UN Body Reaffirms That Marijuana Legalization Violates International Treaties, While Addressing Germany Cannabis Reform And U.S. Psychedelics Movement - Marijuana Moment

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 142 points –
UN Body Reaffirms That Marijuana Legalization Violates International Treaties, While Addressing Germany Cannabis Reform And U.S. Psychedelics Movement - Marijuana Moment

Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the United States invade Iraq despite the objections of the UN Security Council? That happened, right? Without reprocutions?

If that's the case, I'm wondering who cares about the UN objecting to laws a country passes, within their own borders, that are not human rights violations. What are they going to do? Write a stern letter?

This is definitely people trying to justify their existence rather than keeping up with the times.

The UN is run by America but for other people not the Americans.

Same as extradition and breaking laws of another country even though it doesn't break any laws they are in.

Sure US have allowed countries to punish their citizens but only when that outcome is also in their interest.

The whole UN war on drugs thing started in America to solve an American problem.

Same as extradition and breaking laws of another country even though it doesn’t break any laws they are in.

And yet the International Criminal Court is fine, right? Despite it only going after POC from ex-European colonies.

This whole idea that you can commit any crime you want: if it crosses borders, if it is a crime against humanity, if it occurred in a country that it happened in is a failed state and could never prosecute the person, or if it happened at sea doesn't work and never will work. Governments have a right to go after people outside their borders in specific situations and without that right the world is full of pirates, genocidal warlords, international cartels, Russian paid shills, etc.

Don't like it? Don't commit genocide and you are highly highly unlikely to have an issue.

So by your logic, was the U.S in the right to extradite Julian Assange on espionage charges in spite of him being an Australian citizen living in his own country?

If so, what about Benjamin Netanyahu? Would the US try to extradite him from Israel if he gets indicted for his genocide in the US?

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Yet American can kill citizens of Western countries in those countries and they get protected by America. If anyone trys to put them on trial then America can do anything to stop that happening including war.

But when someone does something legal in their own country as small as piracy or journalism. America wants them extradited.

Oh wow the world is shit. Great job. Here is a fucking golf clap.

You said something wrong and I corrected you. Whataboutism isn't going to make your wrong thing correct.

What the fuck are you on about.

You brought genocide into this not me. I still don't even know what point you're trying and failing to make.

Try reading next time and you will get the point.

Let me guess you are all upset your BFF Russian spy friend is finally being extradited?

You're on about genocide and you pulled it out of your arse. Honestly you need to explain what point that is and how that relates to America having one rule for them and one rule for others. You're not really talking any sense.

I have no idea who that is. I was thinking more Julian Assange.

Ass-ange is a Russian spy and I hope he rots

You confuse me.

You seem to have anger issues so I'm just going to move on.

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International law isn't really a thing. The true limits to what a nationstate can do are established by military and economic interventions alone.

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UN can't do shit about Israel's ethnic cleansing operation and it has the audacity to talk about something so irrelevant. Does the UN even do anything these days?

They only said it violates treaties, not that they're doing anything about it.

Does the UN even do anything these days at all?

Fixed it for you.

Dude you sound ignorant - UN is made up of it's member countries that discuss what should be in those treaties. It's not a person or a team of people just deciding randomly what the treaties should contain, and Germany has approved and signed on to the treaty.

And why the UN doesn't do shit, is because it's controlled by it's member countries, and certain countries has veto-power over Usn decision. And it's rather the world doesn't do shit, than the UN doesn't do shit.

That is basically it, and now learn to breath through your nose.

The UN should be looking out for people's safety instead of reaffirming bullshit. People will smoke, so they should have access to clean shit for regulated farmers and vendors.

Nah. Waste that money on law enforcement, court cases, and prisons.

We've probably spent trillions of dollars losing the war on drugs as a species.

In other words Germany has to leave the "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs". Fine by me.

Btw. Canada and Uruguay are already in violation of the treaty. Nobody seems to care. 🤷

International law isn't natural law, with advances in knowledge it can and should change.

I only use it for medical purposes so no violation. I only smoke to get high.

Good thing there's a shit ton of money being passed around.

0% chance this gets in the way of profits.

People are starving and the world has never been closer to World War 3 and they just can't stand the weed. Lol. What the fuck. I'm glad they lost the fight though, cat is out of the bag now and never going back in once all the old timers die off its over with.

God i hate stoners. The worst kind of drug addict

You have a post about pissing yourself in public should be the way to resolve issues with service staff.

Obvious troll account imo

My brother shat in the entrance to a Safeway because the bathroom was closed after 9PM. It was his revenge for some reason.

I totally buy this story.

Thank you and your brother ofc

I’ve never mentioned that aloud or in writing and felt dirty and embarrassed over it.


The worst kind of drug addict

Insane take from an insane person or a troll: You decide.

I am so much more functional when I'm smoking. Without my constant anxiety I become a completely different person, a person I really like.

I personally think you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm a stoner and you'd never even know I was high all the time.

You can tell with me sometimes, but I can handle it pretty well.

Dude, I'm totally clueless here. But hey, if daily smoke sessions are the secret sauce to soothing your jitters, then you're clearly the genius in the room!

3 day old account with only downvoted troll comments.

Man you really need to get a fucking life.

What's the best kind of drug addict?

Any that doesn't constantly speak about how their drug of choice is not addictive

So like, meth heads? I've never heard someone in meth say it wasn't addictive. So you think that someone shooting up meth is better than someone that smokes weed? Even the vast majority of stoners that didn't talk about it almost at all?