Democracy is at stake. | An address from Bernie Sanders to – 133 points –
Democracy is at stake.

Only because the Democrats have contributed to support a failed and broken system because it sometimes kept them in power.

Conservatives have been openly stating their goals for the last hundred years all the Democrats had to do was stop supporting the status quo.

ugh. I don't get where this comes from. You think people should sign up under a stystem and run for office under a system and then not support and try and make that system as best it can be from within the system. You want revolution then revolt but if your in a democracy vote for the best option and that includes the options for the option (primaries) and if you can try and be an option if you will do a better job and making the best of the system. You want to toss our the system and start anew, well then revolt.

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8 more...

Democracy was dead from the beginning, the ‘founding fathers’ were afraid of the masses and the structure of the government is a reflection of that. On top of that the dominance of political parties (which George Washington warned against) makes it essentially impossible to vote for someone who generally shares your interests which is what you’re supposed to be doing in a democracy.

This is all true, but that shouldnt discourage people from voting this time around.

"Hey! That thing you do every four years is actually a sham and always had been but don't let that stop you participating because you know, we really need you to vote this time to preserve the illusion of democracy"

Stop huffing jenkum and most of all, stop encouraging others to take up huffing with you

One candidate is openly planning to install himself as a violent authoritarian dictator. Voting against that is in fact important?

And the other is actively engaging in a genocide with supplying intelligence, weapons and boots on the ground and has bypassed Congress multiple times to do so.

Every election cycle:

We had only once in US history a candidate who was not committed to peaceful transfer of power and who incited insurrection. No, not every election you have a choice to vote for or against such candidate.

Thank you for posting this. I've put it on my FB page (very tiny, family and close friends only). My Bernie loving friends who won't vote for Biden because he's too conservative or whatever need to see it. And my conservative family members who consider themselves trump loving patriots need to understand the consequences. I captioned it "If you believe in democracy, please vote to support it."

If we're going to keep Trump from a 2nd term, each of us needs to do what we can to convince all our friends and family to vote in support of democracy.

The DNC chose to elect Trump in 2024 when they pulled their shenanigans against Bernie in 2018. They squandered 2020 on a minimum-viable candidate and now that re-election has come due they're lashing out at everyone except their own sycophants.

This message is not about them, but about YOUR vote.

I don't live in a swing state so it's not clear how my vote could be relevant.

So... Trump has promised to carry out a coup if he doesn't win. A good coup would be indistinguishable from him just winning... Yet, people keep saying "vote harder." Like, yeah, this is all super important stuff and the more people vote the harder it will be for Trump to carry out the coup... But a lot of people have put in a lot of money to make this happen so he's going to have another coup attempt. This time it won't be a bunch of idiots, it will be Eric Prince and the Academi soliders who got deployed in Portland.

If you are in the US, you need to prepare to fight. If he wins, democracy is over. If he doesn't win, democracy is probably over too since he's already rigged the supreme court so he can steal the election and make it look legal. Police all over the country have already pledged allegiance to him. When you come out to protest they will run you over with SUVs and just open fire on you. They'll shoot at reporters to make sure no one can see what's happening, just like they did during the George Floyd rebellion. But this time they'll just kill people and claim they were violent.

You all need to be ready for the absolute worst. You also need to vote to make it harder, but voting will absolutely not be enough. You need to prepare.

Stfu old man you got ratfucked bent the knee and now are shilling for genocide

You should actually watch the video because you might be surprised that he directly talks about Gaza and states his position (no more money for Israel if they can’t control their violent impulses). You know, instead of spouting off like a blind partisan.

Yeah, he says that and then says you need to vote for Genocide Joe. Just a reminder that Bernie is a Zionist and waited until Dec. 13 to even call for a ceasefire. He's hot garbage, just like AOC who refuses to call the conflict a genocide.

Reductive purity testing won’t end the genocide you know. Do you know the position of the Republican candidate on Gaza? (hint: it’s an example of actually advocating for genocide)

Refusing to take steps to reduce harm enables the worst outcome and there are also other issues besides Gaza that exist beyond this wedge issue.

I'm not quibbling. Bernie is supporting a man committing genocide. Oh, Trump is advocating for genocide? Why should I give a hoot whether Biden says he likes genocide while he gives Israel the bombs they are using in the genocide. Words mean nothing if your actions contradict them. Biden's duplicity is no virtue. At least Trump has the spine to own his crimes. Biden kills babies while crying crocodile tears, and Bernie is his apologist. Shame on them all.

You know what won't end the genocide? Wringing our hands while we vote for the politicians carrying it out.

Don’t infantilize Netanyahu and the IDF. They’re doing the genocide. Bernie is opposing a person that wants total immunity from the law and is advocating for what he believes even still.

There are more things to consider than Israel Hamas. Don’t be the left wing equivalent to pro lifers. Hyped up on a wedge issue to the extent you let yourself get taken advantage of by the rhetoric of the worst actors.

How can you be so cold blooded as to call the starvation of 2.3 million people a "wedge issue"?

There was recently a story about a woman in Ohio who left her baby in a pack 'n play while she went on vacation for two weeks. She returned to find the baby dead from starvation and dehydration. I imagine my own baby wailing with hunger for days on end.

This is what Israel is deliberately subjecting tens of thousands of children to while Biden continues to give them weapons and diplomatic cover. This isn't a wedge issue. This isn't a talking point. This isn't a bargaining chip. As long as we are on the wrong side of this issue, we are "the axis of evil" in the world. We are irredeemable.

Anybody who pretends that the US hasn't operated as an empire, there is even a book named "How To Hide An Empire" on it.

That insight ( the link ) of Glubb's was important.

Please glance at the history backing it, in that table, on that page..

I believe it is partly that the empire-rulers identity becomes sooo completely mis-matched from the actual composition of the empire, that it is an inevitable self-destruction, at that age of its evolution.