Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus to Not The – 560 points –
Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

This is proof that those making the decisions fear protest to the same level as they fear long guns.

One they should fear much less, the other much more.

What a timeline.

Weapons kill bodies; protests kill corporate ideology.

It's the combination they are afraid of

Yeah, that seems like the obvious response to me. Want to pretend like we're armed? Okay, now we're armed.

I have said it before, I will say it again: these protesters need to start peacefully carrying rifles en masse. When they do, we will start to find they won't get attacked by the police or counter protesters anymore.

More protests need people openly armed so cops are less likely to abuse us and leaders listen.

Very cool students!

Yeah that'll end well. They'll either have the swat team mowing people down for have the national guard do the same thing. They'll treat it like terrorism and wipe everyone out, then go on the evening news and say the protestors were firing on police first and killing puppies.

That's not how it has historically went. When the protestors are armed, organized, and remain peaceful, the cops back off because cops are cowards

That only works if you're a fascist, because cops won't target their allies.

Black Panthers seemed to prove otherwise. They won't brutalize in the moment, but it will stick in their craw and they'll wait to hurt you later.

That only works if they break no other laws. In a lot of places, committing a misdemeanor while armed makes it a felony.

Yeah, I don't know that it would work well in these particular protests.

Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent protest inevitable.

If they're going to get the same suspension either way, they might as well..........

Fast track to double secret probation!

I come and study in a place that protesting in university is almost normal, would even go to say that is one of the staples of Chilean universitary culture, something you must Live at lest once to feel complete would say... I can't believe that in the so called "country of freedom" students are repressed like in authoritarian countries. (Even tough they don't reach in extent to commit true crimes against humanity to those who oppose.)

Students should be the spearhead of societal change, and a society that suppress the students is a society that suppress change.

Here in chile, that kind of attitude would make the protests worsen off heavily and be turned around to demand for the deanery to be replaced.

That's why you might as well strap up when protesting. Gonna get the same shit no matter what.

At least when you're strapped, the police are behaved.

Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen

Way back in '68 Ohio, Kent State Was nothing So great Have of have not Forcing the point Shot in the back Take it back Down trod soldier away Flower power Within Kill me Kill this way of life

No way Wrong date Keep up the trade Balanced charade Close circuit truth Used to remove Keep the camera alive

Why you should always protest with guns

I disagree. Protesting with guns just means the whole thing would devolve into a firefight with more civilians than police being killed.

And there's the strong likelihood in that situation that innocent bystanders would be murdered.

It’s not happened like that in the past.

If protesters are armed then the police tend to back off.

Of course, the government then has to choose wether or not to drop bombs on the protesters, but the odds are way, way against that.

Threatening people of another ethnicity is the same thing no matter who is doing it.

Sure we generally take extreme measures against those that threaten Jews. But given past history, is that really a bad thing?

When you see antisemitism, call it it out. Don't look the other way out of fear of being ostracized. These protest movements have a problem, it won't go away if you pretend to not see it.

Israel isn't an ethnicity. Neither is zionism.

Calling hard truths antisemitic makes antisemitism meaningless.

What a shitty headline.

It's a suspension pending hearing. Happens all the time.

They're used for a whole host of reasons including things way less serious than taking a gun to school.

Article chose to paint it this way for clicks and outrage bait.

Some of those facing punishment, including 40 students at UC San Diego, were slapped with “interim suspension” notices following mass arrests at protest encampments. But many others who avoided arrest face the same penalty for reasons that are far less clear. ...

“You very rarely see these interim suspension cases,” said Sukham Sidhu, who heads of the Office of Student Advocacy at UC San Diego and has spent her undergraduate career representing peers through campus disciplinary proceedings. “The only times I’ve seen it imposed are in cases of physical assault.”

Physical assault = bringing an assault rifle to campus? In your mind?

That quote is doing some heavy lifting.

Interim suspensions are a universal thing in colleges. Every college has them. They are used all the time. Cheating. Sexual harassment. Threats.

Repeat violations is a big one. You know, like if the dean or police come bye and tell you to please remove your illegal campsite for the University grounds, and you refuse to do it day in and day out?

And it worked LoL. The simpletons are frothing over the bait. There's video of one of the protesters at UCLA literally pulling a gun on a guy they thought was pro Israel....but wasn't LoL he was there to join. He's been doing pretty funny interviews about it, doesn't seem like the brightest light.