Arizona lawmaker leads prayer circle on state seal at Capitol building, sparking backlash to politics – 249 points –
Arizona lawmaker leads prayer circle on state seal at Capitol building, sparking backlash

This is one of the dipshits that pretended to be an elector for Arizona when Trump lost his state. Pretty sure his religion says something about bearing false witness.

Why do the most voracious Xtian monsters always look like how you'd expect a demon in a skinsuit to look if demons were real?

What do you think inspired the look of a demon in a skinsuit?

They look like what they are.

This is why the second Poltergeist movies villian (evil preacher Kane) is so damned terrifying. Because you know these people exist in reality, and are just as evil as portrayed in the film.

The Late Great Julian Beck

His real life counterpart, kenneth copeland

That man's prosperity is the closest thing to convincing me that true physical evil exists.

unironically in agreement

I'm not even religious but Kenneth Copeland looks the fucking devil to me. I wouldn't trust that on the street in the middle of the day, much less at night.

Beady little pale wet eyes sunken into overmoisturized and chemically-treated skin. Oily hair too dark for its age, perfect-but-just-real-enough-looking dental work so you know it's real expensive.

Given the P in GOP, this thing probably drinks babies adrenochrome in pizza parlor basements.

I'm not even playing, Kenneth Copeland is evil.

Because they're monsters. They just say they're Christians because if you're religious, you pretty much communicated that you're gullible.

who spoke in tongues

In any other context, this would be cause for getting a psych evaluation; instead, because it's religion, it gets a yawn.

As someone who grew up going to churches that did this stuff: LOLOLOL

These people are nuts. And it's this weird collective "we kind of know this is all bullshit right" but no one wants to actually question it so they go with it. Then I think people feel left out and start doing it themselves. But then there are the fucking actual lunatics who believe their own bullshit that think they are speaking the words of God or the holy Spirit.

They'll even tell stories like "one time there was a Syrian lady at church and x started speaking in tongues and that Syrian lady said it was her language!!!" Which is obviously bullshit. And obviously a lie.

It's wiiiiild.

It's kind of terrifying to think that if a few things went differently maybe I'd be going to a church like that on Sundays.

Matthew 23:5

But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments.

Matthew 6:1

"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."

phylacteries (plural noun)

  1. a small leather box containing Hebrew texts on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer as a reminder to keep the law.

This context makes it even more fitting. Two thousand years of repetition.

Also, what a necromancer keeps their soul in so they can come back from death.

Kinda like Voldemort.

People suffering from aphasia should be seeking medical help, not forcing their beliefs on others.

In preface, I think everyone can believe in whatever they want. Religion is simply a habit of congregational reverence over some kind of object. There is nothing inherently wrong with this fact. However, being a staunch atheist myself, the continued antonymic assimilation of church-and-state within government is proliferating regressive politics. Personally stated, any Nat-C in government (i.e. MTG, Flynn) is a drivelling baboon that should be put on trial for willful ignorance. Unfounded opinion will continue to rend apart any pragmatic governance until all that's left is Their One God. This dangerous downward slope needs to end for the benefit of humanity as a whole, as well as our planet.

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I'd hope no one would agree with my linked article, it was included specifically for it's absurdity.

What is going on today isn't about secularism vs Christianity. This is about group hate [...]

While I don't disagree with your sentiment, Christian denominations have played a historically definitive role in shaping the US's government. Furthermore, a significant portion of US citizens want Christianity to influence government. A nice little cherry on top is that, since the Second Continental Congress in 1776, nearly every US president has opted to include the Christian bible and the phrase "so help me God" (both entirely optional) while being sworn into office.

Christofascists display open contempt for the constitution at this point.

And "the" bible. According to their own text, they should be keeping this stuff in the closet. Why don't they?

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

If they are going to be in this little book club, why don't they follow it?

If they are going to be in this little book club, why don’t they follow it?

Selective reading / selective interpretation.

You want AZ to flip blue? Because this is how you get AZ to flip blue. Between this sort of stuff, and the abortion rights issue, I'm getting hopeful.

As long as other religions and atheist get to hold events on the seal in fine with it... But I know they'll Christian nationalist will cry oppression if that happens.

Someone should hold a seance. If they can speak to spirits, everyone should speak to spirits.

Get the ouija board out.