Tucker Carlson Turns a Christian Presidential Forum Into a Putin Showcase

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics @lemmy.world – 210 points –
Tucker Carlson Turns a Christian Presidential Forum Into a Putin Showcase

Imagine telling people you love america so much, that you fully support the ideals of an autocratic suppressive foreign regime.... AND PEOPLE BUY IT. Republicans are bringing this country down by the help of useful idiots - on the stage and in the seats.

Imagine rooting and fully supporting the actual enemy of the values, way of life and political views of your own country. Because that's what Russia and Putin are. That means being a traitor even by the enemy standards

They spent most of the 20th century telling us that Russia was the biggest threat to the world. 25 years later Russia starts invading its neighbouring countries and the halfwits are taking the Russian side.

They said the Soviet Union was the biggest threat to the western world. Now they're supporting the ghouls who devoured its corpse.

Dudes a Russian plant. What more evidence is needed. Get him the fuck out of here.

Why does a "Christian presidential forum" exist? People need to keep their death cult book clubs out of politics.

Because tolerant liberals kept tolerating religious garbage for decades instead of confronting this shit early on. Now here we are.

Boot licking shill licks boot and shills. News at 11.

Don't let the US become an all-out theocracy please, your stupidity affects all of us.

Got it, Republicans are bad. Tucker is evil. Christofascism is rising. Vote Democrat. Nothing fundamentally will change.


I mean it'll get worse if you keep voting Republican. I'd rather the status quo than worse. Maybe don't put down enthusiasm of others.

That was not my intention. I’m challenging voters to ask for more from the Democrats. If we don’t ask for more, we’ll never get it.

And that's why instead of spending today making posts or linking articles or conversing in anything about democrat policy, you have replied all day to republican posts by bringing up things that you think democrats should do, that republicans aren't doing either.

No, it is entirely your intention.

This is literally not the first thread i've seen today where you've been shifting the conversation to democrats when it's talking about republicans.

Either make your own topics discussing what you'd like from democrats, or stop shifting the conversation under the guise of asking for more.

Yep. Not a guise though. I’m begging Democratic voters to ask for more. Is that not okay?

Given you somehow ignored everything else I said in order to say that

No. It's not okay. You don't get to ask for that. Not when you're only asking it in bad faith.

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Literally everybody asks for more from the democrats. Who the fuck is excited about Joe Biden? Nobody, it’s just that the alternative is such complete shit and voting third party helps the poop

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Biden has consistently refused to recognize the metastatic cancer that has eaten the Republican Party from the inside out. He still cherishes the dream of bipartisanship and hearkens back to the good old days of hammering out compromises on the Senate floor. Of course he’s going to downplay the difference between the parties.

That doesn’t mean go vote for fucking cancer.

You linked an article where you just read the headline. You didn't read the article apparently where if you did you would have seen this:

'Biden said that poverty was “the one thing that can bring this country down” and listed several new programs to help the poor that he would fund if elected.'

So that could change, for the better, the standard of living of the poor negating your headline only argument.

Additionally, the president prior, Trump instituted substantial permanent tax cuts on the rich with temporary tax cuts on the poor and middle class. The temporary tax cuts for poor and middle class expire in 2025. The rich keep their tax cuts after that date. So even with the worst possible reading of that headline, its still preferable to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

After reading the article a second time, I found a part you forgot to quote:

Biden went on to say that the rich should not be blamed for income inequality, pleading to the donors, “I need you very badly.”

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