My Reddit Account got banned for the dumbest reason. to Mildly – 49 points –

In a post regarding climate change I called another user an "Ignorant Slut" like that line from the Office. Anyways got permanently banned site wide and I just can't help but wonder if that was necessary.

It's not like I say that all the time, it was a one off instance and they just remove me from their site. I don't mind it so much since it's just a Reddit Account but it is really annoying since I can't help but feel the admins had it out for me as they banned my account unjustly before and then reinstated it. But this time the ignorant slut was all the reason they needed to remove me from their existence.

Anyways just wanted to rant to the void on how dumb Reddit can be sometimes.


You probably got banned because you referred to it as being from "The Office", when it's originally from "SNL"

Wow. Didn't know that. You learn something new every day, I guess.

Also, I guess that implies SNL exists in The Office universe.

Considering Michael props up his humor on pop culture references, it'd be a must.

There were a few SNL skits that Michael called out. The Mr Bill one comes to mind

Jim also swears he saw Lorne Michaels when he was in NYC with Karen for the Job Interview.

Reddit, you ignorant slut

Reminds me of a customer who used to say 'listen here you little shit' if I stirred him up.

I am going in to post your comment. Wish me luck. Will report back.

It's similar to facebook or twitter at this point. You can get suspended for the most silly things, appeal it and they're "NO we reviewed it and you are VERY bad" and meanwhile, someone can threaten to murder you and you report it, and they're "we reviewed it and this was perfectly super cool, sorry".

The other thing is that they typically ban you for life, which is harsher even than our legal system. As a society we've agreed that it's possible to pay your debt to society, but private companies have no obligation to see things that way. It's like we've taken rules to deal with trolls in an old school Counter Strike server and tried to extend them to something that resembles a corporatocracy. It's a lot different and more meaningful to get banned from service provided by a monopolistic company compared to getting banned from your local bar, for example, when you can just go across town to the other one.

it's fairly horrific, like being banned from amazon. So Amazon is "hey we want a monopoly on all commerce!" .. and then if you're banned by them?

I wouldn't use that kind of insider joke on a social media. Chances are that at most 10% get it. The rest will be rightfully offended.

So this was actually the second infraction on that account? And even if "ignorant slut" is a reference to something it seems like pretty strong language to me, especially if it's an escalation from zero.

I was once suspended for making a dumb dick joke, something like “that guy must be hung” (it made sense in context, stupid sense, but sense nonetheless). This was reported as a threat of violence or whatever. I appealed, explaining that I wasn’t wishing anyone to be hanged, merely suggesting that they must have a large penis and got my account back.

Meanwhile racist dogwhistles and rampant transphobia abound with little consequence.

I swear they never look at context. I got permabanned for QUOTING something racist that someone else said. The person who said it was left alone.

I remember getting banned off a subreddit simply because I subscribed to another subreddit that they didn't approve of lol. When I tried to appeal, even un-subscribing from the other sub, they perma-banned me from the subreddit with no response. Good riddance.

Nothing would piss me off more than getting banned from a sub I never had any intention of visitng much less engaging in because I commented on a post from one of their disliked subs.

The curse of spending too much time in r/All.

The admins are probably ignorant sluts, I guess.

Are you sure that's what you got banned for? Like, did you get a message saying that's why? I've literally never heard of someone getting site banned for mild name calling.

3 more...

It seems like Reddit decided to look for any excuse to ban anyone talking negatively about their API changes or talking about Lemmy.

I was banned in one alt from a sub for ban evasion on a sub I was accidentally banned a few minutes from. I didn’t notice and posted from my main. All accounts were instantly permabanned. I don’t think it was a coincidence it was like 2 days after I dared to question spez in his AMA.

Classic authoritarian move. Make so many rules, everyone has to break one at some point, even accidentally. Then you can pick and choose when to enforce.

Had a 10 year old account get banned for something minor....which I appealed and got restored. But it left me to realize there are no actual rules on reddit....just a collection of echo chambers. I deleted all comments and the account itself shortly after. It's been sad watching Reddit die.

called someone a cunt on fb. bots kicked me in 2 seconds. 30 days for harassment. my 3 months on Tw ended for less. disposable, all of it

Yeah, I strongly suspect large numbers of trolls are making very, very heavy use of the reporting features.

I was permanently banned site wide for politely suggesting to not allow cosplay posts (that always market onlyfans) in r/gaming, as it was flodded by softcore porn. Often times not even cosplays from wide ban with no warnings in the past....I promote my stuff on reddit and it was taken away for something miniscule like voicing my opinion.

Sounds like you hit the wrong mod the wrong way at the wrong time. It's Reddit, baby!

The administration of that site is as context-illiterate as most of the userbase. They don't get that an expression like "ignorant slut" changes meaning depending on context, and that in your case you were drawing a reference to pop culture.

That can be used both ways, by the way. When I still had Reddit accounts, you have no idea on how much I capitalised on that context illiteracy to insult other users. Things like:

  • "An actual human being, unlike you, would quickly understand this."
  • "I understand that the concept of intellectual honesty might be a bit too complex for something like you to grasp, but you can always try it."
  • "Contrariwise to what you thought through your whole life, thinking doesn't hurt."
  • Heavily implying that the user is a pig or barn animal.
  • Heavy usage of "it" towards users behaving in a specially irrational (obtuse, assumptive, wishful thinking) way.

Can you guess how many bans I got out of that? Zero. The only time that I got a site-wide ban was for telling a Nazi something like "if you like your daddy Hitler so much then shoot yourself like it did".

That's why I like to embed things like that as GIFs so at least some context is present:

::: spoiler spoiler Dwight, you ignorant slut :::

Presenting the context this way is a good way to ensure that reasonable readers take it into account. Sadly the admins are not reasonable.

I remember I called something "Really Stupid" in response to something someone else said that was really stupid, and I was banned for using an ablest slur.

I got banned from /myrderedbyaoc for colonialism for being for aid to ukraine and that going forward they would.remember it and be great allies. On the day aoc voted for aid to ukraine.

I've been on Reddit for like 12 years and I was never banned by an admin. The fact that you got banned twice is sus.

I did get banned from blackpeopletwitter for being white.

I started making a particular point about UFOs and started getting site-wide bans. They started as short suspensions but I was soon banned for good.

The point about UFOs is this: the claim that these UFOs are a hoax, is the biggest and most outlandish conspiracy theory ever:

  • a group of people
  • spanning continents and millennia
  • ranging from heads of state to rural farmers, centenarians to children, stoners to navy admirals
  • have coordinated to give the impression that aliens are visiting this planet
  • they coordinate their stories
  • they produce fake footage
  • they sneak into fields and dismember cows using lasers
  • they write books
  • they give award-winning performances and maintain their lies for decades
  • they have never leaked a single document explaining their desire to hoax
  • they coordinate this conspiracy without producing a shred of evidence
  • there are no photoshop files, no movie clips in half edited state, no 3D models of alien ships
  • because it’s the most effective conspiracy of all time
  • to produce the overwhelming impression that aliens are visiting
  • and the do it for attention
  • they