Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report to politics – 564 points –
Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report

Already looking ahead to the turmoil his re-election could cause, Donald Trump and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement.

According to a Washington Post report on Sunday, the drafting of such plans has largely been “unofficially outsourced” thus far to a coalition of right-wing think tanks working under the title “Project 2025.” It was identified as an immediate priority for the hypothetical resurrected Trump administration, internal communications obtained by the newspaper showed.

In response to questions from the Post, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung provided a statement: “President Trump is focused on crushing his opponents in the primary election and then going on to beat Crooked Joe Biden,” he said. “President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution.”


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Is america really this retarded?

Trump lost the popular vote last time but still got enough state victories to win with Electoral College votes, and he is less popular now than then, but his base is very vocal and with so many adults disassociating themselves with the Republican Party it makes it a very bottom of the barrel pool for candidates.

The problem is there is only one other national party with any chance of winning, and their candidate just gave more weapons to the nation currently bombing children's hospitals and refugee camps.

So while the average US Citizen might be better than this, our ancestors built a system and our elders corrupted it to the point where a large enough coalition of below average people can destroy the nation. Yes, we're really that stupid.

The problem is media capture and people not realizing how they are being bamboozled, not anything else.

Oh no, it absolutely is bigotry. Bigotry is the root of how those people think and it's the mindset the fascists are exploiting.

It's racism plain and simple..

Remember when Joe the Plumber claimed that deep down "Everyone wants a white Republican president again!"

He specified White.

Same reason why I knew that Ben Carson's lead was going to vanish as soon as the debates began. Not because he isn't a good debater. I mean he's got the pseudoscience crowd on lock along with the pseudo intellectual. But it was very obvious that when the Republican base saw what color doctor Ben Carson is yeah that's going to be the end of it.

My sister in law: Ahem, fake news. Checkmate librul.

Also my extremely gay ex-online friend who used to be a Democrat until he hit himself on the head with 4chan:

Your average American voter is apparently a goldfish.

Contrary to popular belief, goldfish don't have bad memory.

I'd prefer goldfish to American voters. Goldfish have their priorities straight. They'll remember who drops the pellets and who said they'd drop pellets but never did.

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There's a good documentary on this - Idiocracy.

Yet those people were smarter than his supporters. they saw someone smart and decided to put him in power.

Not a good example because Camacho literally acknowledged that there was a problem and then put the smartest man in the world towards fixing it.

Oh god. It's worse than Idiocracy.

Reality is Stranger Than fiction, not because we live in a world of Wonder and miracle or there's some kind of magic in the world that makes things happen. But simply because people who write fiction typically want it to make sense.

Not all Americans, but a surprising amount of them. And the "liberal media" with their both-sidering horse race nonsense is not even pretending to try to make the situation any better.

Evidently yes. I can't even wrap my head around it. I will die before ever fully understanding how any grown and evidently sane adult could ever look at Donald Trump and say to themselves, "yeah, that's the guy I want for my president!" I just can't fathom it. I've had years to think about it but it still simply does not compute.

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