Huawei's New Mystery 7nm Chip from Chinese Fab Defies US Sanctions

🇵🇸 Free Palestine 🇵🇸 to – 171 points –
Huawei's New Mystery 7nm Chip from Chinese Fab Defies US Sanctions

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It's nice to see access to one of most important technology of the 21st century not at the hands of a single country whims

Most people would've hoped for it to be from Europe but instead of working to free themselves from USA control over such important tech they regulate random stuff and make themselves look like fools.

I strongly believe a joint cooperation of the European union could produce a powerful CPU, GPU but they're sitting on their butts doing nothing. Shame...

Dutch ASML is essential to 7nm and smaller processes. US pitched in enormous amounts of cash in very risky R&D for EUV lithography so they have a say in how it's used but I wouldn't say they control it entirely.

These things are too risky, complex and expensive for any single country/federation or economic block to be on the cutting edge. It's entirely possible to pour money for years and come up empty.

EU should pull as many strings as possible to have cutting edge production capacity within own borders in case of emergency but first we'd have to invest heavily in education of engineers and guarantee competitive salaries because it's incredibly challenging work.

It took Taiwan a generation to accomplish and even now their manufacturing staff is being poached by China because of economic pressures and likely state funded corporate espionage.

China has invested hugely in education and the engineering field, and it's not like they've just been sitting on their hands upto now - of course they do industrial espionage just like everyone else but they also have absolutely huge r&d budgets and an absolutely huge tech sector.

Honestly we should all just cut the tribal politics and work together to create technologies which can help avoid future conflicts -people use to say that middle East would descend into water wars by now but solar powered desalination has totally changed that, if we'd replaced oil already then America wouldn't have needed any of the wars it's been in for the last fifty years...

Rather than every country in the world developing it's own version of everything we should cooperate for a better future.

The brain drain is affecting all the worlds but until recently it wasn't a big problem in Europe. Now, They all migrate to USA in hope of getting jobs at big techs.

They all migrate to USA in hope of getting jobs at big techs.

Eh... It's overrated. The pay is better, but otherwise it is definitely a downgrade. Maybe from east EU, it's a decent deal, from west EU, it's very disappointing. You basically end up thinking "but the money is good" over and over and wanting to go back to actual civilization.

That "money is good" fixes a lot of problems, though.

I've heard that developers in US can even afford a house!?! Crazy, huh, I couldn't believe it either...

I can live a luxury lifestyle in Spain on a budget that would be below poverty lines in the US.

'money is good' until it's all gone in the blink of an eye and you have nearly nothing to show for it.

"luxury", sure. Spain is one of the worse countries for high tech, with low salaries and still pretty high costs.

‘money is good’ until it’s all gone in the blink of an eye and you have nearly nothing to show for it.

WDYM? Unlike Europe, you can actually save a lot for the future.

This all is just one big cope. High tech workers in the US have it better than us. Tough luck, but it is what it is.

“luxury”, sure. Spain is one of the worse countries for high tech, with low salaries and still pretty high costs.

High costs? The highest cost place here is Barcelona and that still looks like a bargain compared to your average tech hub in America.

Also yeah, I do mean a luxury lifestyle. As in, almost all the perks you'd expect from a holiday package as part of a daily lifestyle.

WDYM? Unlike Europe, you can actually save a lot for the future.

Oh sweet summer child...

This all is just one big cope. High tech workers in the US have it better than us. Tough luck, but it is what it is.

I'm a high tech worker myself. Maybe we're in different markets (I'm in cybersecurity) but it sounds like you're being swindled.

Also yeah, I do mean a luxury lifestyle. As in, almost all the perks you’d expect from a holiday package as part of a daily lifestyle.

If you mean those tiny, badly built hotel apartments/suites, then I have a different idea of luxury life.

I used to be happy with a humble lifestyle when I was younger as well, but now with small kids, I want to provide them better living conditions.

Oh sweet summer child…

Do you have some actual argument instead of vague condescending remarks?

I’m a high tech worker myself. Maybe we’re in different markets (I’m in cybersecurity) but it sounds like you’re being swindled.

In a way, I do feel swindled since my direct US teammates on the same level earn about the double of what I do, with lower taxes and lower cost of living. But then I'm actually quite happy with my 200K EUR total compensation if I don't compare.

The problem is that my compensation is rather a big exception. Most seniors I know earn something between 60-80K, with 100K being pretty rare (outside my company).

Only €200k salary? Eesh! I see what you mean! Absolutely unable to save with that kind of money, especially after yatch maintenance and a ticket on Bezos's rocket!

I was in that position until last year, when I got a bump to €500k. Hang in there. It gets better!

I already said I'm pretty happy with my personal salary and conditions. But my salary is far from typical and most devs here get less than half of that.

If you really earn 500K then your "luxury life" makes more sense, but is even farther from a typical Spanish dev.

Nah bro. Tech workers have it crazy good here in Western Europe and they know it.noboby wants to be working 80 hour weeks so you can spend most of your income on rent, get fucked over on healthcare and employee rights, and that's just the people not relying on the green card.

That's seems logical. But where's the innovation then ?

There's plenty of it, it's just not as widely publicised. The company that designed the chips in your phones started off as a British company (ARM) , the heart of the operating systems of many phones, computers and servers started in Finland (Linux), one of the biggest enterprise software developers is German (SAP), the world wide web, including HTTP and HTML, was invented by a Brit.

I don't see them being able to say who can and can't use such and such tech they made or have patent about or something like that. ARM did but it was from USA pressure. Imagine if Torvalds said. I hate Dans, i don't want them to use my kernel or the brits saying wewill cut the net from France.

I don’t see them being able to say who can and can’t use such and such tech they made or have patent about or something like that.

