Man the circle jerks around people like elon and andrew tate is disgusting on youtube .

THE to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 118 points –

I accidentally watched some youtube shorts and algorithm pushed a ahort about elon and then some shorts about tate . The comment section was acting like they were gods among men and everyone was wanting to be like them or praising them or wanting to follow them .etc . Do they only know who these people are from shit like shorts or reels and not anything else ? I think most of em are teenage boys . It was kinda disturbing anyway what are your thoughts ?


I suspect that youtube is intentionally flinging these assholes' content at younger men beyond what would be expected of the algorithm being left to its own devices. Facebook does something similar in that their algorithms were intentionally designed to result in polarization in a general sense. Conflict and extremism generates more profitable noise than reasoned debate does.

Reddit does this too. They pretend that they're a "bastion of free speech" (when it suits them) when in reality they like the conflict that results from extremist views generating more profitable noise. These companies are doing what the profit tells them to do and the profit is telling them to nudge content in a direction that could very well eventually tear society apart.

@xkforce yeah youtube have a hair trigger for recommending Andrew Tate.

The UK's Tate Modern gallery sent an art exhibition about Light to New Zealand and I was very specifically looking for info on when it closed. Next minute Andrew Tate popped up in my youtube feed and was quite hard to dislodge.

I've since turned all recs off.

You seem to have stumbled into the Man-O-Sphere. They win when young men watch them, they win when others bring them up to discuss how terrible they are. I shouldn't even know who 'Tate' is.

Good luck unfucking your algorithm.

For real, doing a double take on one video can leave their shit popping up in your feed for weeks (on pretty much any social media site). Gotta be quick on the trigger to avoid that stuff

I use pipepipe without account so no algorithm just started watching some shorts and they showed one of his in similar and went to see him getting trashed and was kinda disturbed .

Well, I guess you won't find them around here. Remember Tate telling everyone he was 'too smart to read'.

He did ? Lol this guy is really a POS

See the 30 second clip on YouTube. Tate talks about books. It's hilarious and chilling.

I’m curious about this gender ideological divide that seems to be ramping up. Men listening to guys like Elon, Tate, and Pederson. Women, Yknow, wanting control of their bodies and not wanting to date Trump supporters.

I really wonder what the solution is. Compassion? Education? Engaged inquiry and curiosity being intentionally developed as a skill in young people?

Investigate tech companies. They know what theyre doing is causing political polarization to get worse.

Ive had this discussion with my wife.

Young (teenage) men are CONSTANTLY hearing about "Toxic Masculinity" with no real explanation as to what that is while they watch girls bully each other into eating disorders. Being told to "Respect women" but not what that means in practical terms, being told to not objectify women while their body is literally pumping them full of sex hormones. Regularly hearing and seeing stories about how "men" or the patriarchy are responsible for everything wrong in the world. Then here comes the confident man with the Lamborghini telling them "Nope being a dude is awesome, dont listen to those bitches. Look at my lavish lifestyle and these attractive women. Be like me, have this! Look at all the guys doing what the women say, do any of them live like me?"

Add in some good old fashioned teenage rebellion and the possibility of a lack of good close male role models...

Women, Yknow, wanting control of their bodies and not wanting to date Trump supporters.

  • Good for them for having an actual brain and not dating trump supporters.

I don't think they necessarily don't want to date Trump supporters, as much as Trump supporters are all dickheads and no one wants to date those people anyway.

What's the difference?

Because the women were already not going to date those people before Trump became a politician. This isn't a new phenomenon.

These guys have been jerks their whole lives.

I honestly don't know, but I'm afraid it won't end well at all.

I'd suggest deleting those from your watch history and possibly disliking them, if you haven't already, that should keep most of the trash out of your feed. BlockTube is also quite useful.