What the Cursor? - An introduction to the new hyprcursor format

morrowind@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 340 points –
Vaxry's Blog

I hope this becomes popular enough that a lot of major distros start adopting it as a default

Specifically because I want to see turbo-weirdos talk about how higher-quality cursors are "bloat" or "against KISS" for the next 10 years. 💀

I snorted my coffee reading this. It's probably more in the inevitably become true category rather than funny category too

If none of my predictions come true, I made some peeps laugh and that's enough

If they do I get to call back to this post and pretend I'm smart (I am not)

Either way, it's a net positive.

Don't forget to delete this comment before you call back to the original one. Otherwise the future people will know you aren't actually smart!

Edit: Also, hello there future people!

Tbh I dont really see how anyone can call this bloat( I use doas btw). Its just so much more space efficient. 4 example I ported capitaine cursors and it takes below 200 kbs of space, its just that much more space efficient

You are most likely correct from a technical point of view.

But don't ever underestimate the potential of weird folks to be -- Weird.

Not that I think it's per se a bad thing -- But I feel like a lot of Linux people are pack bonded to the utilities and tools they have grown used to. Whatever justification they write comes after the fact from an emotional reaction to seeing the thing they are bonded with lose ground.

I must admit that I personaly see this as slightly bloated for using SVG, although I don't see a good alternative. Supporting SVG fully basically requires a webbrowser, because it has JavaScript support. The best alternative I can think of is using fonts formats, but that is less accessible for custom cursors, and idk how they deal with colors.

I don't think you have to, or even should, support JavaScript in cursor themes.

Absolute bloat.

[Goes back to enjoying his 300mb 9999dpi ultra hi-res waifu pointing bitmap cursor] /s

Sometimes I long back for the times when I just used my computer to do things, instead of forming an opinion about the compression rate of my cursor's image data.

Interesting. I didn't realize XCursor predates most image formats XD

X* predates almost everything still in common use.

Which is, frankly, amazing.

It's also why Wayland took (is taking) so long. It has to compete against X11 with decades of development.

That's a tall order.

X* predates almost everything still in common use.

it is ancient when talking about computer related things. 1984 was the initial release. Almost twice my age holy!

Well I’ll just go ahead and die of old age then since I was alive during its initial release

I hope GTK and GNOME (or is GTK part of GNOME?) adopt this, I didn't even know just how bad the inefficiency with todays cursors is. Having a single svg for each cursor and rendering it server-side makes so much more sense.

Did someone already open an issue for this?

Interesting and fun read, thank you !

In the beginning, the earth was without form, and void. Wait, a bit too far behind.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Very cool. I wish the entirety of the computer's interface was scalable SVG so any custom resolution is possible and looks good.

Yeah vector gui is a very cool idea. That said, arbitrary scaling on windows "just works" these days so definitely possible on Linux too without any radical tech changes

That was a very cool read. I'm not particularly technical—I can build a PC and install an OS, and that's about it—and I understood most of it. I had no idea that cursors were such heavy pieces of crap!

One of the more interesting things I've read here. Very nice work. So long as it is free of vulnerabilities (with your small codebase, seems it should be) then this seems like a great addition. Hoping for widespread adoption.

Yo! I would love for something like this to become a thing because I have recently become a big fan of SVGs. Would absolutely love a custom cursor that scales to any size with minimal issues of it looking too small on the 1080 TV I sometimes plug my laptop into using HDMI.

It is? It only works on hyprland tho. That being said its really easy porting xcursor themes over. It does all the things you just described.

Man, I've never thought about cursors at such a macro level before... Is the way it changes based on context of what it's hovering something really technical, or is there a call of some sort sent from the OS that is interpreted?

Well at least that rat is doing something interesting as opposed to throwing waifus at things and harassing people.

I don't know the full context, but your comment seems more like harassing. It definitely adds nothing to the debate and only creates toxic atmosphere on lemmy.