Russia and China vote against ceasefire in Gaza in latest UN Security Council resolution to – 179 points –
Russia and China vote against ceasefire in Gaza in latest UN Security Council resolution

Let's see how the anti-Biden tankies try to spin this one.

The Russian deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, warned reporters on Thursday: “We are not satisfied with anything which doesn’t call for an immediate ceasefire.”

He argued that the effect of making a ceasefire conditional on the release of all hostages would be to endorse leaving hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians exposed to continued Israeli attacks until the point when Hamas and Isreal reached an agreement.

In the chamber, the Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told the security council the resolution was a “hypocritical spectacle” that put no real pressure on Israel over its war crimes. Moscow also said the episode showed the US administration was more interested in throwing a bone to American voters and persuading a domestic audience it was being even-handed in the crisis. Source

So. Mission Accomplished.

It was a temporary ceasefire proposal, the US has already blocked 3 permanent ceasefire proposals.

Same way Israel has been rejecting every permanent ceasefire for months. Because they prioritize extending genocide in Gaza over the release of hostages.

It was still a ceasefire resolution, and one which was vetoed by Russia and China. I await the flood of tankie vitriol for those nations for supporting Israel's pogrom against the Palestinians.

Israel is doing genocide in Gaza. A temporary ceasefire means to allow Israel to continue it's genocide in Gaza and not cease all hostilities. There is a very big difference between a temporary ceasefire resolution and a permanent ceasefire resolution. That difference is exactly why Israel wants a temporary ceasefire and has rejected all permanent ceasefire proposals.

If you want the genocide to end, you want a permanent ceasefire.

A ceasefire is just that - a cessation of firing, of hostilities. The US proposed one, and China and Russia vetoed it. That's what means Israel is allowed to continue its genocide in Gaza.

A ceasefire is a ceasefire, and the fact remains that there was political will to enact a resolution calling for one, had Russia and China not vetoed it.

Why Biden Proposed a UN Ceasefire Resolution That Was Vetoed by Russia and China - Time

A ceasefire that is conditional is not the same as a ceasefire that is unconditional.

Why do you think Israel is insisting on a temporary ceasefire when they are currently engaging in genocide?

A ceasefire is better than no ceasefire, and Russia and China blocked this one, proposed by the US. Your pretending like a ceasefire is useless unless it's permanent is disingenuous.

The reality on the ground for Palestinians in Gaza are very different under a temporary ceasefire / humanitarian pause compared to a permanent / general ceasefire. The difference is far from negligible. You've seen how bad Gaza has gotten since Israel resumed after the last pause, how much worse do you think it'll get when they resume a second time.

Nonetheless, some argue that using a humanitarian pause to provide a temporary halt in the bombing of Gaza is not enough. In a report calling for a general ceasefire, Oxfam said its experience is that such pauses can even put civilians at a greater risk, as there is usually less clarity involved about safe zones and the duration of pauses.

But the US and other allies of Israel continue to press Netanyahu for at least a pause in Israel’s assault. He insists that while “little pauses” might be arranged to allow for the exit of hostages or to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid, a longer halt in hostilities is not possible until all hostages taken by Hamas are released. And so the killing continues

Israel-Hamas war: there is an important difference between a humanitarian pause and a ceasefire

Again, more false dichotomy. A temporary ceasefire is better than no ceasefire at all, and the fact remains that the reason there will be no ceasefire resolution as a result of the US proposal is because Russia and China vetoed it. They share responsibility for the continued violence in Gaza.

Oh yay! Biden is on the same side as Putin and Xi, in disagreement with the rest of the world.

Not quite the win I think you’re going for there.

The United Nations Security Council has failed to pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as part of a hostage deal after Russia and China, who are permanent members, voted against the measure proposed by the United States.

It's literally the first paragraph of the article.

Yes, so now ceasefire resolutions have been vetoed by Biden, Putin, and Xi. Good company.

Biden, through the US delegation, proposed this resolution, which Putin and Xi, through their delegations, vetoed. They're literally on opposite sides of the issue.

The US was vetoing ceasefire resolutions before this.

And now it's Russia and China vetoing the US resolution calling for a ceasefire, hence the article.

I was explaining how they're the same. You know, for someone who likes explaining the obvious, you really did miss out on this obvious point being made, twice.

