Israel built bunker under Shifa hospital, ex-Israeli PM says to World – 196 points –
Israel built bunker under Shifa hospital, ex-Israeli PM says

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Yes, Hamas would use an Israeli company to build their secret bunker. That sounds very plausible indeed. Hamas is well-known to be trusting of Israelis.

Edit: I don't even think they bombed the hospital because of a bunker in the first place.

Also, a surprising number of people seem to be taking the word of an ex-Israeli PM as truth around here.

Ehud Barak: "No, decades ago, we were running the place... we helped them to build these bunkers."

Why the fuck people trust anything this liar says is beyond me. He was defense minister during the Gaza war.

That Israel built the bunker that they are claiming justifies them bombing the hospital it was under looks really bad for Israel. Why would he lie about that?

He's saying Israel built it for Hamas. That's the bullshit part.

No, he's saying Israel built it for Israel's purposes. He's claiming that Hamas has been using it (presumably since Israel pulled out of Gaza in '05). But Israel using structures it built as casus belli to blow up a hospital looks really bad on Israel's part.

I think any reason to blow up a hospital makes Israel look bad, but if I misunderstood what he meant, fair enough.

The justification is that Hamas uses hospitals for their purposes and they have bunkers and tunnels there. Why would it matter who build the bunkers? IDF is trying to destroy Hamas who uses hospital (with bunkers). Per this article the bunkers were built for hospital medical use.

Per this article the bunkers were built for hospital medical use.

I'm sure Israel would love people to think they built bunkers under a hospital for medical use.

Why else would they build them? This was before Hamas came to power, when Israel was occupying Gaza permanently.

To store munitions? That's what bunkers are for. Or do you think Israel wouldn't store munitions in Gaza?

No, bunkers are actually for people to survive airstrikes and shelling. It even makes sense having one near a hospital, because sick people can't go fast when the sirens go off. Usually responsible governments build bunkers for their citizens when there is a chance of war. Military sometimes has command bunkers, but they are not for and not near civillians.

So Israel did not use bunkers to store weapons but Hamas did. Seems a little propagandistic to me.

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Why would they do it under hospital? I understand the ugly logic of Hamas doing this, but Israel would not make any sense. There was no reporting of them doing that, ever.

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@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte Remember, it's Israel claiming what those bunkers are used for and by whom, and they are well known to lie.
Generally speaking, never trust anyone engaged in ethnic cleansing.

Unfortunately, I trust Hamas even less. However, there was an interview of a doctor who worked at this hospital, who did confirm that Hamas was using it.

@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte The question is was the doctor under duress by Israeli forces? It's not like Israel plays it straight, or has any reason to. Israel has used human shields, Israel has attacked and is currently attacking Palestinians in the West B. ank where Hamas isn't, Israel even violated the ceasefire first. So let's not pretend that they are an honest broker, because they aren't

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@MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte That's fair, they're terrorists. That said, Israel by every measure is worse

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I mean, in Barak's mind he's probably attempting to justify the bombing. In a sane person's eyes it looks really bad.

Maybe that's the problem. The so-called justification just went over my head. Because it's fucking nuts. How many innocent people who were in need of hospital care did they kill? Including children? And then claim it's because Hamas uses human shields...

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No isreal built it so they'd have an excuse to genocide palestinians by claiming hamas was hiding there.

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Fascinating to read. Did you not read one line of the article that stated that Israel buildt it decades ago when they controlled Gaza?

I'm not saying I belive Israels claims of Hamas using it as a command center but let's at least get the facts straight.

Isreal built the hospital.

That doesn't mean they built a bunker for Hamas to use underneath it.

Isreal said that hamas was using the bunker.

Isreal lies to justify bombing hospitals.

I mean, (probably) not for Hamas... He did straight up say Israel built it and was using it as a command center during his time in office though

This wasn't an accusation, it was a surprising admission during an interview

Most ppl ignore Israel gvt helped in the creation of Hamas

Also, a surprising number of people seem to be taking the word of an ex-Israeli PM as truth around here.

people will take what serves their agenda...

And ignore what doesn't serve their agenda.

Cognitive dissonance + cherry picking.

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