Florida congresswoman — a former DNC chair — is months late disclosing family stock sale. Again.

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics @lemmy.world – 314 points –
Florida congresswoman — a former DNC chair — is months late disclosing family stock sale. Again.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), theformer chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, was seven months late disclosing a family stock sale, according to a federal financial document reviewed by Raw Story.


Oh look, it's DWS. The woman who orchestrated the 2016 DNC primaries to be so blatantly biased towards Clinton that it turned a lot of voters away and is partially responsible for Trump winning.

And here I thought the earth has opened up beneath her feet and swallowed her years ago.

As long as the Democratic Party is run by the same neoliberal establishment there will be a place for grotesque sociopaths like her and Terry McAuliffe. Thank you for remembering that she played a key part in stealing the 2016 primary from Sanders as laid out in "the emails!!!" that everyone likes to pretend didn't contain anything horrible.

Everytime someone starts the "it's everyone who didn't show up to vote for Hilary's fault" about trump I just want to scream. The DNC acted so entitled to all the Obama voters in this cycle it was infuriating. I'm registered democrat so I can vote in the primaries. I am not a Democrat. You aren't owed my vote. The shaming and entitlement of this shit drove me further away than ever from calling myself a Democrat.

I wish the choices weren't vote for a party you agree with maybe 20% of the platform of filled with rich corporate shills or a party you agree with 1% of the platform of filled with rich corporate shills. The DNC needs to realize they have to give people a reason to show up to vote. Not just run on not being Republicans.

The fact that they didn't lose horribly in the midterms is all thanks to grassroots efforts in the states with shoestring budgets. When we've dealt with the fascists, it will be the DNC's turn next, and I'm looking forward to the shocked Pikachus.

As long as the Democratic Party is run by the same neoliberal establishment there will be a place for grotesque sociopaths like her and Terry McAuliffe. Thank you for remembering that she played a key part in stealing the 2016 primary from Sanders as laid out in "the emails!!!" that everyone likes to pretend didn't contain anything horrible.

I am by no means a fan of DWS, but this is a tired old narrative that's always been questionable at best.

DWS and the DNC absolutely had a personal preference for Clinton and definitely did Bernie no favors, but the fact of the matter is that Bernie has simply never been popular enough with Democratic voters to win the nomination. He has always over performed in caucuses and underperformed in primaries in more diverse states. And that's without getting into the fact that caucuses are less democratic and have real accessibility issues in the first place. He lost the popular vote among Democrats by more than 3.5 million votes.

Unfortunately, the story has become "the DNC stole the election" when the reality is that a cranky old man from Vermont who has always had trouble connecting with the black voters that are a core part of the Democratic voting bloc didn't have the popularity needed to make it out of the primaries, twice.

It'd be more helpful for progressive politics to focus on why that was and finding a candidate who can message in a way that appeals more broadly to the party as a whole, but instead we're constantly relitigating how the DNC magically pressed buttons that caused Bernie to lose within the party by millions of votes.

While Bernie very well may not have won regardless, the whole superdelegates bullshit turned off a LOT of voters because it appeared that the DNC was overriding the will of the voters. Had they just left things alone, Clinton likely would have gotten the nomination anyway without leaving a huge voter bloc feeling bitter and resentful.

I’m one of those people who was bitter and resentful. I’m old enough to have watched the same scenario play out over and over before.

For the first time, I was actually hopeful that some real change might actually happen, that benefited myself and my fellow “landed gentry”. I had even done something i never thought I would have. I volunteered my time to help Bernie’s campaign.

Then the DNC did what they always do, and made sure that what THEY wanted was more important than the country. Which is how we ended up with trump. Because the status quo wasn’t bad enough already. Right?

Literally anyone not in congress would be in jail. Laws for thee, none for me.

Most people not in congress wouldn’t be subject to this reporting obligation.

Because they aren't in positions that can be used for market manipulation.

Those of us that are though, are not given the kiddie glove treatment that Congress members or the super rich get when this shit happens.

Makes you wonder why she spearheaded the charge against Bernie in the primaries

She threatened President Obama too.


She was the worst head of the DNC in decades. She let the GOP take over the US House, US Senate, and lost a LOT of state houses and governorships under her shitty "leadership"

I believe from my first hand experience during the election that she is directly responsible for Donald Trump becoming president. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is our enemies best friend. Her model of corruption needs to be cut from the DNC for it to stand a chance at gaining back it's credibility after forcing Hillary Clinton down our throats and then calling us sexist for not voting for her.

Is there a better source than the Washington Examiner for that story?

She is of a group of Democrats I am not a fan of. It's a small group but a group none the less.

R's like to say prosecutions are political, but as someone who would chew my own arm off before voting R, I want this woman locked up and out of politics. Being a former (or sitting) DNC chair, or a D in general, is not a free pass, and shouldn't be.

DWS should be locked up. It's constant impropriety bordering on illegality with her.

She's an entitled piece of shit. Her and the rest of the DNC leadership decided Hilary was the candidate before the primary even started and then were shocked when them playing God turned off a big piece of their base from showing up to vote for a unpopular candidate.

This absolute bridge troll of a human being needs to be run out of politics. I cannot believe she survived her disasterous term and DNC chair.

congress should not be allowed to own or trade any kind of stock

The standard fine for violating the STOCK Act is $200, but the House Committee on Ethics and Senate Select Committee on Ethics have historically waived the fees for many violators.

Meanwhile this fucking criminal turns 50.8% profit on her investments.

And then she has the fucking audacity to sign with her "honourable" title on the disclosure form, as if she has the slightest sense of honor.

I would do my best Iago from Aladdin impression at how big a surprise this is but I just can't.

My biggest takeaway is that regardless of if they are abusing their positions with stock purchases and sales they really only have to report the transaction.

So lawmakers who sit on committees and have insider info can freely buy and sell things they have power of control over, so long as they report it.

It would be like robbing a bank but it's A-OK so long as you announce it within 45 days of pulling it off. That's not regulation, that's a farce.

Put he name in the title. This stupid removed should have been left careerless after 2016. She thinks her opinion matters more then the will of the people.

Her name and I think from the headline just about everyone knows who it is. She was the actual reason Hillary lost in 2016 since she made every stupid mistake, including the email mess, herself. People blame Hillary but DWS was the reason it occurred.

100% she's the reason. That's why I'm annoyed she still has a career in politics, it's completely unsurprising she's just as corrupt is when I last heard of her.

There's a paywall on the article, so maybe there are details there that I'm missing. I also wasn't very politically aware until ~2016. Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on why this person caused hillary to lose in 2016? I always assumed it was overconfidence on her part (e.g., not even bothering to campaign in Wisconsin) and then the report from James Comey literally days before the election that tanked her.

If you have an ad blocker, turn off the javascript for the site. You should be able to read it. I've not seen an actual paywall for rawstory.

Why is this bad? I thought you guys liked stocks and capitalism in general..?