So because the US vetoed a measure earlier, them proposing a ceasefire now is grounds for Russia/China to veto?

You sound like someone who thinks “no u” is a strong argument.

They vetoing it because the US proposed a conditional ceasefire while Russia and China want an immediate unconditional ceasefire.

Did you reply to the wrong post? I was explaining how the US could be seen as the same as China and Russia on this issue because they're taking turns vetoing each other's resolutions. The original post was talking about Biden. I didn't say anything about anyone having grounds to veto. It'd help to follow along the conversation before jumping into the middle of it.

They’re not the same: which horse does either Russia or China have in the race?

US vetoed resolutions that were unfair to Israel or simply that Israel wouldn’t accept. You may not like this support of Israel but it it’s there

Russia and China do not have an interest in either side. They do not strongly support either. They do not care about either, and they certainly do not care about human rights. This is just to say “ha ha, US didn’t get this done”, and so patsies online can say “derp, both same”

Unfair to israel? We really shouldn't care about israel's feelings when they're committing outright genocide. You may not like the idea of the US being as bad as China or Russia, but in this case the US is actually worse since it's actively supporting and funding this genocide. Throwing together a different resolution that gives israel leeway to continue their genocide but slightly altered is just to say "look, we tried" and so patsies online can say "derp, US are the good guys"

Not what I said. Regardless of any of our opinions onions this is not happening unless both sides agree, including Israel. Again, regardless of our opinions, US support of Israel makes it more likely to get at least them to agree.

There’s no “both sides the same”, since China and Russia don’t have a resort, they’re likely doing it for spite. Again, regardless of our opinion, US supports a side and hopefully has influence for the side, and Russia/China don’t, just want to stir up shit

this makes me suspect even more it has been incited by russia as a distraction. i mean the situation was messed up in israel/palestine for like 80 years, but suddenly when russia has problems invading a country, it escalates. coincidence? i doubt it.

I mean Iran is Russia's link to this shit, and Iran has been distancing the fuck out of their relationship with Hamas since the attack, which implies Hamas jumped the gun, which implies Iran doesn't have as much control over them as they'd like, which means Russia would have even less ability to direct the action.

Mmm. Did Russia even need to incite it, or just toss gasoline on the flames that are already burning?

I doubt it, because their vote doesn't indicate that Russia or China want to avoid a ceasefire. Russia and China both know that the US would vote against it anyway, which means that their vote won't alter the situation anyway, so both Russia and China are free to vote in whatever way they think is most politically-appealing; their vote is decoupled from what they want to happen.

You could say that it's surprising that they wanted the political appearance of opposing a ceasefire, though. I don't know what considerations factor into that.

EDIT: Oh, wait, this is one that the US proposed, so it's probably on terms that Israel would accept.

Suddenly? War had been going for quite some time at the moment of Hamas attack.

The goal is to weaken west by causing conflict and division.

For the surprise of 0 people

I guarantee some of the Jinping cocksuckers on Hexbear are absolutely shocked by this. They were singing his praises when he insulted the USA for enabling a genocide about a month ago.

Shocked? They will make up a reason why this is good, China and Russia are the saviours of Palestine and US is the root of all evil.

Seems like every offer that demands that the hostages be released gets rejected. Wonder if that means they don't have as many living hostages as Israel believes.

Hopefully this can come to a conclusion quickly but it seems like various parties are making that more difficult all around.

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So if the US was vetoing previous ceasefire resolutions, what makes their proposed ceasefire resolution different?

While the US promoted the measure as calling for a ceasefire, critics pointed out that the draft falls short of demanding an end to the war.

The proposal backs the “imperative” for “an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides”, differing from previous draft resolutions vetoed by Washington, which demanded an unconditional ceasefire.

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said the draft was exceedingly politicised and contained an “effective green light” for Israel to mount a military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where more than 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering.

Nebenzia said there was no call for a ceasefire in the resolution’s text and accused the US leadership of “deliberately misleading the international community”.

China’s representative, Zhang Jun, said the draft “dodged the most central issue, that of a ceasefire” through its “ambiguous” language.

“Nor does it even provide an answer to the question of realising a ceasefire in the short term,” he added. Source

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