Laughter erupts in House when Trump-tied lawyer declares 'I have no awareness of anything' to – 313 points –

Rep. Jerry Nadler burst out into laughter Thursday when a legal group leader with close political ties to former President Donald Trump testified to complete ignorance on all matters.


One guy chuckling meets the bar for "laughter erupts"?

Breaking news, this just in: Journalist body-slammed by commentator for click-bait headline

Seriously. When did all these slammed/rebuked/savaged/destroyed headlines start showing up? I don't give a fuck what 3 random people on Twitter said about anyone.

Apparently they already did those kind of headlines in 1898

Interesting headline, but not exactly what I mean. I've just been really annoyed lately by headlines that use a very small group of people's reactions and extrapolate them out to imply that the majority of a group or population think that way.

Things like "X politician railed for X." There's nothing substantive in that statement. I want news, not journalists telling me the reactions of nobody I care about.

First step was when internet went mainstream and news papers had to compete with news online. Things got a lot more attention grabbing. Or at least more articles got clickbaity. Then came from social media, who loved to use emotions to drive engagement so you got a lot of articles with emotional attention grabbing language. Meanwhile there is a large wave of consolidation where small media companies are bought up by bigger ones, usually with political leanings, that then start pushing a message, an ideology held by a small group. All together you now have a small group spouting their opining everywhere with very attention grabbing emotional laden headlines.

Because facts don't matter anymore and news outlets noticed it's easier to get clicks. If necessary, sock puppet the handful of enraged Twitter user yourself, boom story.

Since 2016 there has been a massive uptick in bullshit like this.

It's the next-generation learning what they should have learned a long time ago.

Lethal wrestling move used on innocent fellow commenter causes entire comment section to burst into flames. Stay with us as this story develops

That guy's demeanor is obnoxious