Feels like Apple is more about fashion then tech IMO

Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 338 points –

I feel like Vision Pro has plenty of tech, but it seems like a solution in search of a problem.

The problem is people are not addicted to their phones enough. Strapping a screen to everyone's eyes is the solution, and it even conveniently allows advertisers to show unimaginably large billboards without paying for the physical space...

I think VR headsets have a place in gaming, content consumption and maybe prosuctivity (if I can plug to to my computer and use it to display countless huge monitors). Having them be a mainstream fashion thing that you wear in public is not for me. Their objective is obviously to achieve something that Google Glass wanted to do, but the tech today only allows for huge headsets. Sadly it will come soon enough

If I can give Apple credit for one thing is they keep their primary OS pretty free of ads and junkware. Like when I open my Apple TV it's just a grid of apps vs my Google TV which has a huge ad for a show on a streaming network you might not even subscribe to. Now what companies do inside their apps is a different story of course.

I’m pretty sure Apple did not intend for them to be worn in public. From the way they function to the way they market them, seems to be a “sitting in your comfortable space not fumbling a laptop” type of device, not really a “go jogging” or “ride the train” or “autopilot your Tesla like a complete moron” type of thing despite what some people just assumed.

i feel like it's going to be another case of the ipad. i dont really remember anyone thinking the original ipad had a reason to exist when it came out (myself included). but after 8-10 years or so, it found a problem that it could solve. (it's a nice way to take handwritten notes.) it's not really necessary now, but it's certainly way more useful than the original ipad was when it first came out.

i dont think the original vision pro will be that useful to anyone, but it might start a line of products that leads to something interesting in 8-10 years. or not, who knows.

Spending a Thousand dollars on a glorified legal pad sounds clinically insane.

I have a TV for watching things at home.

I have a phone for watching things on the go.

If I need to look up information outside my house, again I have my phone which I already pay to be connected to the internet. You need an additional line on your plan for a data connection on an iPad, or rely on public WiFi.

If I need to take notes on something, I can use a 1 dollar legal pad or notebook, which is barely bigger than an IPad and will never run out of charge. If I need to take so many notes that I’ll fill up an entire notebook, I’ll probably just ask to record the thing as a voice memo on my phone.

I’ve still never been convinced that an iPad is a useful device, and I don’t see any way the Vision Pro will be useful for anything other than inundating us with advertising for a larger percent of our existence. God forbid someone spend 10 minutes not looking at their phone and generating revenue for an ad company, now they want to literally strap them to our heads.

doesnt sound like it's something that will be of much use to you, and thats fine. but i use it all the time to annotate textbooks and take notes when studying.

Before all phones were phablets, a tablet was a good middle ground between phone and laptop. Especially for casual browsing and media not having a keyboard in the way and the better battery life was a real benefit to sofa computing.

Now we are seeing phones encroach on 7 inches, what would have been a small tablet a decade ago their use case has dwindled. Now they are a laptop alternatives or child minders.

It's well established that modern Apple is a marketing company that happens to have many products in the tech field.

theres a reason most iphone cases have a cutout to show off the logo

It's because they are. Apple wants to position itself as a "Luxury Brand" first and foremost, that happens to sell mostly tech stuff. Look at the absurd accessory prices, like this thousand dollar monitor stand. There is no reality in which that piece of shit is actually worth that much, but by offering their stupid shit at those prices, people can be associated with such opulence whenever they buy other Apple products. They just want to be the Gucci of computers, and it shows in how they have only been innovating on ways to extract money for low quality products, and not in the actual technology itself.


Apple basically always had been the company that took tech advancements from other companies and put a ton of branding and fashion around it and got famous with it. The iPhone was not the first smartphone, but it was the first fashionable one.

The iPhone was a big departure from smartphones. They used a better touch screen technology, one that was more responsive without a stylus. They also made innovations in how a touch screen would be interacted with. They then packaged it up into a sellable product. They were the ones that figured out the UX of device. The concept existed before, but it wasn't a product that could sell because the UX of touch screens was so bad.

All the other smartphone manufacturers followed apples change. Android was completely reconfigured when it launched.

As far as consumer Innovations its one of the biggest. It ended feature phones and all other types of smartphones. They connected it to the iPod jumping the product category from business user/professional only to everyone. It wasn't that it was fashionable, it was that it was useable that lead to their success.

They have been for decades at this point. Remember the iPod commercials, the ones with the dancing silhouettes of people with the white headphone wires highlighted? In the early 2000's, those white headphones were a status symbol. A literal fashion accessory, jewelry.

This progressed to the iPhone and then aluminum chassis Macbooks. The majority of people who buy a Macbook Air or Pro aren't doing it for productivity or any particular workflow reason. They're doing it so they will be seen at Starbucks or around their quad with a Macbook.

Apple is a marketing company. A hugely successful one, yes, but their main product is not technology. It's image.

The majority of people who buy a Macbook Air or Pro aren’t doing it for productivity or any particular workflow reason. They’re doing it so they will be seen at Starbucks or around their quad with a Macbook.

Do you really believe this?

Having met and supported hardware for many Mac users in my day? Yes. If this doesn't describe you: Congratulations. You're in the minority.

Where I live people are buying them because they're capable machines with great battery life. I've never seen anyone get excited because they saw a guy with a MacBook Pro in Starbucks.

No shitting on the iPod Nano I had in the late 2000s, I bloody loved that thing and it was sturdy as a brick. Glad I never bought anything else from them tho.

Me either, but living in a college town at that time I observed that people were definitely going around wearing their white earbuds (sometimes even fake ones!) without listening to anything just to be seen wearing the things. It was really rather silly, looking back on it now.

I was told Apple is a luxury brand. Most luxury brands focus on fashion.

This makes way too much sense.

If anything Apple is anti-tech. They stifle innovation and limit users at every opportunity.