EA Responds to Concerns About Men and Women Playing Together in FC 24 Ultimate Team Mode

TheTechNerd@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 50 points –

Tldr: The mode is meant to be a fantasy and that players should turn to EA Sports FC 24’s Kick Off mode for a more realistic experience.


Jesus Christ.. the incel/neckbeards have no shame. It's a fucking game you twats.

I have no skin in the game with FIFA, I enjoy watching a good game of football but haven't played a game in years. That said, is it a game or a simulation? People play FIFA as they want to feel like the part of the sport they watch from the terraces/on TV every Saturday, and in that Sport, there's no mixed league.

The cynic in me says that this is just a way for EA to pad out the card pool with loads more low stat "trash" players from the woman's game forcing people to grind/pay more to seek a good pull.

You started out asking whether it's a game or simulation, then ended up talking about card pulls. Clearly it's a game then right?

It's a game. In the UT mode you can use players in your team that have long been retired or dead. You have cards that make up crazy what ifs scenarios, like what if Ronaldo was a center back or Messi a right back (don't know if those cards actually exist but you get the point). You can make crazy teams that are completely unrealistic. Now they are expanding that with women.

I don't see the issue personally. I just played it for fun and to make crazy teams. My front line right now is Leao, Raúl and Mahrez. Wouldn't mind changing Mahrez for Beath Mead just for fun. 🙂

The publisher responded to arguments that it was unrealistic by explaining that Ultimate Team mode is meant to be a fantasy and that players should turn to EA Sports FC 24’s Kick Off mode for a more realistic experience.

In that same vein, I want to know why I can't have male v female fights in the WWE games. My sister only makes female characters, and I usually make guys. We can't pit our characters together and it's dumb.

i believe it's part of their contract with mattel toys to not show intergender violence, but the upcoming AEW game has mixed gender matches!

Aew fight forever has already been released. It is not very good though

ah i had no clue, 60-70% reviews is sadly pretty average for a wrestling game, i hope they patch out the bugs!

I wonder if the previous contract with FIFA prevented EA from having mixxed football as it's not someone done as standard in the real world?

There's an alternate universe where this article was never written because people there didn't lose their minds over whether their video game pixels had a penis or vulva concealed by their clothes.

Should a sports simulation game not seek to emulate the sport as it's played in real life?

It does. Play the mode where it does. It also has this mode where all players can be on the same team. How can more options be bad? Just opt to play how it is in the real world if that's what you want.

I hate that we humans are so dumb most of the time. Just let people have choices. Why are female and male characters able to raid together in wow? Why does a female bloodelf maintank have as much HP as a male tauren? Never seen that discussion.

Comparing a game that's a simulation of a real world sport to fantasy role playing games is so disingenuous it's almost parody.

The point is, they're not giving people the choice. Those that want a realistic depiction of football and like to play the ultimate team mode are just being told to lump it and play the modes EA puts less effort into. Choice would be adding women's football or mixed football to Ultimate team as seperate modes.

Pretend that women don’t exist and that you’re seeing long-haired men, if a fake character’s sex is that important to you.

But I’m pretty sure this is one of those cases where the simulation is not the real reason at all. It’s just an ingrained prejudice against women. No one is complaining that dead characters being in there ruins the simulation.

No one's had any issue with women's football being in the game for several years now.

In a separate place, where you could pretend that women doesn't exist. Now that people have to see them, fragile men start crying about realism or whatever excuse they can think of to force EA to hide women again. And that when, again, nobody cared about realism when you could have dead players in your team.

Realism is just the fake rationalization because it would be very bad to say "it's because I hate women". Some of the snowflakes crying about that haven't even realized yet that they hate women.

But it's not different (at all) from what's happening this week, where youtube channels that are showing the women's soccer games are receiving lots of misoginistic comments.

Are women being hidden in real football because they have to play in a seperate league? Why couldn't we just have had a women's ultimate team mode added?

Are women being hidden in real football because they have to play in a seperate league?

Yes. They're relegated to a separate league, where they earn infinitely less money, don't have enough prestige and fame. There's been complaints about that for years and years. Probably from before you were even born.

