Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over Threads to – 199 points –
Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over Threads | Semafor

Twitter is threatening legal action against Meta over its new text-based “Twitter killer” platform, accusing the social media giant of poaching former employees to create a “copycat” application.


Feel free to destroy each other.

What sane person would side with either of them?

Well.. A lot, sadly

This is the grossest part. People fawning over Threads as if Facebook and Zuck aren't just as bad as Elon just far more competent at it.

Poaching? Didn't Twitter drive out or lay off or fire nearly all their employees? You can't get rid of people and then complain when they go work for somebody you don't like.

Elon, next week: "Layoffs are free speech, but hiring the discarded rejects of another Employer is dumpster-diving and therefore theft."

“We may have fired our staff and blocked our customers from accessing Twitter content, but they are still ours.” -Elon Musk

Those people we fired should have to starve to death.
~_Elon, Probably_

"If you don't want to work like a slave, then leave! .... no not like that"

Who had “side with Zuckerberg” on their 2023 bingo card?

No, me neither.

In lawsuits, nobody wins. Not even the attorneys and their sanity.

They can wipe their tears with the money. Both of these giants have good cause for some damn expensive lawyers.

A person you fired can't be poached.

What part of threads could they even argue was stolen from Twitter? It’s an open source protocol plus Instagram logins. You think Facebook needed to hire people to tell them about how to post text on the internet?

They already had Instagram. Just take Instagram and replaced pictures and video with text. Job done. Tbh I'm not even sure why it needs a separate app instead of just adding it to insta.

Compartmentalization. Instagram + Threads would just = facebook lol. Threads is their microblogging platform, instagram is their image platform, messenger/whatsapp for messaging etc.

The employees that Twitter laid off, had their severance fucked with, and their "right" to arbitration fucked with?

Motherfuckers trying to double dip, or triple dip..

Amusing that Twitter's cease and desist notice claims that Meta is using its "trade secrets". Lmfao what trade secrets? Twitter has no unique technology or patents. Their whole business position is nothing more than first mover advantage for their format of social media.

That's why they've never made money. They don't have any novel IP or "trade secrets" to leverage in the first place.

Say what you want about Meta, but at least they have a whole ad platform that they created that competes with Google Ad Sense, and is an actual asset.

The only secret they had that you could have argued was the algorithm itself, but Elon open-sourced that in all his infinite wisdom, so yeah…

Social media is literally nothing without its users. Do you think it's technically challenging to create a forum, or a feed of brain farts? A few rich people seem to have forgotten that recently.

Literally all of the major social media platforms are more or less intro to compsci levels of things. I think when I was first learning rails one of the tutorials was how to build a twitter clone. Granted, this is simplifying and there is a lot to be said for scaling and the more esoteric things, but yeah it's barely about the platform/software.

What’s wrong Elon? Scared of a little competition?

Elon is scared of everything. Bullies are cowards.

The use of the word "copycat" in an official communication just seems to immature and juvenile to me.

But honestly, whatever...Threads will either sink Twitter once and for all, or both will fight each other to the death, and those are both win-win in my book.

"I would like to apologize for firing these geniuses. Their immense talent will no doubt be of great use elsewhere."

-Elon Nov 15, 2022

When they said they were having a cage fight, I was envisioning a physical boxing match in a ring, not two billionaires trying to out-lawyer each other...

Maybe if they didn't screw the pooch on that cesspool Twitter they wouldn't have to p a n i k and sue