How Smartphones Are Hurting Our Kids’ Mental Health: ‘There’s Massive Evidence of Harm‘ to – 34 points –
How Smartphones Are Hurting Our Kids’ Mental Health: ‘There’s Massive Evidence of Harm‘ (Exclusive)

There is no science behind the claims in this article (and the book).

A scientists review

Not that this'll stop people from buying into the false narrative and buying the book.

Massive evidence: authors' feelings.

Science: none

The irony of this comment is just incredible.

For anyone not brain-dead: the scientific evidence that excessive exposure to social media garbage and “doom scrolling” is bad for you and especially bad for children is completely overwhelming. It’s something we’ve known for years. Jonathan Haidt is a douchebag who picks low hanging fruit.

Damn, I wonder how that happened in these intervening years to radicalize young men.

Facebook gets politically involved, and in just 8 short years:

Does this mean we can’t have social media? No, it just means the way we are living, the hellscape of online abuse and concrete jungle we’ve created for the next generation is making us vulnerable to manipulation and misery. This isn’t about social media. It’s about the fact that most of you fuckers haven’t touched grass in years. That’s why our democracy is dying.

My comment was just meant as a joke on the other comment, but I appreciate your contribution. Of course social media is part of a larger problem. That's obvious to anyone with eyes.

Yeah no hard feelings. It was funny. Or it would have been on a better day.

Tbh it probably wasn't the best community to make such jokes, especially that early in the comment thread.

Ah yes, we need special scientific evidence to figure out if playing outside with friends, fresh air and sunshine is better or worse than watching TikTok 5 hours a day.

Please, let’s do a study on this mystery.

Look I think even you should be able to understand that phones aren't actually the problem here. Look around at the world around you. Where are kids supposed to go? You can't walk anywhere. Are they supposed to just get chauffeured around by their parents until they can drive?

Social media is bad for everyone, that's not unique to kids. The only reasonable solution to this problem is to remove car dependency and unfuck our zoning laws. Give kids places to go and they'll go there. They love that shit but they hate being a burden and since the modern world removed those opportunities what else do you expect them to do?

Well sure, except that problems with social media are everywhere, even in suburban and rural areas where kids have plenty of places to go.

I had a friend just the other day have this conversation with me about how Social Media is bad for kids, but he as a grown ass man is able to determine if what he reads and hears online is healthy and useful to his life. This same person has spent the last 13 months discussing his divorce and how a fortune teller at the RenFest told him he had a dark aura and was difficult to love, and has been basing real life decisions on this comment.

Agree. Dude shoulda just enjoyed a turkey leg and a good excuse to open carry a broadsword on a Saturday.

"TV is bad for your eyes! You kids don't go out and play anymore!"

"Video games are making you violent! You kids don't go out any play anymore!"

"Phones are addictive! You kids don't go out and play anymore!"

I assume you're most likely under 80, so one of those three was said about you when you were a child.

Edit: If you are over 80, they said it about you listening to the radio.

If you can’t disambiguate between culture-war fear-mongering and the actual prerequisites for human flourishing, you are as fucked in the head as any lead-addled boomer.

Which one of those is an actual prerequisite for human flourishing? Radio, TV, video games or phones? And which ones do you refuse to use because they are stopping you from flourishing? Apparently you're okay with the internet.

I accused you of being unable to identify aspects of human flourishing, and you’ve now replied to confirm that for me.

How are kids supposed to go outside and play when places for kids to play have disappeared, replaced with empty parking lots and record breaking temps every year?

You just pissed off a lot of pale, depressed young people. 🤣

Jonathan Haidt is an idiot so I assume the book is bad, but this Nature article you linked is quite possibly even worse.

The amount of misinformation around this serious topic is a reflection of people’s emotional attachment to their silly tech.

I definitely there is an addictive nature to smartphones and the apps and social media we engage in. Kids are getting a high from infinite scrolling and depression and anxiety from pressure of social media. Marketing on crack.

There’s also something to people becoming armchair psychologist, the popularity of the field and over diagnosis.