourite Battlefield great you’ll find that here.

I'm interested in picking it up! Do others think that the game has enough longevity to hold attention for months, or even years?

Definitely yes, because it hits a very nice sweet spot that many people where looking for. The game has no micro transactions (so it will always have a advantage over AAA studio games) and a very BF game style. And there are a lot of people looking for a spiritual BF successor. At the same time there is a lot of content already and almost every pc can run this game.

As long as the game devs do not pull a 180 on their great concept and if cheating will not take overhand this game has a bright future.

I've been enjoying it. Kinda feels like BF in the old days. Good community so far too.

I think it's actually pretty good. Spent a few hours with a couple of friends, no performance issues, consistent moment to moment gameplay. It is good for $15. Good, cheap, and works. That's all I need from video games, not hyper graphically intensive, over-monetized storefronts thinly veiled as a videogame that doesn't run half the time and forces me to compile shaders the other half. Triple A needs to take notes.

I played the playtest and it was amazing. Next pay I'm buying it

I've really enjoyed it. It could use some polishing here and there but overall it's been fun. Worth the purchase.

It was a little overwhelming for me at first so I played a few hours of 32v32. Now I'm having an absolute blast in 127v127.

Don't get it. Devs are super anti consumer. Don't allow modding, don't allow family share on steam. Don't even allow you to stream it to another device with big picture. They are in the proccess of switching to a terrible anti cheat system.

I think disallowing family share is typically done to prevent a hacker from just hopping onto a family-share account to evade a ban on the main account. At least with family share disabled, the hacker now needs to purchase the game again.

Would definitely love to see mods, although adding support for them isn’t always simple (esp. when your game is receiving frequent updates in a beta phase).

This is pretty anecdotal but I’m pretty sure they’re relying on Anti-Cheat only temporarily, just cause of the huge influx of users in such a short time period. Feel free to correct me tho

It's an online game, mods aren't the easiest or even preferable thing to implement in that format. Family share also can have issues with online content. The streaming one is fair. None of those are inherently anti-consumer.

So why is everyone comparing it to "old battlefield games". A lot of modern games, like SQUAD, only exist because the old battlefield games allowed modding.

It's developed by 3 people.

Could be developed by 1 person or 300, doesn't give them the excuse to take the low road with the EULA. 2K are literally looking at their EULA for BattleBit and going "holy shit, we can do this?"

They do not have the manpower to achieve your personal wishlist Also 2k have more lawyers that Battle bit devs do. They're not looking to therm to learn about the laa

It's fun hectic as hell. Be prepared to die quickly and often. Stay with your squad or other players. Lone wolfing can lead to quick deaths. People are good about reviving.

Fun game the only complain I would have is the progression system for gun unlocks sort of suck and is quite grindy. I'm personally a big fan of the unlock system for gun attachments since it rewards good play with the guns you use.

It's been entertaining so far. Definitely worth the price for me. And the community I've come across doesn't take it too seriously while still playing seriously. It's been refreshing

This looks so fun

Let's buy it together and play. I fly attack helis mainly.

I don’t even have a computer because my laptop screen broke 😩

You just need an external monitor right?

I have a MacBook so I’ll figure out windows installation for it. I do have work monitors that I can use for my laptop. I use my tablet to remote in to my laptop so I’m curious how well it would work for a game instead of using the monitors

Not on Linux sadly plus anti cheat appear to need to root level access but otherwise reviews appear rave...

it was working for me on pop!_os a couple days ago. just needed to run it through proton experimental

For real?

Full online MP?

yup played hours of it no issues. i did also run the anticheat thing, so maybe that's also required, and i haven't played it today, so maybe it broke since then?

Ty for heads up. Will give it a shot once I am back.

15 bucks is a risk I am willing to take to scratch that bf itch.

2042 is garbage :/

The devs were testing out FACEIT anti-cheat (which won't work on Linux and also has a bad reputation as a rootkit) a while back but decided to revert back to EAC (which works on Linux) "at this time". If they do decide to implement FACEIT later on, that would lock all Linux gamers out of the official servers. Apparently the community servers might still run EAC after that and therefore possibly be usable with Linux though.

So it works on Linux for now but there's no certainty about the future until the devs unveil their plans further.