Humanity Is Dangerously Pushing Its Ability to Tolerate Heat to World – 302 points –
Humanity Is Dangerously Pushing Its Ability to Tolerate Heat

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Humanity’s superpower is sweating—but rising heat could be our kryptonite, and an average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels could bring regular, fatal heat waves to large parts of the planet, says Tom Matthews, a senior lecturer in environmental geography at King’s College London.

“We have evolved to cope with the most extreme heat and humidity the planet can throw at us,” he explains. But when our core temperature gets to about 42 degrees Celsius (around 107.5 degrees Fahrenheit), people face heat stroke and probable death as the body strains to keep cool and the heart works harder, inducing heart attacks.

Matthews cites an example from his home country, the UK. In the summer of 2022, the UK broke its high temperature record, surpassing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Scientists estimate there were roughly 3,500 heat-associated deaths that summer in the UK. Across Europe, they estimate high heat caused more than 60,000 deaths.

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“At 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, the likes of Lagos, Karachi, [and] Shanghai start to experience heat waves exceeding our limit. At 2 degrees Celsius, the events increase at least 10 times more often, and if we get to 8 degrees Celsius, a large fraction of the Earth’s surface would be too hot for our physiology and would not be habitable,” he says.

Air conditioning and heat-escape rooms would help, but we might need to abandon intense outdoor work such as rice farming in hotter regions. And these solutions will need to be able to meet demand. “The infrastructure must be able to withstand the surges when everyone turns on the air conditioning, and must be able to withstand hurricanes or floods,” he says.

Our best hope in the face of inevitable rises in heat? Cooperation. “We’ve built forecasting systems that will warn us when disasters are incoming by working together at enormous scale. We must continue to do the same.”

Our best hope in the face of inevitable rises in heat? Cooperation.

Yeah, we're fucked

Not true. Once we start dying in very large numbers, there will be fewer non-cooperative people around to fuck things up.

In any post-apocalyptic world, it’s always the bullies who seem to win. You don’t need to be cooperative if you can just take it from those cooperative wimps

Answered elsewhere, but my comment was gallows humor, and not a serious response.


Laughs in South West American.

But seriously. Can we just not? I'd like to actually have a retirement. Or nanobot immortality. Why can't we live in the cool timeline?

Somewhere a monkey paw finger curls and you're moved to the timeline where the world is in a nuclear winter ...

C'mon, at least get weird with it. Nuclear winter is so cliche, why not have the planet start to slowly de-orbit the sun?

C'mon, at least get weird with it. Nuclear winter is so cliche, why not have the planet start to slowly de-orbit the sun?

At 80% humidity? That’s a big negatori, rubber duck.

What if this is the best timeline humanity could ever archive?

I don't believe that. If this is the best timeline then we deserve everything mother nature is going to give us.

We haven't exactly reached this state because of some big, singular fluke nobody could have predicted, there hasn't been some asteroid impact or super volcano eruption that suddenly messed the planet up.
Humanity as has known about the issues of pollution and climate change for over a hundred years, known how dire the situation has been for decades, and has still done mostly nothing productive to end up here.

It would have taken a few generations of people all making massive changes willingly to fix this, but almost none of us did. I think we just can't care enough about the future when there is now and here to experience, and it's just finally the "find out" phase after the "fuck around".

Yeah, just one thing though. We could have avoided it through regulating emissions better. The idea that the people all had to make the individual choice is corporate propaganda.

If it was that easy more governments would have political parties that were fighting for all of that in power, most of the world does have some sort of democracy where the people get to choose. But it's extremely rare, because people don't vote for them as all the things that need to be done right now are really annoying. Fewer cars, more smelly public transport, expensive green energy, higher taxes, no cheap flights to holidays?!
This climate change thing prolly isn't such a bad thing, and if it is, we can do it later, and if we don't who cares, we are gonna be dead anyway.

Here in Finland, the Greens lost 7 seats dropping to just 13 out of 200 in last years election, for example. Who won? The right-wing populists who are reducing the tax on petrol and trying to increase taxes on electric cars, for example. Yay....

Oh, I'm not saying the people don't have a part. But the idea that everyone needs to reduce their personal carbon footprint is ridiculous. And part of why green parties have trouble getting votes. Corporations run commercials that insinuate they've solved climate change.

Found the solution, peeps! Capture the heat, transform it to energy, free electricity for everyone!

Now someone go do it.

This is such a weird take - “Oh man, it’s hot and getting hotter”. I mean - yeah so where’s the, y’know, point? Of the article? It’s not like we didn’t know that, so

An interesting take would be about living underground on renewable energy. But that’s just too far for Wired. And they predicted The Zippies.

hey, if you can't stand the heat get out of the solar system

You just have to live somewhere with humidity. It doesn't get over 100F, it just gets soupier. It's like living in a hot armpit but at least it doesn't cook your insides.

Please for the love of Satan look up "Heat Index". A 100 degree day with 40% humidity is the same as a 120 degree day in a desert. It will absolutely cook you. A 90/90 is also equivalent to a 120 degree day. A smidge worse actually.

Nothing about this comment is accurate. Maybe where you're at doesn't get above 100f currently, but it can absolutely go above 100f in other areas. As for the humidity, the higher that is the worse people are at regulating temp because sweating stops doing anything. High enough humidity and the temp doesn't even need to hit 100f to kill people readily. The best place to handle high heat is somewhere dry and windy because you can keep chugging water and sweating buckets to maximize evaporative cooling

Yeah, no. Humidity kills faster and at lower temperatures than heat does. The higher the humidity, the less effective sweating is. You can easily die from heat stroke at sub-100°F temperatures if the humidity is high enough.

Nah man. When it's 35 degrees here with somewhat high humidity it's absolutely gross and doing anything is a task. When i was in australia in a dryer part, i would be active all day with 40 to almost 50 degrees.

If you can survive 95F at 100% humidity, you can survive 160F dry heat. No biggie. Roughly around 6 hours until you are dead in both cases though.

"At wet bulb temperatures above 35°C (95F) researchers estimate that even fit people will overheat and potentially die within 6 hours. Although that temperature might seem low, it equates to almost 45°C (113F) at 50% humidity, and what it would feel like 71°C (160F) using the U.S. National Weather Service heat index."

Hi there. IRL lived in Taiwan and Vietnam, totalling 13 years. It can and often does get up to 103/4F in absolute humidity (the max that is possible without it being a swimming pool). I know, I know, anecdotal etc etc.