That's because the likes of CERN and Linus Torvalds open sourced their work. And it's a very good thing for the industry as a whole that they did.

You don't need to work 80 hour weeks or spend most of your income on rent.

Just don't buy into the SF bay area meme.

There are large parts of the country that aren't much better, and a lot of them are where these jobs are based. Doesn't help that companies have become anti-WFH recently.

Texas is much cheaper, doesn't have STATE INCOME TAX, housing is more readily available

As long as you don't mind having basic human rights denied

Sure, Texas has less taxes. Shame about the lack of employee rights, public healthcare, public childcare, etc.

Nah, it's difficult to get into US even for high tech workers. Western Europe also gets a lot of talent through immigration.

It just means that it's the creme de la crème that are taken which is kinda worst.

Having worked from Europe (London, specifically) together with US-based teams during my time in Investment Banking IT, they sure didn't seem to be lå crème de lå crème.

I've also worked in various parts of the Tech Industry, including Startups (never in the US, though at times with US-based colleagues or SV "refugees") and they weren't especially good, particularly at the more senior stages, probably because working long hours in a disorganised environment were most of your work ends up wasted due to mismanagement and lack of direction all for the very very low probability of making it big from stock options isn't exactly appealing for people with sufficient professional experience (professional experience in all senses, not just technical expertise but also the actual experience of being a professional at a senior level).

I think you're confusing the ability of - through throwing tons of money at it and trying countless times and in countless way, as well as due to good management mentoring networks - producing a few massivelly successful business ventures in Tech (and a trully gigantic list of failures nobody ever hears about), of the business, investment and social environment which is the Valley with actual competence in Tech: as far as I can tell they're great at attracting young, naive and trully brilliant (IQ-wise) people and throwing them all sorts of challenges which are great in the early professional growth stages, but are pretty close to incapable of supporting professional growth beyond mid-level.

This is the kind of rĂŠponse i like to read. First hand view of something i had a misconception about.

Just a little mistake : it's " la crème de la crème". Là is used for location and pointing at something

Well, in my language accents have very specific rules based on the sound of the vowel, so I ended up using those (incorrectly, as you pointed out, because the feminine form of "le" is not spelled the same as the counterpart of "ici") and hoping for the best rather than the proper French ones which I don't actually know ;)

I give you that US is getting a better talent on average. But I don't believe this is the most pressing problem for EU - there's plenty of talent, there's just a problem in leveraging it.

I just want more competition. A single company controlling the market is bound to end bad. A single country controlling such sensitive tech is bound to end bad.

Dutch company makes the machines that shoot US chip designs via lasers via German mirrors to Japanese/German/Taiwanese silicon wafers that are further processes by Japanese machines in a Taiwanese factory.

Dutch company that is heavily pressured not to sell the machine to China by the US government. All the countries you listed are close allies of the US. You can't fault the US from trying to stop China but let's not pretend this is a free global market.


Care to elaborate ? More competition is always better. Usa being able to control who can and can not make CPUs is scary and heavily impact the sovereignty of all countries. Especially, in our modern world.

heavily impact the sovereignty of all countries

Personally I don't have an issue with impacting sovereignty of countries like China or Russia, since their idea of sovereignty means suppression of others.

All countries.

surly the leopards won't eat my face

Pretty much the sentiment i think people have. They have this blind trust in USA i don't understand.

You are so close to being self aware

You mean , trusting USA is good ? Oh, shit.. Am done... If you are from there read your fucking history damn it. I can't know your own history better than you. am honestly tired of people coming to argue with me for stating trusting a single country over every goddamn thing and it only plainly saying "fuck you, what you gonna do about it ?" when caught fucking them over as being the crazy one. Wtf ?

Listen buddy, America is the good guys and we're on the same team, my country has a special friendship with the US with a lot of history behind it. All we have to do is everything America tells us to and to never do anything like choose a form of government they don't like or trade with someone they're not friends with or do anything that might affect American companies profits....

I don't know what makes you think the US is controlling the chip sector, because it ain't us. Almost all of the world's general use chips are made in fabs in Asia. Why do you think the rest of the world is trying stop an invasion of Taiwan by China? The US is trying to bring BACK fabs ASAP because of that risk.

Also, if you weren't aware, nothing is stopping any other country from creating their own chip designs and having them fabricated.

Hmmm, Wonder what happened to Huawei.....

Being banned from use in the US due to having exploits and backdoors doesn't stop the company from selling elsewhere. They sell a product the government doesn't trust, so they can fix it, or not selling the US. Sounds like a Huawei problem.

Wonder what made them stop making ARM chips and forced to make their own . Am sure they just got bored.

ARM stopped selling them designs. That's a British company. When the entire world isn't buying your stupid bullshit, you'd THINK you'd give up and try something different. Instead you have bot-like sympathizers like you buying their bullshit and defending them on the internet lol.

It's okay. You can still go back and read a few articles. I am all for acknowledging my mistakes but this ain't one. Please educate yourself.

The US stopped Huawei from having its chips fabbed

No they didn't lol. That's a Chinese company with backdoors and exploits all over their hardware that cant be SOLD in the US. They can fab their chips wherever they want, but they can't sell their product in the US.

Ironic. Something something Snowden, something something mass surveillance, something something forcing backdoors on companies.

Something something PRC Sympathizer, blah blah oppressive government, yada yada Chinese Bot comments.

Ah, yeah. The "you're a Chinese bot" comment. It says everything that need to be said. Self reflection is advised. Fuck the Chinese government tho. They're assholes too, can't deny that.

Them trying so hard to make it seem Huawei was like " can't sell in USA might as well commit seppuku" show how they think the world revolves around them. Them not knowing USA barred Huawei from making ARM chips make me questions why am even answering any comments at all if some don't even know what they're talking about.