Israel launches night raid on Gaza al-Shifa hospital to World – 284 points –
Israel launches night raid on Gaza al-Shifa hospital

Oh look, another war crime. How many is that now?

A war crime occurred when Hamas put a military installation in a civilian hospital.

Once that happened, attacking the hospital to get at the military base is not itself a war crime.

You might wish it was, but that's not what the law says.

That's assuming that that's actually happening. The article only gives the IDF's word, no evidence.

Evidence that there was Hamas? Nobody trusts the IDF on their lying word.

You demand evidence to prove that Israel didn't commit a war crime?
Proving guilt works the other way around.

I love this comment. Someone asking for proof that your claim is true, and instead you say they need to provide proof of what not having proof would prove. What? Israel is making the claim Hamas was there. The burden of proof is on them. If they can not prove it, then it's a war crime.

Regardless, Gaza is one of the most populated regions in the world. There isn't a place without civilians, and they aren't allowed outside of their open-air prison. They literally can not be any significant distance away from civilians. The "they're using civilians as human shields" excuse doesn't work when you force civilians to stand next to them when you drop exosives on both of them. Also, Israel has been literally using civilians as human shields, walking behind them as they force them to walk ahead.

That's how the International Criminal Justice (people who did Nuremberg btw) do things, yes, and by all counts Israel is an illegal, settler colonialist, war criminal, fascist state.

Fucking Zio scum

evidence there was no hamas? no body trusts the hamas on their lying word

Hamas tolerates reporters, Israel murders them. I know which one I’m more compelled to take at face value when no better sources exist (because Israel murdered them).

Let’s go back on how Israel became Israel and their entire regime. Murder (of men, women and children) and displacing 750 000 Palestinian people. Apartheid, racism. Illegal settlements.

Lying to the world about almost everything and not to forget how they speak about Palestinian people (calling them rats, animals and so on). Also to mention they are saying to drop an atomic bomb on Palestinian people (Gaza).

But that’s all “okay”, right? In your eyes.

Not to forget, Hamas was only created in 1987 because of Israel’s action from 1948 up to 1987. That’s 39-40 years later.

EDIT: some corrections like “there” to “their”

No, that is a hoax. International law revolves around proportionality and civilian security, explicitly protecting civilian medical facilities and their medical personnel. They are not invalidated according to the crimes of the other side.

In fact, this would still be a war crime even if there was a nuclear silo under the hospital. You might wish it was, but that’s not what the law says.

Which law are we talking about?

Reference Geneva IV, Article 19.

Civilian hospitals can lose their protection if the sites are used for "acts harmful to the enemy."

"Losing protection" refers to the total overprotection granted by the above article, do not pretend that this grants carte blanche. The rest of international humanitarian law and other laws still apply, including the rest of the geneva convention.

That same article establishes clear limits of proportionality which they did not comply with, and even if they had complied they have violated so many others (have you read the news?). This attack is flagrantly illegal, and is one of the most moderate they have had against hospitals.

It's also a war crime that every Palestinian has a Hamas military installation in their body. Israel knows and is going to solve that problem. Better hope a Hamas military installation doesn't happen to you or Israel will be coming for you. /s

Is the mantra of Israel "All publicity is good publicity"? They make headlines every day with war crimes destroying their own reputation rather than Hamas.

How's any of it bad though? They're getting cheered on by a significant number of people for the genocide.

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Increasingly there is no difference between Israel and US police officers. "I feared for my life against a 12 year old so I shot them" vs "Hamas is in the hospital so we destroyed the hospital".

It truly says something about someone's lack of humanity when they attack a hospital. At least evacuate everyone first to another hospital.

It's not a coincidence. For instance there's the GILEE program which is literally a Georgia to Israel police exchange/training program.

NSFL (death+gore) some images of the aftermath

Isn't it funny how israel claimed to have full control of the north of Gaza but Hamas magically pops up in a hospital in northern Gaza to "plan attacks"

Says the page doesn’t exist

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Still gun fights reported this morning at the hospital. Shooting both ways.

Why are so many doctors and nurses armed? Or is it the patients?

If you know they're going to try to kill you no matter how cooperative you are, why the fuck wouldn't you be armed?

If you mention the second amendment it short circuits their little Israeli brains, they know their own miserable lives depend on a freedom denied to Palestine and that karma is real and terrifying.

There is a difference between US second ammendment gun nuts and living/working in an active warzone/genocide.