At what age do old man balls kick in?

Dr. to Ask – 52 points –

Or is it more of a gradual descent over a period of time?


Not sure, but goddamn I could have done with some warning that I'd need to start shaving my ears when I turned 30.

No major ear hair here, but every once in a while a single follicle somewhere on one earlobe or the other decides to vomit out a 15mm hair in like a day and a half (or so it feels)

Same here. It’s also thick as a beard hair. Used to be once every few months. Now it’s several a week. Annoying as fuck.

Ear hair is when I knew I was officially old.

Do you get hairy nostrils? Like one or two really long nose hairs that need to be clipped?

"clipped" - you just reminded me of that episode of House, where the clinic patient (tw: gross) has been using his toenail clippers to trim his nose hair, and he developed a fungus.

PSA - Buy a trimmer specific for that purpose.

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I started to get occasional gray nostril hairs. It's annoying because they are super noticable but also in there far enough like a normal hair that I can't just yank it!

If I yank em out, I sometimes get some sort of weird ingrown nose hair. It's painful for a few days. Now I'm nose hair trimmers so the way.

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I know, right?? Ear hair just gets super aggressive one day in your 30s.

You see, what’s really happening is that the hair-line gets lowered.

It’s like a hat with no top that you pull a bit down your head. So ears will get covered, nose hair will get head-hair length. You’ll even grow hair high on your cheek like over the cheekbones just under the eyes.

Basically they… fall out from the head and wherever they land that’s their new place?

Yepp- some are lucky and end up with medium-long chest hair with pony tail on their backs, and some of us end up with hairy ears

Wait what… now I’m gonna be paranoid and check my ears in the mirror every day

You're in for a treat!


You'll get to have a "the calls are coming from inside the house" situation when something keeps "crawling" on your ear...

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37 and they sag a little, but they can also go all brain mode randomly too 🤷‍♀️

Let me save you some time. It all happens way quicker and way younger than you expected.

I presume it’s highly dependent on how hot of climate you’re in

That's interesting. Are you suggesting a hot and/or humid climate might create more slack in the sack?

Yea, I mean it’s the reason they hang outside the core of the body in the first place

I just tripped over them last week and I’m 40.

It’ll happen to you too!

When you can tuck them under your gut, you'll know.

I'm hoping I will be able stash them in my butthole, for a more aerodynamic look.

Do you see that as more of a serial or parallel arrangement? 🤔

I think it'd have to be parallel to create the proper bottleneck to keep them in place. This is all just theoretical at the moment.

It feels gradual but definitely noticeable in my late 30s.