The dairy industry really, really doesn’t want you to say "bird flu in cows" to – 274 points –
The dairy industry really, really doesn’t want you to say "bird flu in cows"

How industrial meat and dairy trap us in an infectious disease cycle.

H5N1, or bird flu, has hit dairy farms — but the dairy industry doesn’t want us saying so. 

The current, highly virulent strain of avian flu had already been ripping through chicken and turkey farms over the past two years. Since it jumped to US dairy cows for the first time last month, it’s infected more than 20 dairy herds across eight states, raising alarms among public health authorities about possible spread to humans and potential impacts on the food supply. 

One Texas dairy worker contracted a mild case of bird flu from one of the impacted farms — the second such case ever recorded in the US (though one of hundreds worldwide over the past two decades, most of them fatal).

Whatever fear-mongering you may have seen on social media, we are not on the cusp of a human bird flu pandemic; the chances of further human spread currently remain low. But that could change. As the virus jumps among new mammal species like cows, the risk that it’ll evolve to be able to spread between humans does increase. 

But the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), an organization of beef and dairy veterinarians, declared in a statement (condemned by public health experts) last week that it doesn’t believe bird flu in cows should be considered bird flu at all.


Ah yes, the good old, "Leave the disease alone and see what happens" tactic. I wonder if it will just go away this time?

It will be gone be Easter Memorial Day, July 4th or maybe Labor day for sure..

Yeah once it warms up all the cows get some fresh air, drink some bleach, stick a flashlight up their butt, it'll be gone in no time /s

If I don't test for it, it can't hurt me!

… m, mmm, mad?

Also, no games there industry. You don’t get to choose the name, just do your part for public health with your public protections and money (in some cases).

Edit: grammar games

Mad, cow, industry.

Mad cow industry.

Mad, cow industry?

yet another reason to be vegan.

Even the powers of veganism cannot protect you from an airborne virus

obviously, the solution is to dismantle the industries that cause these conditions, but I imagine you already knew that.

Yet another vegan telling us they're vegan when nobody asked.

maybe someday you'll get there.

lol, I don't eat meat. Way to keep up the abhorrent 'holier than thou' attitude.

I loathe people like you. Other people loathe people like you. A stain on a community.

Tagged you as "vegan douche."


They didn't say they were vegan. Your attitude is garbage.

no one asked if you eat meat or not, sounds like you're still happily supporting the industries propelling the next pandemic. if the cost of being on the right side of this issue is faux outrage from "people like you", I welcome it happily without a second thought.


You told me "I'd get there someday," suggesting I eat meat and that it is somehow bad, you insolent prick. You asked.

You truly are insufferable lol. You're gonna join my block list soon.

P.S. I can see you using an Alt acct to upvote your own posts, lmao. What a tool.

You don't have to announce you've blocked someone, just do it, they'll be happier for it.

The suggestion isn't that you eat meat, it's that you will understand the other poster. But yes, keep it up, your attitude only makes people understand the type of person you are.

Hey guess who I'm blocking?

It might be you :)

Feel free.

I'm now being accused of using alts to upvote my own comments, I just wanted to say thanks to all my alts out there for coming through for me, I appreciate you.

I'm not a perfect vegan but I try. Thanks for sticking your neck out like that.

I imagine I'll be in good company.

Certainly in the company of people whose words are not important to see.

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Would they prefer calling it cow flu? Either way, it's going to be used as yet another excuse to jack up prices far beyond the impact (as big or as small as it may be). Not looking forward to this.