It's a much easier problem to fix in a game than it is to fix in real life. But when a company tries to change it in the game, there comes the snowflakes to start crying. "I'm being forced to see a woman!"

They're not relegated to a seperate league, they play seperately as football is a contact sport and it would be irresponsible to have mixed teams. First corner and half their players would be down with injuries when everyone went up for the header.

That's the argument I'm making, people buy FIFA wanting to see the game they follow on the terraces each week, where players aren't mixed. Making them mixed on this is just a cynical ploy to fill the card pool up with low stat players while hiding behind a wall of "progressivsm".

Sure, I wasn't aware that the addition of the Ultimate Team mode removed the ability to play in a way more closely resembling the real-world sport though. Care to point out where they've stated that those other modes will no longer be available?

In fact, the article very much states as much explicitly:

The publisher responded to arguments that it was unrealistic by explaining that Ultimate Team mode is meant to be a fantasy and that players should turn to EA Sports FC 24’s Kick Off mode for a more realistic experience.

Be it Reddit or be it the Fediverse, people are too busy with their opinion on the title to read the article behind it.

That's not the point is it. EA have spent the last decade making UT the defacto mode to play that gets all the attention and actually has a satisfactory progression system (albeit riddled with MTXs).

I have no issue with them allowing optional mixed teams in other modes if that's what people want, but forcing it into what's become the "must play" mode seems unfair to those who want to feel like they're part of the game they watch from the terraces each Saturday, which doesn't have mixed play.

The cynic in me says that the real reason behind this is that is allows them to flood the card pool with low stat female players forcing people to grind/pay more to get good pulls and hiding it behind a veil of progressivism so people will come to their defense over any complaints.

Just imagine its Diego Forlan playing and you'll be alright.

I understand that's not your point but don't see why it's worth the sort of frothing-at-the-mouth anger it provokes from the internet peanut gallery. Maybe that doesn't describe you though. I can't argue with your inner cynic's search for ulterior motives, corporate tools will do corporate tool things. If you disagree with their decisions, don't give them your money.

I think for a lot of football fans, it feels like there's a lot of pressure to force women's football to be popular rather than letting it grow naturally in the current climate. That's probably what gets peoples backs up as this feels like another forced attempt to make people get into it, rather than just waiting until woman's football is big enough to support its own game/UT mode.

I'm personally glad for women that their version of the sport is taking off, and that for girls that want to play football they have the option rather than being told it's a "boys game" as I believe everyone should have the same opportunity.

I think there may be a cultural mismatch too. I know that women's football is a lot more popular in the US where the mens game never took off. Whereas in Europe, South America, Africa, etc it's still gaining ground. I believe the FIFA Devs are in Canada so they're probably looking at a different situation to a lot of the fans around the world.

Why would it need ITS OWN game?! I promise you made a half naked girl when you tried lost Ark and didn't bitch back then.

I don't think it needs its own game really, although that doesn't stop EA doing college football games in the US despite it being the same sport. I do think it should be it's own mode to maintain an illusion of simulation of the real sport for the Ultimate Team players.

I don't know what Ark has to do with anything, I played about five minute of thay game all in all and gave up.

Well, it does. In the non-fantasy mode.

The publisher responded to arguments that it was unrealistic by explaining that Ultimate Team mode is meant to be a fantasy and that players should turn to EA Sports FC 24’s Kick Off mode for a more realistic experience.

I get the complaints, it's at best lip service to women's sports. It's trivial to remove women if it becomes a problem. This was a lazy way to add women, they could have added a second mandatory team, but that would require work.

Hard to imagine someone having such a bleak, pathetic life that they can muster any kind of a shit about a game mode where men, and women play together.

Yet, here we are. Now that EA has put their head over the parapet with this game, maybe we can have a fantasy league in the next UFC, and all these incels will have a virtual outlet for their sad viewpoints?

As someone who actually plays this mode regularly, I don't know how to feel about this.

The cynic in me says EA have realised this lets them stuff the player card pool with a load more players from the women's game, forcing people to grind or play more to find good cards.