Finally someone said it to Lefty – 627 points –

"Fewer." - Stannis Baratheon

So random, I just had a YouTube recommendation of stannis correcting Arya's grammar.

He corrects everyone one the less/fewer thing. It's kind of his thing.

the less/fewer distinction was made up by a king one day... because he felt like it...

but, english is a living language and words mean what people intend them to mean, not what some dead guy mote thus be foretold, henceforth...

language is made up and nobody is an authority

idk how you can downvote something that is trivially true. techbros lmao, language isn't lilke programming languages

It's not really arbitrary. There are rules. You're following several in your comment.


There are not rules there are conventions. And they are arbitrary in that they are determined arbitrarily through conventions. Consider heavy slang, accents, connotations and of course uertlty bzirrae siht lkie tihs rnamiineg eretliny ilbilliegtne. So mcuh for the rlues of slilenpg!

.noitanalpxe orez etipsed ,siht daer ot elba eb neve thgim uoy

What's with the Joe Rogan picture

It's a so-called "Reaction Image". An image representing the OP's reaction to the post.

What's with the choice of a Joe Rogan picture

It's a classic reaction image. In fact, it predates most of Joe Rogan as you know him.

What's with including a 2005 reaction image at all

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It's a common meme. Used to signal that someone did something awesome and unexpected.

AKA a laugh track.

For when the audience is too stupid to know what to think I guess. Reaction images on posts are dumb

I think they're fine to react to someone else's comment, but using them to react to your own comment is cringe. Just like when someone laughs at their own joke.

They're fine in conversation but yeah...not a fan when they're just slapped on the original image. It adds absolutely nothing

I have no idea who Joe Rogan is, and seeing the number of comments in this thread I'm too afraid to ask

He's a douche with the #1 podcast in the world who shares his huge platform to fringe nutjobs after running out of interesting guests. He hardly challenges any of the crazy things they say and confidently parrots misinformation.

Guest: So anyway, that's how we know that Joe Biden actually does drink infant blood

Joe: Wow. I heard he said he would be a dictator on day 1 of his second term. He's senile!

Fact-checker: actually it was Trump who said that

Joe: oh well clearly he misspoke, give him a break! I'm not a grifter btw

You forgot to say he used to be a UFC announcer which is where most of these memes come from.

But you know, why provide a relevant answer when you have a golden opportunity to shit on someone you hate and make up a fake conversation?

My response was relevant. OP was realizing that people don't like Rogan and I explained why - because he platforms nutjobs and doesn't challenge them on their opinions.

My hyperbolic fake conversation isn't very far from the truth, unfortunately

Do we get to say he's the no.1 podcast if the vast, vast majority of his audience is only one country. And that country has proven itself to be 33% racist morons?

I could be wrong but I thought it was the #1 most downloaded show in the world, no?

He's definitely the highest paid podcaster thanks to his insane Spotify deal.

The fun police has arrived, wee-woo wee-woo!

In a post about the EU denouncing the US support of an apartheid state, you want to pick the bones out of a reaction image?

I know you're butt hurt but most people couldn't give two fucks about Joe Rogan.

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And even if they don't provide Arms the IDF is still gonna commit genocide, but yeah I get your point.

remember kids, running countries and national military services is a very silly job and entails all kinds of funny business.

Don't do it.

I don't understand why this conflict has been contorted to be America's fault, or is everything America's fault now?

Cutting Israel off from arms would be like cutting of the UK from arms. Never, ever, fucking ever going to happen. Too strategic of alliance, too important politically (esp. during election year), and too vital geographically. I'm not saying I support torture and murder, but I don't think "just stop selling weapons, bro" is a protest that will work at all. Very, very simplistic thing to say.

Inb4 low effort "Yes."

Because on top of furnishing unlimited weapons despite verified reports that Israel is killing civilians with them, the US are blocking any resolution of that conflict on an international level by using the UNO veto

Yeah, because they're one of closest allies. They want our America's and Israel wants theirs. America will keep scratching their back until they don't need them anymore. That's foreign politics in a nutshell. Still not America's fault that Israel are being monstrous. Europe isn't doing anything either besides kicking the can to America, who is somehow both the bogeyman and Dad of the world.

USA is in a tight spot: Hamas are terrorists who committed a 9/11 against Israel. Israel retaliates by scorched earth bombing/airstrikes that kill thousands of civilians. America can condemn this, thereby condemning themselves for past actions/killing and really piss off a crucial ally (a buffer state for their own anti-terrorist schemes) or they can support them with one hand and do humanitarian work with the other. I don't have the answers on what should be done but still none of this blaming-USA-for-all-of-it bullshit sits right at all.

Now do Ukraine?

I mean, this would be a good point if Russia was invading Ukraine with US-supplied weapons. But with the way things are in reality, this is a fucking braindead contribution to the conversation.

Exactly they really really need some weapons and are being killed by the Russians every day.

I've done plenty of memes mocking Putin don't worry, but unlike you I have enough brain capacity to think about two subjects